职场英语口语大全 初中级日常口语英语书籍商务英语口语大全(扫码听音频)

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语阅图书 著,方振宇,振宇英语教学研究中心 编


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Chapter 1 求职应聘 The Job Interview

Section 1 自我介绍,展示才华 Self-Introduction, Show Your Skills

1 我的专业技能 My Specialized Skills

2 一些特殊的语言技能 Some Unique Language Skills

Section 2 优势与劣势Advantages and Disadvantages

1 优缺点 Strengths and Weaknesses

2 我的专业背景 My Major Background

Section 3 应聘原因 Reasons for Applying for the Job

1 为何应聘这份工作 Why This Job

2 为什么是心理学 Why Psychology

Section 4 职业规划 Career Planning

1 长期职业目标 Long-term Career Goals

2 未来的目标 Future Goals

Section 5 薪资待遇 Expected Salary and Benefits

1 关于工资范围 About Salary Range

2 公司的福利待遇 The Benefits of the Company

Section 6 面试结束了 After the Interview

1 三天内给结果 Know the Decision Within Three Days

2 录用 A Job Offer

Chapter 2 新丁报到,请多关照 The Office Newcomer

Section 1 主动结识同事 Introducing Yourself to Coworkers

1 我是新员工 I’m a New Employee

2 我是您的助理 I’m Your Assistant

Section 2 领取办公用品 Getting Office Supplies

1 笔和便利帖 Pens and Post-its

2 换台电脑 Change a Computer

Section 3 熟悉工作环境 Getting Familiar with the Work Environment

1 参观综合大楼 A Tour of the Complex

2 参观办公室 Visit the Office

Section 4 参加培训 Attending Training Courses

1 新员工培训会 The Training Session for Newcomers

2 三场研讨会 Three Workshops

Chapter 3 进入工作状态Working Time

Section 1 上司分配任务 Taking on a Task

1 写专题报道 Write the Feature Article

2 专题的视角 The Angle of the Feature

Section 2 开展工作 Getting Started

1 开始着手项目 Start the Project

2 我的计划 My Plan

Section 3 团队协作力量大 Being a Team Player

1 不错的团队合作 Good Team Work

2 团队协作 Team Cooperation

Section 4 汇报工作进度 Reporting Your Progress

1 提交周报 Submit the Weekly Reports

2 周报的截止日期 The Deadline of Weekly Reports

Section 5 保证按时完成 Finishing on Time

1 能按时完成 Be Able to Finish on Time

2 确保今晚按时完成 Make Sure to Finish on Time Tonight

Chapter 4 日常事务处理Daily Affairs

Section 1 日常文件整理Filing Documents

1 找文件 Look for Files

2 按日期归档 File Documents Under the Date

Section 2 公司内部邮件往来 Communicating with Coworkers via Email

1 发送项目说明邮件 Send an Email About the Instructions of a Project

2 设置邮件主题 Give Every Email a Subject

Section 3 发函联络客户 Contacting Clients Using Business Emails

1 给保罗发封邮件 Send an Email to Paul

2 与客户的沟通方式 The Way of Contacting Clients

Section 4 遇到了问题,寻求帮助 Asking for Help

1 我真的需要帮助 I Really Need Help

2 你应该找安妮帮忙 You Should Ask Annie for Help

Chapter 5 电话沟通无障碍Telephone Communications

Section 1 接听电话,礼貌得体Answering the Phone

1 罗杰先生在吗 Is Mr. Roger There

2 请维姬接电话 May I Speak to Vicky

Section 2 转接电话 Transferring a Call

1 转接电话 Transfer a Call

2 请别挂机 Please Hold

Section 3 应对电话咨询 Responding to Enquiries

1 电话咨询工作 A Call to Enquire About the Position

2 电话咨询新电影 A Call to Enquire About the New Movie

Section 4 与客户在电话里沟通 Communicating with Customers over the Phone

1 电话确认 A Call to Confirm

2 获得反馈 Obtain Feedback

Section 5 处理客户投诉 Responding to Customer’s Complaints

1 电话机坏了 The Phone Is Broken

2 三明治弄错了 The Wrong Sandwich

Chapter 6 主持会议不怯场Holding a Meeting

Section 1 会议的筹备 Preparing for a Meeting

1 做PPT Make a PowerPoint

