适读人群 :2-7岁 Written in quatrains that break into couplets across each double page, this lullaby rhyme catalogues various animals and their offspring, describing each mother's testament of love. The mountain nanny goat says, "'I love you as much as the mountain is steep'"; the camel says, "'I love you as much as the desert is dry.'" The book ends with a full quatrain of love poetry from a woman to her newborn child. Sorensen's paintings are large and bright, spanning double-page spreads and extending to the edge of each page, with full backgrounds and panoramic views that enhance the animal characters. The deep tones, well-lit landscapes (which contrast effectively with the darkness of the final picture), and the multiple layers of opaque paint suggest a formality of portraiture that is not usually seen in children's books. The text, which is discretely tucked away in the corners of the pages where it does not interrupt the effect of the illustration, is set in a decorative italic font. The potential for sentimentality is certainly present, but Melmed carefully avoids the cute and tearful. While reading this book is certainly a satisfying experience, full of pathos and meaning for parents, it's likely to appeal more to them than to their children.
This simple picture book has a reassuring rhyming text and more than agreeably pleasant watercolors. One mother-child pair is shown in a natural setting on each double-page spread. The popularity of animal families with young readers and the comforting, rhythmic text combine to create an appealing title for bedtime reading. Concluding with a human mother and her child, Melmed writes: "Now sleep, child of mine, while the stars shine above-I love you as much as a mother can love."
Celebrate Mother's Day every day. This celebration of the bond between mothers and their babies can be shared at naptime or bedtime or whenever it is time to say "I love you."
"Written in quatrains that break into couplets across each double page, this lullaby rhyme catalogues various animals and their offspring, describing each mother's testament of love." School Library Journal.
"The light-drenched, golden-toned pictures exert a quietly hypnotic effect on both reader and listener, aided by the lullaby's sonorous repetition of each mother animal's love poem to her baby."
Laura Krauss Melmed is author of Capital! Washington D.C. from A to Z and New York, New York! The Big Apple from A to Z, also illustrated by Frané Lessac; I Love You As Much... , illustrated by Henri Sorensen; and the critically acclaimed The Rainbabies, illustrated by Jim LaMarche. She lives with her husband in Washington, D.C.
I Love You As Much...Board Book我爱你就像…,纸板书 英文原版 [平装] [2-7岁] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
I Love You As Much...Board Book我爱你就像…,纸板书 英文原版 [平装] [2-7岁] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
very sweet book,nice drawing!就是有点小贵!不过个人觉得挺值!推荐!适合胎教啊,宝宝到四五岁都还可以读给他、她听
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I Love You As Much...Board Book我爱你就像…,纸板书 英文原版 [平装] [2-7岁] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025