本书选取了21个以上知名室内设计师设计的新项目,展示了当代室内设计的潮流。 本书室内居住设计涉及的范围很广,从别墅、度假村、酒店、公寓、个人住宅等多个空间领域展开设计,为您全面呈现室内设计的精髓。 本书的每个设计都是鼓舞人心的,从世界各地反映出不同的生活方式,此外在一般读者和那些对细微设计感兴趣的读者之间有着广泛的吸引力。 The newest designs featured in this book represent the latest trends of contemporary residences from more than 21 well-knowned designers. The modern indoor space design involves a wide range, from the villa, resort, hotel, apartment, private residence , and other fields of design space which will present you the essence of the interior design. This book is inspirational in its many varied designs, reflecting lifestyles from around the world. It has wide appeal to both the genneral reader and those interested in the finer aspects of design. 这本书是为当代建筑师和室内设计师以及想要改建装修房屋者的相关人士提供的一本灵感来源和借鉴范本。 同时书中附有建筑师和室内设计师们以及相关设计公司的网站链接。 本书汇集了多家国内外知名设计公司,如Studio Guilherme Torres, Dariel Studio, Fabio Galeazzo, Eric Tai Design Co., Ltd, Mal-Vi Architects, Studio Bird Architect 等等。 This book provides a source of inspiration and model reference for people like Architects, Interior designers, house owners and renovation demanders. Apart from this, the book has the web site links of Architects, Interior Designers, and their design companies. This book gathers so many famous design companies from home and overseas together, including, Studio Guilherme Torres, Dariel Studio, Fabio Galeazzo, Eric Tai Design Co., Ltd, Mal-Vi Architects, Studio Bird Architect etc. 广告语: 1. 本书涵盖了住宅装饰与设计的方方面面,从改造空间到进行装饰和室内陈设的选择,到创造氛围以及添加彰显个性具有独特之处,来使你的家别致而独具风格。。 2. 冷淡的客厅能够变成舒适的天堂,压抑的走廊能够成为受人欢迎的入口。这些不单纯是设计上的大胆尝试,更是为了居住者们能在所创造的氛围中愉快的享天。
Residential Zone 意空间2 居住地带 住宅室内装饰陈设设计书籍 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
Residential Zone 意空间2 居住地带 住宅室内装饰陈设设计书籍 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书1111111111111111111111111
Residential Zone 意空间2 居住地带 住宅室内装饰陈设设计书籍 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025