Unit 1 The First Civilizations
Text A The Cradle of Civilization
Text B Pyramids in Egypt
Text C Otzi's Last Meal
Unit 2 Ancient Greece (I)
Text A The Classical Greece
Text B A Tale ofTwo Cities: Sparta vs. Athens
Text C Alexander the Great: The King of Kings
Unit 3 Ancient Greece (II)
Text A The Hellenistic Greece
Text B The Ancient Olympic Games
Text C The Parthenon
Unit 4 Ancient Rome(I)
Text A Rome: From Republic to Empire
Text B Conversion of the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire
Text C The Buming of Rome
Unit 5 Ancient Rome (II)
Text A Roman Art and Architecture
Text B Roman Baths
Test C The Roman Forum
Unit 6 The Bible and the Rise of Christianity
Text A An Introduction to the Bible
Text B The Rise ofChristianity
Text C The Gospels
Unit 7 The Middle Ages
Text A Between Ancient and Modern
Text B The Crusades
Text C The Black Death
Unit 8 The Making of Renaissance
Text A The Dawn of a New Age
Text B Humanism of the Renaissance
Text C Johann Gutenberg
Unit9 High Renaissance
Text A Renaissance Art and Artists
Text B Mystery behind the Mona Lisa
Text C William Shakespeare
Unit 10 The Reformation
Text A The European Reformation
Text B The Roman Catholic Church in 1500
Unit11 The Baroque Age
Text A The Age of Revolution
Text B Newton, the Apple, and Gravity
Text C Baroque Style
Unit12 The Age of Enlightenment
Text A The Enlightenment
Text B WolfgangAmadeus Mozart
Text C Women in the Enlightenment
Unit 13 The French Revolution
Text A The French Revolution
Text B The Storming ofthe Bastille
Text C The Reign of Terror
Unit 14 Romanticism
Text A Romanticism
Text B The Sorrows of Young Werther
Text A Science and Culture in an Age of Realism
Text C The Romantic Painting
Unit 15 Realism
Text A Science and Culture in an Age of Realism
Text B A Taleof Two Cities
Text C Charles Darwin
Unit 16 Modernism and Other Contemporary Trends
Text A Modernism Defined
Text B Modernism after World War II (I)
Text C Modernism after World War II (II)
Key to Exercises
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