作 者:Tedd Arnold(泰德·阿諾德) 繪 者:Tedd Arnold(泰德·阿諾德) 齣 版 社:Scholastic 裝 幀:套裝平裝 冊 數:5冊 頁 數:每冊30頁,共150頁 語 言: 英語 尺 寸:22.2 x 15.2cm ISBN :9780545615327 推薦閱讀年齡: 6~12歲 有趣可愛的蒼蠅小子來啦!Scholastic齣版社精心準備瞭這一5本優惠套裝,由知名作傢Tedd Arnold創作的充滿個性的每個有趣故事一定會讓喜歡幽默的孩子們愛不釋手! 蒼蠅本身在生活中是比較不讓人喜歡的昆蟲,但在本係列故事裏,卻是小男孩Buzz的寵物,還有可愛的名字“蒼蠅小子”。可不要小瞧它,它和它的主人一起,做齣瞭很多瞭不起的事情呢! 可愛的畫風,搞笑誇張的文字能讓孩子們在開心的閱讀過程中學習到不少新詞匯和句子用法。雖然是章節書,但是Fly Guy整套書文字難度並不太高,再加上有趣的情節和可愛的圖畫,很容易讓孩子産生閱讀興趣,比較適閤親子共讀,或者已有一些英語閱讀基礎,在尋找橋梁書的孩子自己閱讀。 Fly Guy Reader Collection (5 Books) contains 5 wonderful stories: 1. Hi! Fly Guy 2. Super Fly Guy 3. Shoo, Fly Guy! 4. Fly High, Fly Guy! 5. Fly Guy Meets Fly Girl! |
1. Hi! Fly Guy Tedd Arnold's hilarious HI! FLY GUY, originally published in 2005, is now available in paperback with foil on the cover! Boy and fly meet and so begins a beautiful friendship. Er, and so begins a very funny friendship. Using hyperbole, puns, slapstick, and silly drawings, bestselling author/illustrator Tedd Arnold creates an easy reader that is full of fun. This book is a Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor book! 2. Super Fly Guy The second book in a humorous, award-winning series about a boy and his pet fly is now available as a Level 2 reader! Fly Guy loves the school lunchroom. But when the lunch ladies discover there's a fly in the cafeteria, chaos ensues! Using hyperbole, puns, slapstick, and silly drawings, bestselling author/illustrator Tedd Arnold creates an easy-to-read story that is full of fun and excitement. 3. Shoo, Fly Guy! The third book in a humorous, easy-to-read series about a boy and his fly! Fly Guy returns home to discover that Buzz has gone on a picnic without him! Sad and hungry, Fly Guy takes off in search of his favorite food. He gets shooed away from a hamburger, a pizza, a dog's bones, and even roadkill--leaving readers to guess what Fly Guy's favorite oozy, lumpy, smelly, and brown food could possibly be! Why, it's shoo-fly pie, of course! Using hyperbole, puns, slapstick, and silly drawings, bestselling author/illustrator Tedd Arnold creates an easy reader that is full of fun. 4. Fly High, Fly Guy! The fifth book in an award-winning, easy-to-read series about a boy and his pet fly, each book in the series has a fun foil cover! Mom and Dad won't let Fly Guy go along on the family road trip. They're afraid he'll get lost. But when Dad accidentally shuts him in the trunk, Fly Guy goes along for the ride! First, Fly Guy gets lost at the picnic site--but he shows up in the garbage can. Then he gets lost at the art museum, but he shows up as part of a modern painting. At the beach, he turns up in a shell, and at he amusement park, on Buzz's hot dog (yuck!). 5. Fly Guy Meets Fly Girl! 英文原版 Fly Guy Reader Collection蒼蠅小子5本套裝[7-12歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
英文原版 Fly Guy Reader Collection蒼蠅小子5本套裝[7-12歲] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
英文原版 Fly Guy Reader Collection蒼蠅小子5本套裝[7-12歲] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025