Hot on the trail of the giant squid, Andrew, Judy and Thudd smash their underwater vehicle (aka the Water Bug) into Australia's Great Barrier Reef - home to some of the world's most dangerous creatures! Then their arch-enemy, Soggy Bob Sloggins, stels the Water Bug. The kids must find their way through the reef and get the Water Bug back - before those deadly creatures start to nibble!
J. C. Greenburg is the author of many books for young people in the library and reference fields. She's a frequent visitor to schools and pays close attention to kid feedback. She lives in Hastings-on-Hudson, NY.
Andrew Lost on the Reef [平装] [6-9岁] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
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评分喜欢,会一直在京东购书 发货真是出乎意料的快,昨天下午订的货,第二天一早就收到了,赞一个,书质量很好,正版。独立包装,每一本有购物清单,让人放心。帮人家买的书,周五买的书,周天就收到了,快递很好也很快,包装很完整,跟同学一起买的两本,我们都很喜欢,谢谢!今天家里没有牛奶了,我和妈妈晚上便去门口的苏果便利买了一箱牛奶和一点饮料。刚好,苏果便利有一台电脑坏了,于是便开启了另外一台电脑。因为开电脑和调试的时间,队伍越排越长。过20分钟,有一个阿姨突然提出把键盘换了,这样就能刷卡了。我妈妈就在旁边讲了一句:“键盘 [SM][ZZ][QY][BJTJ][SZ][NRJJ]你布置了两台电脑,那你随时都要准备好换一台电脑呀,你现在让人的感觉就是你只有一台电脑能用,那一台就好像是摆设,没有一点用。我气愤不过跟妈妈说“我们去网上买吧”这样就来京东了,看到了这本书就顺便买了。通读这本书,是需要细火慢烤地慢慢品味和幽寂沉思的。亲切、随意、简略,给人洁净而又深沉的感触,这样的书我久矣读不到了,今天读来实在是一件叫人高兴之事。作者审视历史,拷问灵魂,洋溢着哲思的火花。人生是一段段的旅程,也是需要承载物的。因为火车,发生过多少相聚和分离。当一声低鸣响起,多少记忆将载入历史的尘梦中啊。其实这本书一开始我也没看上,是朋友极力推荐加上书封那个有点像史努比的小人无辜又无奈的小眼神吸引了我,决定只是翻一下就好,不过那开篇的序言之幽默一下子便抓住了我的眼睛,一个词来形容——“太逗了”。据悉,京东已经建立华北、华东、华南、西南、华中、东北六大物流中心,同时在全国超过360座城市建立核心城市配送站。是中国最大的综合网络零售商,是中国电子商务领域最受消费者欢迎和最具有影响力的电子商务网站之一,在线销售家电、数码通讯、电脑、家居百货、服装服饰、母婴、图书、食品、在线旅游等27大类数万个品牌百万种优质商品。选择京东。
评分朋友介绍的,说是好书 确实不错, 适合亲子阅读或孩子自主阅读,字大,文字不多,带图片的,很好
评分"Andrew the ten-year-old inventor has done it again. He has created a new machine that will help save the Earth. He has named his latest invention The Goa Constructor which stands for Garbage Goes Away. Andrew created the Goa to keep the world from being buried in garbage by shrinking it down to tiny specks. The only problem is while testing it Andrew does not shrink any garbage but only himself and his twelve-year-old cousin Judy. Likely Andrew always keeps Thudd, his best friend in his pocket. Thudd's name stands for The Handy Ultra-Digital Detective and he is super smart and has helped Andrew and Judy out of many unusual situations. This time it is different as Andrew and Judy find themselves in their Uncle Al's blood stream. Now their biggest challenge is to find a safe way out of their uncle's body safely and without causing him an infection. This is the latest edition of the "Andrew Lost" series and it is so much fun and informative all at the same time. Readers will not be able to put this book down."
Andrew Lost on the Reef [平装] [6-9岁] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025