适读人群 :4-8岁 哈佛大学教育学博士朱莉向您推荐“I Can Read!系列”: 内容简介
She's in trouble again!
Fun-loving Amelia Bedelia is in charge of a surprise wedding shower. And when she arrives with a garden hose, the entire party is turned into an uproarious mess!
The late Peggy Parish, well known for her stories about Amelia Bedelia, wrote many popular books for children, including Dinosaur Time, illustrated by Arnold Lobel.
"I hate reading but your books are changing my opinion." This letter, from a young Peggy Parish fan, comes as no surprise to the teachers and librarians who have put her books in the hands of children over the years. Ms. Parish wrote nearly three dozen children's books-many of which include her most famous character, the literal-minded maid named Amelia Bedelia.
Peggy Parish knew what children like to read. After graduating from the University of South Carolina with a degree in English, she taught school in Oklahoma, Kentucky, and, for over 15 years, at the well-known, progressive Dalton School in New York City. It was at Dalton that she began to find ways to release her creative ideas and energy, Though she never took a writing course, "writing stories for children came naturally." Her first book, published in 1961, was followed with Let's Be Indians and in 1963 with her unforgettable Amelia Bedelia.
Always involved with education in some way, Peggy Parish did television pieces on preschool education and children's books, wrote children's-book review columns, and led numerous in-service training workshops for teachers. In discussing her ideas about education, she said, "Children's rights are taken away from them when they enter school. What I try to show teachers is that all the skills needed to read can be taught outside of textbooks. Today's children are not going to read what they are not interested in. And if a positive attitude toward reading is not developed during the first three years of school, it is virtually impossible to develop it later."
After living in New York for many years, Peggy Parish returned to her native South Carolina. She died in November, 1988. But Ameila Bedelia did not die. Peggy Parish's nephew, Herman Parish, has written Good Driving, Amelia Bedelia and Bravo, Amelia Bedelia!, published by Greenwillow Books in 1995 and 1997 respectively.
Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower (I Can Read, Level 2)阿米莉亚·贝迪利亚和惊喜的大雨 英文原版 [平装] [4-8岁] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower (I Can Read, Level 2)阿米莉亚·贝迪利亚和惊喜的大雨 英文原版 [平装] [4-8岁] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
斯坦和简均于1923年出生在美国费城。十八岁时,两人在费城艺术学院学习时相遇,并于1946年4月13日结婚。在服役的几年中,斯坦为一家部队报纸画卡通漫画,并从此开始了写作和绘画生涯。斯坦和简一起开始创作了一套成人喜剧家庭大观,并从1956年开始在《好管家》杂志上刊登直至1990年。 随着《家庭大观》漫画集以及其他几本成人幽默漫画图书的成功,斯坦和简夫妇俩感到更愿意做儿童画书。他们的两个儿子麦克尔和里奥非常喜欢苏埃斯博士这套书,而这套丛书的作者也邀请夫妇俩为他的丛书写故事并画插图,结果,于1962年,夫妇俩的“贝贝熊系列丛书”的第一本《蜂蜜大搜寻》诞生了。 这本书立即大获成功。自此,夫妇俩共创作了250本贝贝熊故事画书。据作者称,之所以选“熊”作为主角是“因为他们能站立,穿着衣服也很漂亮,画起来很有乐趣。” 迄今为止,贝贝熊系列丛书已经发行了2.4亿册。其中,有35本一直位居《出版周刊》中最畅销的250种图书之中,有15本被列为最畅销儿童书,从而使“贝贝熊系列丛书”成了有史以来最畅销的系列儿童作品。这些数字肯定还要继续增长——因为每年都有10本新的“贝贝熊系列丛书”面市,在“贝贝熊系列丛书”中长大的几代人现在又都有了他们自己的孩子。
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Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower (I Can Read, Level 2)阿米莉亚·贝迪利亚和惊喜的大雨 英文原版 [平装] [4-8岁] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025