A baby scorpion rides on its mother′s back. A baby alligator hides in its mother′s mouth What about a baby leopard? A baby elephant? Read and find out how animal babies stay safe.
Mary Ann Fraser has illustrated over 50 books and written and illustrated seven books, among them In Search of the Grand Canyon, Ten Mile Day, and Forest Fire, including her Where Are the Night Animals? in the Let's Read & Find Out series, an Outstanding Science Trade Book for Children. Interested in nature since she was very young, she keeps ten turtles, a newt and a crayfish as pets. Ms. Fraser lives in Simi Valley, CA.
Children's Literature Using a variety of examples from the animal world (and including the human animal), Fraser presents the ways adults protect their young. For instance, baby alligators ride in their mother's mouth, others ride on back, in a pouch, or are carried by the scruff of their necks. The book also mentions ways parents signal warnings, attack or trick predators, use camouflage, or rely on the community for protection. Realistic and full-color pictures are clear, action is clean, and vocabulary used is appropriate to the age group without intrusive italics or boldface of words such as camouflage or instinct to mar the page design. Five more facts at the end tell a bit more about an animal's safety features, such as house design of a beaver with a follow-up question—"What do you live in, and how does it keep you safe?" as a way of starting discussion, a useful feature for parents and teachers. There is also a page of procedures to follow if you find a baby animal. A real plus are the designer endpapers which feature a forest of wild animals and invite endless pointing and naming. All and all, a great addition to the "Let's-Read-and-Find-Out" series, Level 1. 2002, HarperCollins, — Susan Hepler 0060288035 0060288043 School Library Journal PreS-K-The briefest descriptions of how a variety of baby animals survive various dangers and predators introduce the concepts of supervision, camouflage, feeding, cleaning, and homes. Though offspring requiring no adult protection are briefly mentioned, the book focuses on how parents struggle to protect and defend their young. There is no depth to any of the information, making the book of interest only to young children with a low attention span and no knowledge of the subject. The watercolors aptly illustrate a text that emphasizes how defenseless the little ones are.-Nancy Call, Santa Cruz Public Libraries, Aptos, CA Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information. Fewer Reviews Kirkus Reviews This addition to the Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science series offers a broad look at the way young animals are protected by their parents and by their own instincts. Fraser (One Giant Leap, 1999, etc.) organizes her text by types of care, safe homes, moving young from place to place, alerting to danger, fighting for defense, and clustering in large groups for protection, with the beginning and ending of the work focusing on the care of human babies and children. She includes many types of animals, from the tiny (snails) to the huge (elephants) and the charming (cats and kittens) to the not-so-charming (a head-on view of an alligator with her babies in her open mouth). Fraser's illustrations in soft shades are rather sweet and old-fashioned, but many of her creatures are appealing, such as a mother monkey swinging through the jungle with her baby on her back or two baby raccoons peeking out of their tree-house home while their mother lures a bobcat away from her young. A large type-size and plenty of white space make this accessible to young readers who are reading at the fluency level. No new ground is broken here, but baby animals do have an eternal appeal to the young of the species that can read. (author's note) (Nonfiction. 5-7)
How Animal Babies Stay Safe (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science) [平装] [4岁及以上] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
How Animal Babies Stay Safe (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science) [平装] [4岁及以上] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
How Animal Babies Stay Safe (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science),科普启蒙丛书,喜欢,非常好。
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人的一生需要养成许多好的习惯,其中爱读书就是一个好习惯。在学校里读书的岁月,如今已成为往事。倒是参加工作以后,更加感觉读书学习对自己而言,感触颇多,收获颇丰,有时还会自我陶醉其中,自得其乐,回味无穷。于是每当拥有可以自由支配时间的日子里,都会选择约上儿子一起去逛逛书城享受品读选购好书的快乐,常常会关注报纸网络媒体推介的书市信息。如今还会学着进行上网买书,这些都已经成为自己生活中不可或缺的一部份,并且有种不知不觉喜欢成瘾的趋势。日复一日,读书已成为自己生活的一种方式、一种习惯,还和身边的亲人、同事、朋友一起探讨读书带来的思想意识的不断更新,生活内涵的更迭,体味着“读书使自己变得更加快乐,让生活变得更加美好”的真实感受。 善读书有利于修养心性。生活在社会的大融炉中,每一个人都需要不断修养心性,懂得修养心性,才能够让自己减少一些茫然与焦躁。而通过读书思考,反省内心,能告诉自己如何做到婉约有致,拥有内涵。作为女性,心性的修养首先表现在自我情绪与情感的认知。当我们初尝成功之时,告诉自己做到不狂躁不羁、不迷失自我。当应对挫折时,能留给自己一份冷静和清醒,坚持一种平和的心态,认真地来规划自己的人生。
How Animal Babies Stay Safe (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science) [平装] [4岁及以上] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025