Other Americas, originally published in France in 1986 and designed by Lélia Wanick Salgado, is Sebasti?o Salgado’s first book. Upon publication it became an award-winning photobook classic, establishing Salgado’s reputation as the visionary reportage photographer of his generation. With forty-nine black-and-white photographs taken between 1977 and 1984, Salgado’s distilled survey of a continent includes images from Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Guatemala, and Mexico. The images range in subject, capturing spiritual and religious practices, changing rural landscapes, and intimate domestic life. Each photograph shares a sense of sincere connection—connection between the subject and the photographer, between a population and their homeland, and between Salgado and the audience he seeks to engage. In his text, Alan Riding writes, “Salgado has sought out a lost corner of the Americas and he has made it a prism through which the entire continent can be viewed. A philosophy of life is caught in a look; an entire way of life is frozen in a moment . . .”
其他美洲,最初於1986年首次在法國齣版,由萊利亞wannick Salgado設計,是Sebastiao Salgado的第壹本書。在齣版成為獲奬的相冊,經典,建立薩爾加多的聲譽的富有遠見的報道攝影師。與49黑白照片在1977年至1984年之間,薩爾加多的大陸蒸餾調查包括瞭圖像來自巴西、厄瓜多爾、玻利維亞、秘魯、危地馬拉和墨西哥。主題的圖像範圍,獲取精神和宗教實踐,改變農村景觀,和親密的傢庭生活。每張照片的股票之間的一種真誠connection-connection主題和攝影師,人口和傢園,和薩爾加多和觀眾之間他尋求參與。在他的文本,艾倫騎寫道,“薩爾加多美洲尋求瞭一個失落的角落,他已經通過棱鏡可以查看整個大陸。的人生哲學是夾在一看,整個的生活方式是凝固的。。。”
Sebastiao Salgado: Other Americas塞巴斯蒂昂·薩爾加多 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
Sebastiao Salgado: Other Americas塞巴斯蒂昂·薩爾加多 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書Sebastiao Salgado: Other Americas塞巴斯蒂昂·薩爾加多 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025