2 明天的会议 Tomorrow’s Meeting

Section 2 会议开始了Opening a Meeting

1 欢迎参加周会 Welcome to This Week’s Meeting

2 会议开始 The Meeting Begins

Section 3 征求别人意见Asking for Suggestions

1 新产品演示 New Products Presentation

2 南美市场战略 South America Strategy

Section 4 表达赞同或反对Agreeing and Disagreeing

1 完全不认同 Totally Disagree

2 谢谢你的意见 Thanks for Your Comment

Section 5 做好会议总结Drawing a Conclusion

1 记录票数 Record the Votes

2 记住会议内容 Remember the Contents of the Conference

Chapter 7 业务达人,谁与争锋 Being the Best Salesman

Section 1 进行市场调研 Conducting a Market Survey

1 产品市场调查 A Market Survey on the Products

2 帮忙做市场调研 Help with Some Market Research

Section 2 开展营销活动Starting a Marketing Campaign

1 推广新杂志 Promote a New Magazine

2 寻找目标受众 Look for Target Audience

Section 3 争取客户订单Obtaining Purchase Orders

1 提交订购单 Submit the Purchase Order

2 新订购单和报价 A New Purchase Order and Price

Section 4 需要出差 Being on a Business Trip

1 更新出差手册 Update the Business Trip Manual

2 飞往旧金山参加培训 Fly to San Francisco for Training

Section 5 升职加薪Promotion and Getting a Raise

1 谈谈加薪 Talk About the Pay Raise

2 应该加薪 Deserve a Raise

Section 6 迎接年终考核The Annual Evaluation

1 考核不出意料 No Surprises for Evaluation

2 年终考核 Annual Review

Chapter 8 成为谈判高手Becoming a Good Negotiator

Section 1 介绍自己及公司 Presenting Yourself and Your Company

1 洽谈业务 Represent the Business

2 介绍公司 Present the Company

Section 2 向对方介绍产品Introducing Your Products

1 介绍冰箱 Introduce Refrigerators

2 介绍产品及服务 Introduce Products and Services

Section 3 讨论合作的可能性Discussing Cooperation Opportunities

1 对合作感兴趣 Be Interested in Cooperation

2 保险业务合作 Cooperation of Insurance Business

Section 4 进行价格谈判Negotiating the Price

1 谈车的价格 Negotiate the Price of the Car

2 保险报价 The Quote of Insurance

Section 5 协商合约细节Negotiating the Contract

1 修改合同细节 Make Some Changes of the Contract

2 23%更合适 23% Is More Realistic

Section 6 协商付款方式Negotiating Payment Terms

1 首付款65% Take 65% as a Down Payment

2 每半年付一次款 Pay Every Six Months

Section 7 双方签订合同Signing the Contract

1 签合同并履行 Sign the Contract and Fulfill It

2 今天签合同 Sign the Contract Today

Chapter 9 跟同事相处,其乐融融Getting Along with Your Coworkers

Section 1 跟同事共进午餐Having Lunch with Your Coworkers

1 聊午餐 About Lunch

2 吃午餐闲聊 Eat Their Lunch and Chat

Section 2 虚心向同事学习Learning from Your Coworkers

1 公司新标志 A New Logo of the Company

2 帮助同事操作PPT Help a Coworker to Operate the PPT

Section 3 及时解决矛盾与冲突Solving Contradictions and Conflicts

1 我今天有点儿沮丧 I’m Kind of Frustrated Today

2 请把餐具放到水池 Please Put the Dishes in the Sink

Chapter 10 遇到特殊状况Special Circumstances

Section 1 上班迟到了Arriving Late

1 别为迟到找借口 No Excuse for Being Late

2 睡过头了 Overslept

Section 2 需要加班Working Overtime

1 今晚要加班 Need to Work Overtime Tonight

2 今晚不加班 No Overtime Work Tonight

Section 3 开始休假Taking a Vacation

1 计划去休假 Plan to Go on a Vacation

2 批准休假 Approve the Vacation Request

Section 4 进行岗位调动Transferring Jobs

1 调往匹兹堡分公司 Move to the Branch in Pittsburgh

2 愿意调职去北京 Willing to Relocate to Beijing

Section 5 请辞Resigning

1 递交辞职信 Hand in the Letter of Resignation

2 为了孩子辞职 Resigning for Kids

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