Adeptly address today's business challenges with this powerful new book from web analytics thought leader Avinash Kaushik. Web Analytics 2.0 presents a new framework that will permanently change how you think about analytics. It provides specific recommendations for creating an actionable strategy, applying analytical techniques correctly, solving challenges such as measuring social media and multichannel campaigns, achieving optimal success by leveraging experimentation, and employing tactics for truly listening to your customers. The book will help your organization become more data driven while you become a super analysis ninja!
向数据驱动型决策转变以及如何利用网站数据来获得竞争优势。 在过去几年中,互联网、在线营销以及广告经历了巨大的变革,然而大家处理数据的方式跟几十年前相比还是大同小异,停滞不前。网站分析领域的领跑者avinash kaushik通过《精精通Web Analytics 2.0:用户中心科学与在线统计艺术》提出了下一代网站分析的框架,将能很大程度地帮助你提高组织的能动性和对市场的反应速度。 在《精通Web Analytics 2.0:用户中心科学与在线统计艺术》中,avinash将点击流网站分析工具与定性数据、测试与试验以及竞争情报工具相结合,从而推演出详尽的网站战略以及操作层方案。 在他的第一本畅销书《精通web analytics——来自专家的最佳web分析策略》(清华大学出版社引进并出版)中,avinash给出了很多基于行业的经验总结,而在《精通Web Analytics 2.0:用户中心科学与在线统计艺术》中,他进一步阐述了如何去衡量、分析目前互联网上出现的新技术和应用,并在此基础上快速行动。这些新技术和应用包括:社交媒体、视频、移动互联网以及用户为中心的设计等。作者通过对传统方法的改造,对互联网数据进行抽丝剥茧般的分析,提出了具体、简单以及更先进的方法。如果你想成为网站分析专家,《精通Web Analytics 2.0:用户中心科学与在线统计艺术》将是你的最佳选择。 《精通Web Analytics 2.0:用户中心科学与在线统计艺术》主要内容 寻找解决方案来应用那些最艰巨的挑战,包括多渠道分析、多触点营销活动归因分析等 定量化网站的整体价值,如衡量电子商务、非电子商务、b2b网站的宏观与微观转化 从分析方法角度重新思考搜索的三个方面:站内搜索、付费搜索以及搜索引擎优化 通过定义组织中最相关的kpi,从而建立动导向的企业仪表板 互联网最新领域的分析方案,如博客、移动互联网以及富媒体分析等 通过测试与试验来建立真正的以用户为导向的改进与创新 塑造数据驱动型的领导与组织,提出成为分析专家所需要的技能与知识
Avinash Kaushik is the author of the leading research & analytics blog Occam's Razor. He is also the Analytics Evangelist for Google and the Chief Education Officer at Market Motive, Inc. He is a bestselling author and a frequent speaker at key industry conferences around the globe and at leading American universities. He was the recipient of the 2009 Statistical Advocate of the Year award from the American Statistical Association. Avinash donates all proceeds from his books to two charities, The Smile Train and the Ekel Vidyalaya Foundation.
"Analytics is vitally important, and no one explains it more elegantly, more simply, or more powerfully than Avinash Kaushik. Consider buying up all the copies of this book before your competition gets a copy."
—Seth Godin, author, Tribes
"Lots of companies have spent lots of time and money collecting data—and sadly do little with it. In Web Analytics 2.0, Avinash Kaushik helps us grasp the importance of this underused resource and shows us how to make the most of online data and experimentation."
—Dan Ariely, Professor of Behavioral Economics, Duke University, and author of Predictably Irrational
"Kaushik takes the witchcraft out of analytics. If venture capitalists read this book, they would fire half of the CEOs that they've funded."
—Guy Kawasaki, Co-founder of Alltop & Garage Technology Ventures
"When people ask, 'who is the smartest guy in the room when it comes to online marketing?' only one name comes to mind: Avinash Kaushik. His new book Web Analytics 2.0 should be on every marketer's desk. It's powerful, awesome and actionable."
—Mitch Joel, President of Twist Image & author of Six Pixels of Separation
Web Analytics 2.0(Pap/Cdr Edition) [平装] [精通Web Analytics 2.0:用户中心科学与在线统计艺术] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
Web Analytics 2.0(Pap/Cdr Edition) [平装] [精通Web Analytics 2.0:用户中心科学与在线统计艺术] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
Web Analytics 2.0(Pap/Cdr Edition) [平装] [精通Web Analytics 2.0:用户中心科学与在线统计艺术] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025