Walter Wick is the inventor of many photographic games for Games magazine, is the photographer of the immensely popular I Spy: A Book of Picture Riddles and I Spy Christmas. He is also a free-lance photographer for Scholastic's Let's Find out and Super Science. His credits includs over 300 magaine and book covers, including Newsweek, Fortune, and Psychology Today. This is his third book for Soholastic.
Jean Marzollo has written many rhyming childern's books, including I Spy: A Book of Picture Riddles, I Spy Christmas, Halloween Cats, In 1492, Pretend You're a Cat, The Rebus Treasury, The Teddy Bear Book, and Close Your Eyes. She is also the author of fiction for beginning readers, as well as nonfiction books. Carol Devine Carson, the book designer for all the I Spy books, is art director for a major publishing house in New York City. She is also the illustrator and designer of The Rebus Treasury. For over fifteen yearsm Marzollo and Carson together produced Scholastic's kindergarten magazine, Let's Find Out.
I Spy Fun House: A Book of Picture Riddles 视觉大发现系列:哈哈屋 [精装] [4-8岁] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
I Spy Fun House: A Book of Picture Riddles 视觉大发现系列:哈哈屋 [精装] [4-8岁] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书不愧是原版书,只能买这么一本书,我破产了
评分宝贝超级喜欢 准备把整套搬回家
评分也想找到那人后略作交待,然后远走边荒度此一生。既是老哥哥有此好意,兄弟到时一定叨扰就是了。” 这老人闻言一拍砚霜背道:“这才是我的好兄弟!” 二人谈话间饭毕,相继起立,老人从怀中摸出一锭银子往桌上一搁,砚霜正要抢着付,见老人眼睛一瞪,知道此老个性豪爽不拘小节,只好不言。二人一块往后屋走去,这老人这时道:“兄弟,你去把东西搬到我屋来,我们睡在一块,也好有个人谈谈。” 砚霜心想:“难得认识如此高人,偏又那么和气,倒不便拂他的好意。”闻言点头答应,一会儿就招呼着店伙把东西搬过去、见那老人别无
评分真正的平静,不是避开车马喧嚣,而是在心中修篱种菊。作者没有写远大的理想,锦绣的前程。她把生活里的拧巴、纠结一一融化在淡淡的笔尖。写那些最朴素的人、最朴素的生活。偏偏让你嗅到理想应该有的味道。 合上书,你也许会忽然发现,原来一直误解了理想的意义。生活不应是为了周遭的人对自己满意而已。 54个人生最温暖的瞬间里,我们渐渐明白,平凡的一生不代表碌碌无为;变得成熟也不意味着要丢掉初心。就算怀揣世上最伟大的梦想,也不妨碍我们得到一个普通人的快乐。这世上只有一种成功,就是以自己喜欢的方式过一生。
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I Spy Fun House: A Book of Picture Riddles 视觉大发现系列:哈哈屋 [精装] [4-8岁] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025