
幽默英文(套裝共5冊) 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書 2024

高雅哲 編


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齣版社: 南海齣版公司
叢書名: 幽默英文










第一章 無敵腹黑
1 We Close at Ten 我們十點關門
2 Burglars Broke into the House 盜賊來
3 A Polite Horse 有禮貌的馬
4 Have the Money 緻富
5 The Man Is Looking for It 他正在找呢
6 Egges 雞蛋
7 Kept Coming Back 總是飛迴來
8 Good News and Bad News 好消息與壞消息
9 You Should Be Replaced 你應該被替換
10 How to Get a Seat by the Fire 怎樣在火爐旁找個好座位
11 It Hurts 疼
12 Is He Really Ill 他真病瞭嗎
13 Sharing on the Train 火車上的共享
14 Letter from A Fool 傻瓜來信
15 To Bury the Goldfish 埋金魚
16 Perfect Project 完美設計
17 Two Hundred Times 兩百遍
18 Who on earth Lost 到底誰輸瞭
19 The Eager Beaver 工作狂
20 Two Soldiers 兩個士兵
21 Fishing with a Mirror 用鏡子釣魚
22 A Large Hole 大水坑
23 A Shoebox 鞋盒
24 NASA Mars Mission 國航局火星計劃
25 Two plus Two 二加二
26 Drunk Superman 喝醉的超人
第二章 萌倒童年
1 Mother and Son 母與子
2 Why Is He Crying 他為什麼哭
3 Is It a Good Way 是好辦法嗎
4 Why Is Your Face So Red 你的臉為什麼那麼紅
5 A Clever Girl 聰明的小女孩
6 A Good Box of Matches 一盒好火柴
7 It Was Fine This Morning 今天早晨還好著呢
8 I Need His Football 我需要他的足球
9 What do They Eat 吃什麼
10 A Boy with a Big Head 大頭娃娃
11 A Good Boy 好孩子
12 Where Is the Father 爸爸在哪兒
13 I Just Showed Him 我隻是讓他看瞭看
14 List Your Sins 列齣你的過錯
15 God's Creations 上帝的創造
16 Pregnant 懷孕
17 Two Cents a Glass 兩分一杯
18 Little Rock Buys the Bread 小洛剋買麵包
19 The New Baby 新寶寶
20 An Artist's Daughter 畫傢的女兒
21 Lucky Mother 幸運的母親
22 Why Does It Rain on the Road Too 雨為什麼也要下在路上呢
23 She Wants to Keep Them 她想占有它們
24 Whose Baby Is It 誰的寶寶
25 Jesus Is in the Bathroom 耶穌在衛生間裏
26 Big TroubIe 麻煩大瞭
第三章 名人趣談
1 Before the Foundering 沉船之前
2 Hat 帽子
3 There Isn't a Scar on Your Body 身上沒有疤
4 1+1=1 1+1=1
5 1 Make Way for a Fool 給傻瓜讓路
6 Wearing Glass 戴眼鏡
7 Autograph 簽名
8 You Have Already Beacome a Great Man 你已經成瞭偉人
9 What Are You Really Thinking about 你在想什麼
10 You Should Pay Double Tuition 你應該付雙倍的學費
11 I Have Continually to Bow 不斷緻意
12 Stamp 郵票
13 Borrow a Book 藉書
14 Editor's Reply 編輯的答復
15 Worn out Overcoat 愛因斯坦的破爛外套
16 He Bathes on Behalf of Me 他代我洗澡
17 Charming Girl 美女
18 A Strange Creature 奇怪的生物
19 A Humorist 一位幽默傢
20 "The Pope Is Never Wrong"Is Not True 教皇永無過錯
21 Elementary Knowledge 基礎知識
22 A Story of Jimmy Durante 杜蘭特的單口相聲
23 What Did He Eat 牛頓"吃飯"
第四章 狗血江湖
1 My First Operation 第一次手術
2 Bouncing Up and Down 上下跳動
3 Rules for Success 成功法則
4 You Were Flying Too Low 飛得太低瞭
5 Introductions 介紹
6 Got It Again 舊病復發
7 I Didn't 我沒打過
8 First Baby 第一胎
9 Computer Language 計算機語言
10 Experience 經驗
11 Do You Need Help 需要幫忙嗎
12 The Last Tooth 最後一顆牙
13 Pregnant 懷孕
14 That Officer Was Not Popular 不受歡迎的長官
15 Surgeons 外科醫生
16 Is She Pregnant 她懷孕瞭?
17 The Warm‐hearted Nurse 熱心的護士
18 Appeal 上訴
19 The Taxi Driver and the Priest 齣租車司機和牧師
20 A Brand‐new Brain 全新大腦
21 Traffic Accident 交通事故
22 A Tough Marine Sergeant 粗魯的海軍中士
23 How Many Can Be Discharged 多少人能齣院
24 That's Your Worry 那是你的事
25 Post Haste 緊急郵遞
26 Old Fire Truck 舊消防車
27 A Smuggler 走私犯
28 Protect Himself 保護自己
29 Cover the Shadow with Sand 用沙子遮住影子
30 In Prison VS at Work 監獄與單位
第五章 親密關係
1 I Was in Love and Didn't Notice It 戀愛中沒有注意到
2 I'm the Bridegroom's Mother 我是新郎的母親
3 Looking for a Husband 找個丈夫
4 In the Swimming Pool 在遊泳池裏
5 Marry 結婚
6 Be inside the Coat 我在外套裏
7 I'm Hooked on You 我被你勾住瞭
8 Not My Daughter 不是我的女兒
9 Dating 約會
10 The Baby Will Just Like You Tomorrow 寶寶明天就像你瞭
11 Change 變化
12 We're Divorced 我們已經離婚瞭
13 The New Telephone Number 新號碼
14 It's Too Late 太晚瞭
15 Promise or Threat 承諾還是威脅
16 Some Conversations on Married Life 婚姻百態
17 Thirty Years Younger Than Me 比我年輕三十歲
18 He Asked Me First 他先嚮我索吻瞭
19 Birthday Rose 生日玫瑰
20 What Are You Going to Do This Evening 你今天晚上要乾什麼去
21 A Penny Pincher 守財奴
22 Rejuvenation Pill 返老還童藥片
23 My Wife Makes All Small Decisions 小事老婆說瞭算
24 Twins 雙胞胎
25 I Had Him Buried Upside down 臉朝下埋的
26 Always Share 分享一切
27 The Perfect Husband 完美丈夫
第六章 最強大腦
1 I Think That I Am a Bird 我認為自己是一隻鳥
2 Does He Bite 它咬人嗎
3 Put the Peach Back on the Tree 把桃子放迴樹上去
4 I Did Not 我纔沒有
5 Poisonous Snakes 毒蛇
6 Frog 青蛙
7 Pose for Pictures 拍照留念
8 Tell Horses Apart 區分馬
9 Space Race 太空競賽
10 Chewing Gum 口香糖
11 Small White Rabbit Fishing 小白兔釣魚
12 One for the Price of Two 一物二價
13 Flying Turtle 飛翔的海龜
14 The Ability of the Kangaroo 袋鼠的能力
15 Special Kiss 特殊的親吻
16 Another Choice 另一個選擇
17 Eat,Coat 大衣,你吃吧
18 A Boring Man 無聊之人
19 He Was Only Wrong by Two 他的答案隻比正確答案差二
20 The Talking Frog 會講話的青蛙
21 Hot Air Balloon 熱氣球
22 Fast Chicken 跑得飛快的雞
23 Pay for the Mother 為"媽媽"埋單
24 Caught by Cannibals 被食人族抓住
25 Lion and Lady 獅子和女郎
26 A Fish Tale 一條魚的故事
27 Special Pig 神奇的豬
28 Who Had the Most Tragic Death 誰死得更慘
第七章 急中生智
1 Handsome Man 帥哥
2 Fat Man and Thin Man 胖子和瘦子
3 Big Surprise 大吃一驚
4 Can Not Stop 無法停下來
5 The Best Stimulant 最佳興奮劑
6 All Your Life 你的一生
7 Lawyer's Answer 律師的迴答
8 The Autograph 簽名
9 A Moron 白癡
10 A New Employee 新職員
11 It's Hard to Tell One from the Other 雙胞胎難辨
12 The 15th Vice President 第十五位副行長
13 Who Should Change 誰該換?
14 The Bill 賬單
15 To Take Love More Seriously than Friendship 重色輕友
16 Distance 距離
17 I'm Calling to Report My Neighbor 檢舉揭發
18 Suitcase 手提箱
19 Perfect Match 絕配
20 What's on Your Back 你的背上放什麼東西
21 A New York Lawyer 一名紐約律師
22 The Cleverest Son 最聰明的兒子
23 Don't Worry 不必擔心
24 The Servant's Ruse 僕人的詭計
25 A Rick Does Long Way 一招解決大問題


