Fortunately for M. de Rnals reputation as an administrator, a hugeretaining wall was required for the public avenue which skirts thehillside a hundred feet above the bed of the Doubs. To this admirableposition it is indebted for one of the most picturesque views in France.But, every spring, torrents of rainwater made channels across the avenue,carved deep gullies in it and left it impassable. This nuisance, whichaffected everybody alike, placed M. de Rnal under the fortunateobligation to immortalise his administration by a wall twenty feet inheight and seventy or eighty yards long.
The parapet of this wall, to secur which M. de Rnal was obliged tomake three journeys to Paris, for the Minister of the Interior before lasthad sworn a deadly enmity to the Verrirres avenue; the parapet of thiswall now rises four feet above the ground. And, as though to defy allMinisters past and present, it is being finished off at this moment withslabs of dressed stone. How often, my thoughts straying back to the ball-rooms of Paris,which I had forsaken overnight, my elbows leaning upon those greatblocks of stone of a fine grey with a shade of blue in it, have I sweptwith my gaze the vale of the Doubs! Over there, on the left bank, arefive or six winding valleys, along the folds of which the eye can makeout quite plainly a number of little streams. After leaping from rock torock, they may be seen falling into the Doubs. The sun is extremely hotin these mountains; when it is directly overhead, the travelers rest issheltered on this terrace by a row of magnificent planes.
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世界名著典藏係列:紅與黑(英文全本) [The Red and The Black] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025