Harriet M. Welsch is a spy. In her notebook, she writes down everything she knows about everyone, even her classmates and her best friends. Then Harriet loses track of her notebook, and it ends up in the wrong hands. Before she can stop them, her friends have read the always truthful, sometimes awful things she' s written about each of them. Will Harriet find a way to put her life and her friendships back together?
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Harriet the Spy [平裝] [9歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書中級章節書,非常喜歡!
評分her notebook, she writes down everything she knows about everyone, even her classmates and her best friends. Then Harriet loses track of her notebook, and it ends up in the wrong hands. Before she can stop them, her friends have read the always truthful, sometimes awful things she’s written about each of them. Will Harriet find a way to put her life and her friendships back together?
評分少兒要學好英語,無外乎聽說讀寫。在聽力方麵,經産收看或收聽英語原版動畫片、原版電視電影、故事MP3,都是很好的 選擇。在聽力方麵,每積纍100小時,少兒的英語水平就會有一個質的飛躍。通過聽英語,在頭腦中形成畫麵感並培養猜詞的能力,這就是聽英語為少兒帶來的收獲。第二,在說的方麵,少兒往往較為薄弱,這是因為缺少語言環境和交流對象,不能很好地形成英文思維並將自己的想法用英語邏輯和用法很好地錶達齣來。因此,我認為這一點並不是少兒學英語的重點所在。這方麵的能力在大量閱讀和聽力的基礎之上纔能有所發展。第三點就是非常重要的讀的能力。即使是在中文方麵,喜愛大量收聽評書等節目的成年人也不一定喜愛或有能力進行大量閱讀。因此閱讀對於學習英語而言也是必不可少的。這就是我在京東購買英文原版圖書的原因。京東的英文原版圖書種類豐富,價格優惠,並且經常舉辦大型打摺活動。而且,京東的送貨速度非常迅速,往往是24小時之後就能送達。這也是我選擇京東購買英文原版圖書的原因。閱讀英文原版圖書需要由淺至深。一開始可以選擇圖多字少的繪本。慢慢地就可以過渡到圖和字相當的橋梁書。然後,再慢慢過渡到字多圖少,甚至是沒有圖片的章節書。這一過渡不能一蹴而就,需要假以時日。在閱讀的過程中積纍大量詞匯基礎是嚮英語寫作進發的基礎。
Harriet the Spy [平裝] [9歲及以上] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025