Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Slope Failures Under Rainfall and Failure Mechanisms
1.2 Recent Advances and Hot Research Topics
1.3 Outline of The Book
Chapter 2 Infiltration and Seepage Analysis in Soil Slopes
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Estimation of Infiltration Rate Based on Conceptual Model
2.2.1 Mechanism of Infiltration in Soils
2.2.2 Green-ampt Model for Infiltration of Constant Rainfall on A Level Ground
2.2.3 Infiltration of Constant Rainfall on A Sloping Ground
2.2.4 Infiltration of Time-varied Rainfall on A Sloping Ground
2.3 Seepage Analysis in Unsaturated Soil Slopes Based on Physical Governing Equation
2.3.1 Governing Equation of Water Flow in Unsaturated Soil
2.3.2 Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Soils Soil-water characteristic curve Coefficient of permeability function
2.4 Analytical Solutions of the Richards Equation
2.4.1 Analytical Solution of One-dimensional Infiltration Under Constant Rainfall
2.4.2 Analytical Solution of One-dimensional Infiltration Under Time-varied Rainfall
2.4.3 Effect of Soil Properties, Boundary Conditions, and Initial Conditions Saturated permeability ks Desaturation coefficient asy E/i[ective water content 鑣-鑢 Antecedent surJhce JTux q0 RainJall intensity q1 Thickness of soil layer L
2.5 Numerical Analysis of the Richards Equation
2.5.1 Standard Formulations
2.5.2 Spatial Approximation and Time Discretization
2.5.3 Nonlinear Solution Methods
2.5.4 Numerical Oscillation
2.5.5 Rainfall Infiltration Boundary Condition
2.6 Typical Pore-water Pressure Profiles Under Rainfall Condition
2.7 Soil Conditions Under Which Matric Suction Can be Maintained
2.7.1 Pore-water Pressure Profiles Under Steady-state Conditions
2.7.2 Pore-water Pressure Profiles Under Transient Seepage Conditions Effect of air-entry value on the wetting front Effect of the saturated coefficient of permeability Influence of water storage coefficient Effect of the groundwater boundary conditions
2.7.3 Geotechnical Engineering Implications
Chapter 3 Stability Analysis of Slope Under Rainfall Infiltration Based on Limit Equilibrium
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Infinite-slope Stability Analysis Based on One-dimensional Infiltration Profile
3.2.1 General Equation of Factor of Safety for Infinite Unsaturated Slope
3.2.2 Simplified Scenarios of Various Seepage Conditions Steady-state condition with seepage parallel slope surface Transient condition with different shapes of wetting front
3.2.3 Slope Stability Based on Estimated Nonlinear Unsaturated Shear Strength Fredlund et al.(1996) nonlinear shear strength equation Vanapalli et al.(1996) nonlinear shear strength equation Vilar (2006) nonlinear shear strength equation Khalili and Khabbaz (1998) nonlinear shear strength equation
Chapter 4 Coupled Hydromechanical Analysis for Unsaturated Soil Slope
Chapter 5 Stability of Soil Slope with Cracks
Chapter 6 Stability Analysis of Colluvium Slopes Upon A Rainstorm
Chapter 7 Reliability Analysis of Slope Under Rainfall
Chapter 8 Probabilistic Assessment of Randomly Heterogeneous Soil Slopes
Chapter 9 Probabilistic Model Calibration
Several excellent books cover a wide spectrum of unsaturated soil mechanics and its applications to slope engineering, such as " Unsaturated Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice" by Delwyn Fredlund, Harianto Rahardjo and Murray Fredlund published by Wiley and "llillslope Hydrology and Stability" by Ning Lu and Jonathan Godt published by Cambridge University Press. The new book "Rainfall Induced Soil Slope Failure: Stability Analysis and Probabilistic Assessment" by Lulu Zhang, Jinhui Li, Xu Li, Jie Zhang and Hong Zhu is a new addition which focuses on rain-induced slope failures from a soil mechanics approach. The authors of the book are all very active young researchers in the field of study.
The new book concisely presents the fundamental mechanics behind rain- induced soil slope failures: infiltration and evapotranspiration in soil slopes, slope stability under rainfall infiltration, and hydro-mechanical coupled deformation. The concepts and analyses are presented clearly from the first principle with a strong physical sense. Some advanced topics, such as plastic analysis of hydro-mechanical coupled seepage and deformation in unsaturated soil slopes, are approached in a plain manner with hand-on tutorials, which is ideal for graduate students. The analysis of the stability of slopes with cracks is an excellent addition-practitioners are aware of the vital importance of cracks but few have the knowhow to quantify cracks on slopes and their effects on slope stability. The book overall provides the fundamental knowledge to deal with climate-slope interactions and resulting slope failures.
The new book also systematically presents the uncertainties involved in the characterization and analysis of rain-induced slope failures. Methods for reliability analysis of slopes under rainfall, including probability concepts, identification of sources of uncertainty, stochastic finite element method and probabilistic model calibration, are introduced. This is a unique feature of the book-it is perhaps the only book that addresses both the mechanics and
uncertainties behind rain-induced slope failures.
I believe that Rainfall Induced Soil Slope Failure: Stability Analysis and Probabilistic Assessment will serve as an excellent reference for educators, university graduate students, researchers and practitioners.
降雨誘發滑坡:穩定分析和概率評價(英文版) [Rainfall-induced Soil Slope Failure Stability Analysis and Probabilistic Asse 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
降雨誘發滑坡:穩定分析和概率評價(英文版) [Rainfall-induced Soil Slope Failure Stability Analysis and Probabilistic Asse 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
降雨誘發滑坡:穩定分析和概率評價(英文版) [Rainfall-induced Soil Slope Failure Stability Analysis and Probabilistic Asse mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025