在《Pakistan Journal of Statistics》,《IIE Transactionson Design and Manufacturing》,以及《經濟研究》和《計算機集成製造係統》等刊物上發錶論文50餘篇。編輯齣版《工業工程專業英語》(被評為普通高等教育“十一五”國傢級規劃教材)和《物流與供應鏈管理專業英語》(後改名為“物流工程與管理專業英語”)教材兩部,翻譯英文原版教材《Methods, Standards and Work Design》和《International Logistics, The Management of International Trade Operations》兩部.獨立編著《國際物流管理》教材一部並獲全國工程碩士專業學位教育指導委員會推薦核心教材的資助。
第一篇 對工業工程的認識
CHAPTER 1 Industrial Engineering Education for the 21st Century
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Quality in IE education
1.3 Theory and practice
1.4 Curriculum integration
1.5 Role of the IE
1.6 Ethics in education
1.7 Curriculum assessment
1.8 Conclusions
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The name game
2.3 Curriculum
2.5 Expectations
2.6 Future directions
2.7 More challenges
CHAPTER 3 Grand Challenges for Industrial Engineering in the 21st Century'
3.1 Background and introduction
3.2 NAE grand challenges
3.3 IIE council of fellows role for industrial engineering
3.4 A research and contribution plan for industrial engineering
3.5 Futurizing the IE curriculum
3.6 Summary and conclusions
第二篇 基礎工業工程
CHAPTER 4 0perations Research
4.1 Brief history
4.2 Some or accomplishments
4.3 An outlook on a research agenda
CHAPTER 5 WorkMeasured Labor Standards
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Developing standard times
5.3 Maintaining standard times
CHAPTER 6 Ergonomics
6.1 The origin of ergonomics
6.2 A system description of ergonomics
6.3 The goal of safety
6.4 The goal of productivity
6.5 The trade off between productivity and safety
6.6 The goal of operator satisfaction
6.7 Conclusion
CIIAPTER 7 Research Challenges and Recent Progress in Next Generation
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Emerging trends in industry
7.3 Next generation factory layouts
CHAPTER 8 0perations Management
8.1 Celebration of history and accomplishments
8,2The challenges of the 1970s and 1980s and the response
8.3 The department's history and current editorial mission
8.4 The way forward
CIIAPTER 9 The Role of IE in Engineering Economics
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Engineering economics
9.3 Steps in the evaluation process
9.4 Analytical problems encountered
9.5 Tools of engineering economy
9.6 The potential of IE for the firm
第三篇 現代工業工程
第四篇 豐田製造模式
第五篇 工業工程前沿
第六篇 工業工程展望
Summary of Professional Vocabularies and Expressions
Rosenbrock pointed out that during the Industrial Revolution there were efforts to apply the concepts of a "human centered design" to the tools such as the spinning-jenny and the spinning-mule. The concern was to allocate interesting tasks to the human operator, but to let the machine do repetitive tasks.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, Frederick Taylor introduced the "scientific" study of work. This was followed by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth who developed the time-and-motion study and the concept of dividing ordinary jobs into several small micro-elements called "therbligs." Today there are sometimes objections to Taylorism, which has been seen as a tool for exploiting workers. Nonetheless, these methods are useful for measuring and predicting work activities. Time-and-motion study is a valuable tool if used for the right purpose!
Industrial psychology in the beginning of the twentieth century emphasized how one could select, classify and train operators who were suitable to perform the task. The research on accident proneness is typical of this era. Accident proneness implies that there are certain individuals with enduring personality characteristics, who incur a majority of accidents. If one can understand how these individuals differ from "normal" people, one can exclude them from the activities where they incur accidents. This approach, which dominated research for about 20 years, was not fruitful, since accident proneness and many personality features are not stable features, but change with age and experience. In current ergonomics there is a reality that human error is mostly caused by poor design, and the emphasis is to design the environments and artifacts that are safe for all users.
In Europe, ergonomics started with industrial applications in the 1950s, and used information from work physiology, biomechanics and anthropometry for the design of workstations and industrial processes. The focus was on the well-being of workers and manufacturing productivity. In the USA, human factors engineering, human factors and engineering psychology developed from military problems, and had their origin in experimental psychology and systems engineering. The purpose was to enhance systems' performance. Today these two traditions have fused. It is indicative that the Human Factors Society in the USA recently changed its name to the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Since the 1950s ergonomics and human factors have proliferated in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Australia. In many industrially developing countries (IDCs), ergonomic problems have manifested themselves, and have become more obvious in the era of rapid industrialization. The transformation from a rural agrarian to an urban, industrialized life has come at a cost, and workers are "paying" in terms of a tremendous increase in industrial injuries and in terms of worker stress. Many of these problems remain hidden, because the official statistics that can illuminate the true state of affairs are not usually available.
高等院校工業工程專業係列規劃教材:工業工程專業英語(第3版) [Professional English for Industrial Engineering] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
高等院校工業工程專業係列規劃教材:工業工程專業英語(第3版) [Professional English for Industrial Engineering] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
高等院校工業工程專業係列規劃教材:工業工程專業英語(第3版) [Professional English for Industrial Engineering] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025