细胞兴奋性、神经系统的基因表达与调控(导读版)(影印版) [Encyclopedia of Neuroscience:Cellular Excitability,Gene Expression and

细胞兴奋性、神经系统的基因表达与调控(导读版)(影印版) [Encyclopedia of Neuroscience:Cellular Excitability,Gene Expression and 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书 2025

斯奎尔(Larry R.Squire) 著


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出版社: 科学出版社
丛书名: 神经科学百科全书7
外文名称:Encyclopedia of Neuroscience:Cellular Excitability,Gene Expression and Regulation in the Nervous System






Action Potential Initiation and Conduction in Axons
Calcium and Signal Transduction
Calcium Channel and Calcium-Activated Potassium Channel Coupling
Calcium Channel Subtypes Involved in Neurotransmitter Release
Calcium Channels
Calcium Channels and SNARE Proteins
Calcium Homeostasis in Glia
Calcium Waves in Glia
Calcium Waves Purinergic Regulation
Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated and Hyperpolarization-Activated Channels
Dendritic Signal Integration
Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons
Glial Influence on Synaptic Transmission
Glutamate Receptor Clusters Narp, EphB2 Receptor, Stargazin
Glutamate Regulation of Dendritic Spine Form and Function
Hair Cells Sensory Transduction
Hodgkin-Huxley Models
Information Coding
Inwardly Rectifying Potassium Channels
Ion Channel Localization in Axons
Ion Channel Localization in Cell Bodies and Dendrites
Ionic Channels in Glia
Large Conductance Calcium-Activated Potassium Channels
Myelin Molecular Architecture of CNS and PNS Myelin Sheath
Neuromodulation of Calcium Channels
Neuromodulation of Sodium Channels
Neuronal Pacemaking ,
Neutrotransmission and Neuromodulation Acetylcholine
Potassium Channel Regulation
Schwann Cells and Axon Relationship
Sodium Channels
Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity (STDP)
Spine Plasticity
Synaptic Transmission Models
Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) Channels
Two-P-Domain (K2p) Potassium Channels Leak Conductance Regulators of Excitability
Ultrastructural Analysis of Spine Plasticity
Voltage Gated Potassium Channels Structure and Function of Kvl to Kv9 Subfamilies
Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels
Voltage-Gated Potassium Channels (Kv10-Kv12)
Alternative Splicing in the Nervous System
Alzheimers Disease Molecular Genetics
Alzheimers Disease Transgenic Mouse Models
Aversive Emotions Genetic Mechanisms of Serotonin
BAC Transgenesis Cell-Type Specific Expression in the Nervous System
Circadian Gene Expression in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
Clock Gene Regulation of Endocrine Function
Clock Genes and Metabolic Regulation
Decoding Neuron Transcriptome by SAGE
Dendrites Localized Translation
Gene Expression Dysregulation in CNS Pathophysiology
Gene Expression in Normal Aging Brain
Gene Expression in the Evolution of the Human Brain
Gene Expression Regulation Activity-Dependent
Gene Expression Regulation Chromatin Modification in the CNS
Gene Expression Regulation Steroid Hormone Effects
Gene Therapy Direct Viral Delivery
Gene Therapy Genetically Modified Cells
Genetic Influence on CNS Gene Expression Impact on Behavior
Genetic Regulation of Circadian Rhythms in Drosophila
Genomic Disorder and Gene Expression in the Developing CNS
Genomics of Brain Aging Apolipoprotein E
Genomics of Brain Aging Nuclear and Mitochondrial Genomes
Genomics of Brain Aging Twin Studies
Hippocampus Molecular Anatomy
Hox Genes Expression
Microarray use for the Analysis of the CNS
Molecular Anatomy of the Mammalian Brain
Neuromuscular Junction Neuronal Regulation of Gene Transcription at the Vertebrate
Olfactory Insights from Transcriptional Profiling
Pain and Genes
Plasticity, and Activity-Dependent Regulation of Gene Expression
Psychiatric Disorders Functional Genomics
Psychiatric Genomics and Expression Profiling
Single Cell Genomic DNA Analysis
Sleep and Sleep States Gene Expression
Sox Gene Expression
Stress Response Genetic Consequences
Thyroid Hormone and Transcriptional Regulation in the CNS
Transcription and Reward Systems
Transcription Control and the Circadian Clock
Transcription Factors in Synaptic Plasticity and Learning and Memory
Transcriptional Networks and the Spinal Cord
Transcriptional Silencing
VelociGene and VelociMouse High-Throughput Approaches for Generating Targeted Mutations in Mice on a Genome-Wide Scale


