Here is the third volume in George R. R. Martin’s magnificent cycle of novels that includes A Game of Thrones and A Clash of Kings. As a whole, this series comprises a genuine masterpiece of modern fantasy, bringing together the best the genre has to offer. Magic, mystery, intrigue, romance, and adventure fill these pages and transport us to a world unlike any we have ever experienced. Already hailed as a classic, George R. R. Martin’s stunning series is destined to stand as one of the great achievements of imaginative fiction.
Of the five contenders for power, one is dead, another in disfavor, and still the wars rage as violently as ever, as alliances are made and broken. Joffrey, of House Lannister, sits on the Iron Throne, the uneasy ruler of the land of the Seven Kingdoms. His most bitter rival, Lord Stannis, stands defeated and disgraced, the victim of the jealous sorceress who holds him in her evil thrall. But young Robb, of House Stark, still rules the North from the fortress of Riverrun. Robb plots against his despised Lannister enemies, even as they hold his sister hostage at King’s Landing, the seat of the Iron Throne. Meanwhile, making her way across a blood-drenched continent is the exiled queen, Daenerys, mistress of the only three dragons still left in the world. . . .But as opposing forces maneuver for the final titanic showdown, an army of barbaric wildlings arrives from the outermost line of civilization. In their vanguard is a horde of mythical Others--a supernatural army of the living dead whose animated corpses are unstoppable. As the future of the land hangs in the balance, no one will rest until the Seven Kingdoms have exploded in a veritable storm of swords. . .
George R. R. Martin's bestselling A Song of Ice and Fire fantasy series has earned him the title of 'the American Tolkien'. The first book of the series has been made into a HBO TV adaptation, A Game of Thrones. He is the author of eight novels, several collections of short stories and numerous screenplays for television drama and feature films. He lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
喬治·雷濛德·理查德·馬丁(Geoger Raymond Richard Martin)歐美奇幻小說大師。1948年9月20日齣生於美國新澤西州的貝約恩,在伊利諾伊州伊凡斯頓的西北大學就讀,主修新聞寫作,1971年取得碩士學位。馬丁的作品主要以人物為關注點,描寫細膩豐富,突破瞭幻想文學界固有的創作模式,多次引領閱讀潮流。代錶作有十大浪漫太空歌劇之一的《光逝》、由雨果奬獲奬名篇擴展而成的《風港》、在雜誌讀者群中深受愛戴的《圖夫航行記》,以及當代正統奇幻的第一經典《冰與火之歌》等。由於馬丁的輝煌成就,他被譽為美國的托爾金和新世紀的海明威。從1989年開始,馬丁淡齣文學界,轉而投身演藝界發展,其中包括《美女與野獸》的編劇和The Twilight Zone的劇本編輯。1996年他纔重返文壇而開始奇幻文學的創作,處女作便是《權力的遊戲》(The Game Of Throne),即為《冰與火之歌》(The Song Of Fire And Ice)的首部麯。雖然封筆幾近10年,但大師風範猶在,《權力的遊戲》甫齣便拿下瞭British Fantasy Society、 世界奇幻奬和星雲奬年度最佳幻想作品提名,即使是由其中抽取章節編成的Blood of the Dragon也獲得多個最佳中篇奬,在科幻奇幻界引起極大的反響。在非官方的不記名奇幻作品投票中,《冰與火之歌》儼然已經可以和《魔戒》平起平坐,作者網站的訪問量也是和斯蒂芬·金、J.K.羅琳等不相上下,其受歡迎的程度可見一斑。他的讀者群早已是遠遠的超越奇幻科幻愛好者的範圍,而受到更為廣泛的關注。
"Colossal, staggering… Martin captures all the intoxicating complexity of the Wars of the Roses or Imperial Rome in his imaginary world… one of the greats of fantasy literature."
"Fantasy literature has never shied away from grandeur, but the sheer-mind-boggling scope of this epic has sent other fantasy writers away shaking their heads… Its ambition: to construct the Twelve Caesars of fantasy fiction, with characters so venomous they could eat the Borgias."
"Truly epic… An extraordinarily rich novel… with its magnificent action-filled climax, it provides a banquet for fantasy lovers with large appetites… The book stands out from similar work by virtue of its superbly developed characters, accomplished prose and sheer bloody-mindedness."
--Publishers Weekly
"A vast, rich saga, with splendid characters and an intricate plot flawlessly articulated against a backdrop of real depth and texture."
The day was grey and bitter cold, and the dogs would not take the scent.
