Eating the Alphabet [Board Book][字母水果書] 英文原版 [平裝] [4歲及以上] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
Eating the Alphabet [Board Book][字母水果書] 英文原版 [平裝] [4歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書物美價廉服務好物流快不錯
評分Lois Ehlert's Eating the Alphabet: Fruits & Vegetables from A to Z contains illustrations of 74 fruits and vegetables, from the everyday apple to the exotic jicama. Each letter of the alphabet is represented in large serif font in uppercase and lowercase and is represented by illustrations of one to eight fruits and vegetables. The illustrations are captioned with spellings of each fruit and vegetable, once in all uppercase and once in all lowercase. The illustrations depict the fruits and vegetables as they appear at the supermarket, even including the wide rubber bands often found on asparagus and broccoli and the cardboard tubs that hold strawberries and blueberries. The bright illustrations are in sharp contrast with the flat, white background. The overall effect of the illustrations and type styling is crisp, clean, and colorful. The book also includes a glossary of fruits and vegetables, with a small picture, pronunciation, designation as fruit and/or vegetable, and a brief description. This glossary is particularly useful for items such as xigua (she-gwah), the Chinese name for watermelon. Children will enjoy learning the more exotic fruits and vegetables. This book will aid children in recognizing letters and the multiple words for each letter allow children to recognize the pattern of sounds associated with each letter.This is a very nice board-book. The illustrations are bright and eye-catching, featuring all the usual fruits and vegetables as well as some of the more exotic ones. Each letter is printed in both upper- and lower-case, as are all the names of the fruits and vegetables (Yy YAM yam). This board book--based on a picture book for slightly older children--is probably best suited for toddlers who can identify some of the familiar items. It would be an ideal gift for a vegetarian or vegan family as it shows absolutely no animal products!
評分Lois Ehlert's Eating the Alphabet: Fruits & Vegetables from A to Z contains illustrations of 74 fruits and vegetables, from the everyday apple to the exotic jicama. Each letter of the alphabet is represented in large serif font in uppercase and lowercase and is represented by illustrations of one to eight fruits and vegetables. The illustrations are captioned with spellings of each fruit and vegetable, once in all uppercase and once in all lowercase. The illustrations depict the fruits and vegetables as they appear at the supermarket, even including the wide rubber bands often found on asparagus and broccoli and the cardboard tubs that hold strawberries and blueberries. The bright illustrations are in sharp contrast with the flat, white background. The overall effect of the illustrations and type styling is crisp, clean, and colorful. The book also includes a glossary of fruits and vegetables, with a small picture, pronunciation, designation as fruit and/or vegetable, and a brief description. This glossary is particularly useful for items such as xigua (she-gwah), the Chinese name for watermelon. Children will enjoy learning the more exotic fruits and vegetables. This book will aid children in recognizing letters and the multiple words for each letter allow children to recognize the pattern of sounds associated with each letter.This is a very nice board-book. The illustrations are bright and eye-catching, featuring all the usual fruits and vegetables as well as some of the more exotic ones. Each letter is printed in both upper- and lower-case, as are all the names of the fruits and vegetables (Yy YAM yam). This board book--based on a picture book for slightly older children--is probably best suited for toddlers who can identify some of the familiar items. It would be an ideal gift for a vegetarian or vegan family as it shows absolutely no animal products!
評分氣勢,其時已不如對付雲中令、夏侯忠、貫大野等三人那般一鼓作氣,銳不可當。 瀋海月一笑道:“話雖如此,賢契眼中,仍以老夫為第一號大敵,其實賢契你初來雪山之時,老夫已知道你的一切動靜,那時候,老夫果真有意要取你性命,隻是易如反掌。想不到我一念之仁,日後卻為我三位拜弟,留下瞭殺身大禍。” 嶽懷冰垂目良久,忽然抬起頭來,道: “瀋前輩,方纔你所說的一切,即使是真的,我也不便相信,後輩此來,曾對天盟下重誓,如不能在四十賤辰前手刃五魁首,取下首級,當在四十生辰前日,在父母靈前,自己剖心而亡,以贖不孝之罪!” 他的刀原已歸鞘,這時緩緩地抽瞭齣來—— “嘿嘿!這是賢契你的一番孝心,老夫不便說你不對……” 頓瞭一下,他呐呐道:“賢契,你今年多大瞭?” “後輩二十六歲瞭!” 正因為有瞭以上一番對白,嶽懷冰纔會對瀋海月忽然改瞭稱呼,自己也謙虛地稱呼為後輩。 瀋海月嗬嗬笑道:“賢契,老夫功力先前你已見識,你自信你勝得過我麼?” 嶽懷冰冷笑道:“前輩功力確是驚人,正所謂‘自揣而不敗,雖韆萬人吾往矣!’後輩已無從選擇,隻得放手與前輩一拚,生死何辭!” 瀋海月道:“這就錯瞭,‘暴虎憑河’謂之匹夫之勇,老夫倒有一個建議,賢契你以為如何?” “前輩有
Eating the Alphabet [Board Book][字母水果書] 英文原版 [平裝] [4歲及以上] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025