About the Authors
Components of the Series
Features of the Series
Teaching Techniques
Student Oral Assessment Checklist
Assessment Chart
Unit Tests
Mastery Tests
Meet Katie and Karl
Unit 1 My Class
Unit 2 My Home
Unit 3 My Body
Unit 4 My Clothes
Unit 5 My Toys
Unit 6 Helpers
Unit 7 The Playground
Unit 8 Animals
Unit 9 Party Food
Katie and Karl's“Good-bye”
Cutout Page
International Phonetic Alphabet
Time Guidelines
Mario Herrera has been an English teacher for25 years, from elementary to post-graduateprograms. He has a bachelor's degree inEducation and a Master's degree in TEFL(Teaching English as a Foreign Language). Hedoes research and experimentation on how toteach English overseas more effectively. He is co-author of the first edition of Parade, as well as ofthe EFL series Balloons for pre-school, and theEFL series for high-elementary and junior highschool students My Friends (all published byLongman/Pearson Education). He has alsowritten for specific junior high school markets inMexico. As an international academic consultant,Mr. Herrera has traveled the world for the pasttwelve years on behalf of Pearson Education,directing seminars and in-service training sessionsthroughout the Americas, Europe, the MiddleEast, and Asia. He has won several academicawards for his presentations.Theresa Zanatta is an author, teacher, teachertrainer, and education consultant. She has beenwriting, teaching, and training teachers andtrainers for more than 15 years. She is based inBarcelona, Spain, but has worked in more than20 countries around the world——in Europe, theMiddle East, Africa, Asia, Canada, and theUnited States. During this time she has also heldthe positions of Director, North AmericanInstitute in Badalona, Spain, and Director, AdultEnglish Program of the North American Institutein Barcelona. In addition, she regularly teaches atthe University of Barcelona, Valle D'Hebron, intheir postgraduate program for elementaryteachers. Ms. Zanatta has a B.S. degree from St.Michael's College, University of Toronto, ateaching Certificate in TEFL from the RoyalSociety of Arts, London, and a Master's degree inTEFL in curriculum design and developmentfrom the Universitat de Barcelona. Ms. Zanatta isco-author of the first edition of Parade(Lon~man/Pearson Education, 1996).
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