In this volume Christopher Tolkien completes his account of the writing of The Lord of the Rings , beginning with Sam's rescue of Frodo from the Tower of Cirith Ungol and ending with an unpublished Epilogue in which years after the tale ends, Sam attempts to answer his children's questions. The book also includes The Notion Club Papers , a semi-fictional discussion between a group of Oxford Dons of the possibilities of travel in space and time and the legend of Atlantis. The third part of the book is devoted to a new version of the Numenorean legend - The Drowning of Anadune .
J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973) is the creator of Middle-earth and author of such classic and extraordinary works of fiction as The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion. His books have been translated into more than fifty languages and have sold many millions of copies worldwide.
約翰·羅納德·瑞爾·托爾金(J.R.R. Tolkien)(1892-1973),英國文豪,天纔的語言學傢,牛津大學默頓學院英國語言與文學教授,1919—1920年牛津英語詞典(OED)的編委。他以瑰麗的想像和精深的語言,建立瞭一個英語世界的全新神話體係。托爾金的雄心壯誌不在於寫作一個傳奇故事,或一部史詩。在他所創作的一係列中洲史詩中,影響最為深遠的是《霍比特人》(The Hobbit: There and Back Again) 和《魔戒》(The Lord of the Rings)。這兩部巨作被譽為當代奇幻作品的鼻祖,至今已暢銷2.5億餘冊,被翻譯成60餘種語言。美國每年銷售的大約一億本平裝書中,就有四分之一可以追溯到托爾金的作品。《魔戒》被票選為“兩韆年以來最重要的書”。由托爾金小說改編的電影《指環王》、《霍比特人》掀起21世紀奇幻文藝的全麵復興,世界拜倒在他腳下。
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