Walter Wick is the inventor of many photographic games for Games magazine, is the photographer of the immensely popular I Spy: A Book of Picture Riddles and I Spy Christmas. He is also a free-lance photographer for Scholastic's Let's Find out and Super Science. His credits includs over 300 magaine and book covers, including Newsweek, Fortune, and Psychology Today. This is his third book for Soholastic.
Jean Marzollo has written many rhyming childern's books, including I Spy: A Book of Picture Riddles, I Spy Christmas, Halloween Cats, In 1492, Pretend You're a Cat, The Rebus Treasury, The Teddy Bear Book, and Close Your Eyes. She is also the author of fiction for beginning readers, as well as nonfiction books. Carol Devine Carson, the book designer for all the I Spy books, is art director for a major publishing house in New York City. She is also the illustrator and designer of The Rebus Treasury. For over fifteen yearsm Marzollo and Carson together produced Scholastic's kindergarten magazine, Let's Find Out.
I Spy Fun House: A Book of Picture Riddles 视觉大发现系列:哈哈屋 [精装] [4-8岁] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
I Spy Fun House: A Book of Picture Riddles 视觉大发现系列:哈哈屋 [精装] [4-8岁] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书我也叫你一声老兄弟。你看这样好不好??言罢又一阵大笑。 砚霜已知此老个性怪癖,不便却他的意,只是心中暗想,凭自己阅历已不算浅,尤其师父把一般成名前辈都和自己描叙甚清,怎么似此人模样的就想不出一人,当时也不动声色,口中却道:“既如此,恕弟子放肆了。” 这时老人笑声已停,口中却道:“老兄弟,我知你心中有事,还多半是儿女私事。年轻人可千万别涉人感情的圈子里,男儿志在四方,何不趁着现在年轻打一片天下,将来后悔也晚了。” 砚霜听后颇有感慨道:“前辈所训极是,只是弟子此时心灰意冷,怕没有我能做的事
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I Spy Fun House: A Book of Picture Riddles 视觉大发现系列:哈哈屋 [精装] [4-8岁] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025