Voltage-gated potassium channels have K+-selectivepores that are opened by membrane depolarization.This opening allows the movement of K+ ions acrossthe plasma membrane and the generation of K+ cur-rents that tend to repolarize the membrane towardthe equilibrium potential for K+ (EK). Voltage-gatedpotassium channels contribute widely to the electricalproperties of neurons. They influence subthresholdproperties, including the resting potential and mem-brane resistance. They influence the amplitude andfrequency of subthreshold oscillations, the responsive-ness of the cell to synaptic inputs, and the probabilityof spike generation. They help shape postsynapticpotentials, and they are the main determinants of therepolarization of the action potential governing spikeshape and frequency. Their voltage-dependent activityensures a non-ohmic current-voltage relationship,which thereby enables the channels to contribute tothe nonlinear properties of neurons. Voltage-gatedpotassium channels have similar functions in otherexcitable cells, including all varieties of muscle. In non-excitable cells, they contribute to the resting potentialand to the regulation of Ca2+ entry and secretion. Voltage-gated K+ channels differ dramatically intheir kinetic and voltage-dependent properties aswell as their cellular and subcellular distributions.This diversity is a main contributor to the varied elec-trical properties of neuronal populations throughoutthe nervous system. Thus, understanding the input-output relationship of neuronal elements demands thecontinued effort to study the properties and localiza-tion of these channels and analyze their physiologicalroles in native membranes.


  20世纪中叶以来,关于神经系统的研究从以往生物与心理学研究的边缘地位跃升,成为神经科学这一交叉学科。这一新学科将生物化学、细胞生物学、解剖学、生理学、心理学、神经病学、精神病学等具有不同背景的科学家与临床医生们联系起来,研究令人激动的脑的秘密。他们专注于探索神经元的功能机制,澄清行为与认知的神经基础,了解神经系统疾病。1969年神经科学学会的创建大大促进了该学科的发展,如今该学会已经拥有近37 000名会员。第一个针对神经科学的学术培训项目建立于医学院(1965年加州大学圣迭戈分校建立神经科学系,1966年哈佛大学建立神经生物学系)。第一个本科生培训项目于1972年建立于Amherst学院和Oberlin学院,后者培养了诺贝尔奖获得者:Roger Sperry和三位神经科学会会长。时至今日,全世界已经有超过300个神经科学系或相应的培养项目。
  《神经科学百科全书》的第一版,也是该学科的第一本详尽的参考书,于1987年在George Adelman卓有成效的领导下出版;该版本分为两卷,共700多个条目。本书的第二版由George Adelman和Barry Smith主编,包括超过800个条目,于1999年分两卷出版,同时配发了光盘版。2004年的第三版仅以电子版本发行。
  本次出版的版本包括近1500个条目,全书在Science Direct网站上发行,读者可以注册登录阅读。主编小组在神经科学中划分出46个主要领域,并邀请各个领域的专家担任副主编,由他们组织该领域的内容。每位副主编再邀请30~40位作者准备各个专题条目,这些专题将努力涵盖该领域的所有内容。许多专题作者都是该领域享有盛誉的领导者。这使得该书成为当今神经科学学科的汇编,其中囊括了最重要的研究、最有力的研究工具、最有潜力的应用。
细胞兴奋性、神经系统的基因表达与调控(导读版)(影印版) [Encyclopedia of Neuroscience:Cellular Excitability,Gene Expression and 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式

细胞兴奋性、神经系统的基因表达与调控(导读版)(影印版) [Encyclopedia of Neuroscience:Cellular Excitability,Gene Expression and mobi 下载 pdf 下载 pub 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2025

细胞兴奋性、神经系统的基因表达与调控(导读版)(影印版) [Encyclopedia of Neuroscience:Cellular Excitability,Gene Expression and 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025

细胞兴奋性、神经系统的基因表达与调控(导读版)(影印版) [Encyclopedia of Neuroscience:Cellular Excitability,Gene Expression and 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书
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