  第一章 無敵腹黑
  1 We Close at Ten
  Waitress,”shouted the impatient diner,“do I have to sit hereand starve all night? ”
  “No, sir, we close at ten o’clock.”
  2 Burglars Broke into the House
  Poet: Burglars broke into my house last night.
  Friend: Yes? What happened?
  Poet: They searched through every room, then left a $10 bill onmy bureau.
  3 A Polite Horse
  John: Tom, how was the horse‐riding yesterday?
  Tom: Not so bad. But my horse was too polite.
  John: Too polite?
  Tom: Yes. When we came to a fence, he let me go first.
  4 Have the Money
  “How did you plan your future?”
  “I became the partner of a rich man. He had the money and I had the experience.”
  “How did that help?”
  “Now he has the experience and I have the money.”
  5 The Man Is Looking for It
  A little boy came home with a five‐dollar bill and said he found it.
  “Are you sure it was lost?”asked his mother.
  “Sure,I’m sure,”said the little boy,“I saw the man lookingfor it. ”
  6 Egges
  “How did you make your neighbor keep his hens in his own yard? ”
  “One night I hid five eggs under a bush in my garden, and next day I let him see me gather them. I wasn’t bothered after that. ”
  7 Kept Coming Back
  At the insistence of a reporter, a wealthy man finally decided toreveal the secret of success.“I first became rich by selling homing pigeons. ”he explained.
  “Really?”replied the amazed reporter,“How many did youstart with?”
  “Only one, ”the millionaire answered,“but he kept coming back.”總是飛迴來
  8 Good News and Bad News
  An artist asked the gallery owner if anyone had shown interest in his paintings.
  “I’ve got good news and bad news. ”he said,“The good 幽默英文(套裝共5冊) 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式

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