Carrie is American author Stephen King's first published novel, released in 1974. It revolves around the titular character Carrie, a shy high-school girl, who uses her newly discovered telekinetic powers to exact revenge on those who tease her. King has commented that he finds the work to be "raw" and "with a surprising power to hurt and horrify." It is one of the most frequently banned books in United States schools.[1] Much of the book is written in an epistolary structure, through newspaper clippings, magazine articles, letters, and excerpts from books.
Several adaptations of Carrie have been released, including a 1976 feature film, a 1988 Broadway musical, a 1999 feature film sequel, and a 2002 television movie.
The book is dedicated to King's wife Tabitha: "This is for Tabby, who got me into it- and then bailed me out of it."
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