The big black bitch had taken one sniff at the bear tracks, backed off, and skulked back to the pack with her tail between her legs. The dogs huddled together miserably on the riverbank as the wind snapped at them. Chett felt it too, biting through his layers of black wool and boiled leather. It was too bloody cold for man or beast, but here they were. His mouth twisted, and he could almost feel the boils that covered his cheeks and neck growing red and angry. I should be safe back at the Wall, tending the bloody ravens and making fires for old Maester Aemon. It was the bastard Jon Snow who had taken that from him, him and his fat friend Sam Tarly. It was their fault he was here, freezing his bloody balls off with a pack of hounds deep in the haunted forest.
"Seven hells." He gave the leashes a hard yank to get the dogs' attention. "Track, you bastards. That's a bear print. You want some meat or no? Find!" But the hounds only huddled closer, whining. Chett snapped his short lash above their heads, and the black bitch snarled at him. "Dog meat would taste as good as bear," he wamed her, his breath frosting with every word.
Lark the Sisterman stood with his arms crossed over his chest ana m~ hands tucked up into his armpits. He wore black wool gloves, but he was always complaining how his fingers were frozen. "It's too bloody cold to hunt,'' he said. "Bugger this bear, he's not worth freezing over."
We can't go back emptyhand, Lark," rumbled Small Paul through the brown whiskers that covered most of his face. "The Lord Commander wouldn't like that." There was ice under the big man's squashed pug nose, where his snot had frozen. A huge hand in a thick fur glove clenched tight around the shaft of a spear.
A Storm of Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 3) 冰與火之歌3:冰雨的風暴 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
A Storm of Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 3) 冰與火之歌3:冰雨的風暴 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
質量很好的哦,價格很閤理的。在課程講授過程中,我們沒有把重點放在語法規則的敘述上,而是放在算法和程序設計方法上,通常由幾個例題引齣一種語法規則,通過一些求解具體問題的程序來分析算法,介紹程序設計的基本方法和技巧,既注重教材的係統性、科學性,又注意易讀性和啓發性。從最簡單的問題入手,一開始就介紹程序,要求學生編寫程序,通過反復編寫、運行程序來掌握語言的規定和程序設計的方法。同一個語法規則、同一種算法,在選擇例題時也是由簡到難,逐步呈現給學生。在學習上不要求學生死記語法規則,而是要求學生能把各個孤立的語句組織成一個有機的、好的程序。注意培養學生良好的編程風格,讓學生在編製程序過程中不斷總結、鞏固,達到學會方法、記住語法規則,提高設計技巧的目的。 《C語言程序設計》是我係各專業的必修課程,也是我校非計算機專業開設的程序設計課程之一。作為計算機類的專業基礎課,目的是使學生掌握程序設計的基本方法並逐步形成正確的程序設計思想, 能夠熟練地使用C語言進行程序設計並具備調試程序的能力,為後繼課程及其他程序設計課程的學習和應用打下基礎。對於非計算機專業來說,該課程有實際應用價值,為用計算機解決實際問題提供瞭方法,是後續理論和實踐教學的基礎和重要工具,同時也是計算機二級考試所統一要求的課程之一。 筆者多年來為從事高級語言程序設計教學與實習,結閤國內外優秀編程語言的教學方法和模式,不斷地總結和積纍經驗並運用於教學實踐之中,取得瞭較好的教學效果,有助於學生在有限的教學時間內,以最快最簡單易懂的方式,紮實地掌握C語言的內容,並能運用自如 恩格斯說“興趣與愛好是最好的老師”。為瞭使初學者能盡快地掌握計算機知識,進入計算機的應用領域,在課程講授過程中,要特彆注意培養學生的學習興趣。初接觸計算機時,很多學生感到新奇、好玩,這不能說是興趣,隻是一種好奇。隨著課程的不斷深入,大量的規則、定義、要求和機械的格式齣現,很容易使一部分(甚至是大部分)學生産生枯燥無味的感覺。為瞭把學生的好奇轉化為學習興趣,授課時我們改變過去先給齣定義和規則的講授辦法,而是從具體問題入手,努力把枯燥無味的“語言”講的生動、活潑。 在第一節課上,就給學生找一些《高等數學》、《綫性代數》等已學課程的問題,用算法語言來求解,使學生體會程序設計的用途和一種全新的解決問題的方法。同一個語法規則、同一種算法,在選擇例題時也是由簡到難,逐步呈現給學生。在學習上不要求學生死記語法規則,而是要求學生能把各個孤立的語句組織成一個有機的、好的程序。
A Storm of Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 3) 冰與火之歌3:冰雨的風暴 英文原版 [平裝] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025