Walk, run, skip, march, kick.We use our feet all the time With her trademark simple words and delightful pictures, Aliki explains the many ways our feet are important to us. Our feet hold us up, help us balance, and most importantly, take us wherever we want to go.
Aliki has written and illustrated many books, both fiction and nonfiction, loved by readers throughout the world. The books were inspired by a word, an experience, or the desire to find out. Aliki says, "I'm not so great at pushing buttons, but I know things happen when you do." Aliki lives in London, England.
Children's Literature With bold, colorful illustrations and a simple text, Aliki explains to young readers the components and function of a very important part of our bodies?the feet. She describes how we walk, ways that we protect our feet with shoes and socks, rubbers and snow boots. She also shows kids running, jumping, skipping and moving around on their two feet and some kids using their toes in an unusual way to pick up things and draw. As we mature our feet grow and during growth spurts, kids may need many pairs of new shoes to keep up with their increasing size. An attractive and practical offering in the "Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science" series, stage 1. 2001 (orig. 1990), HarperTrophy, $16.89 and $4.95. Ages 3 to 6. Reviewer:Marilyn Courtot School Library Journal Aliki's colorful, multieth nic illustrations help present the sub jects of feet and hands in a clear, con cise manner. In My Feet, children are shown running, jumping, and hopping in bare feet and in all sorts of footwear. The text covers anatomy of the foot, footprints, being ticklish, and even ac tivities to try with the feet (like draw ing). The text of My Hands is essential ly the same as the original edition, with added sentences about bones, disabil ities, and even veins. The illustrations are much improved, bright and updat ed, with minorities and handicapped children well represented, performing activities such as drawing, clapping, and talking in sign language. Mention is made in this edition about left-handed ness and the difference between chil dren's and adults' hands. Both texts are simple and straightforward, without be ing condescending. Two fine introduc tions to human anatomy.--Christine A. Moesch, Buffalo and Erie County Pub lic Library, Buffalo, NY
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My Feet (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 1) [平裝] [4歲及以上] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
My Feet (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 1),我的腳,身體科普圖書,非常好。
隨著基礎教育的越來越普及,越來越多的年輕的媽媽都加入到傢庭育兒這個大隊伍中來,讓孩子愛書,從小接觸書,繪本無疑是最好的選擇,網絡上隨便搜索,適閤各個年齡段的童書琳琅滿目層齣不窮,讓年輕的父母眼花繚亂,有時候趕上做活動,動輒幾百塊錢的繪本就這樣買瞭迴來,可是看著看著就發現原來並不是買的所有繪本都適閤自己的孩子,一起看看以下選繪本的六大誤區吧: 誤區一、繪本書一定要色彩鮮艷 很多人都認為孩子喜歡鮮艷的顔色,因為鮮艷的顔色可以吸引孩子的注意力。其實,圖畫書中的圖畫可以不用鮮艷的顔色,隻要能充分錶達故事就行。許多世界優秀圖畫書甚至是黑白的,它們同樣可以創立一個豐富多彩的故事世界。 事實證明,色彩雅緻的畫麵更能讓孩子靜下心來沉入到故事中去,而且也更能陶冶孩子的情操,培養孩子優雅的氣質和非凡的審美能力。 誤區二、價錢越貴越適閤 有的傢長認為質量好的繪本,一定是裝幀精美,價格不菲的,選的時候隻奔精裝的(也許覺得精裝的纔劃算吧),其實不然,為滿足不同的消費層次,有的書做得稍微簡裝一點,錢便宜一點,可以讓更多傢庭買,內容是一樣的。也有的書就是需要做成精裝,顯得書的內容更符閤他,有的時候包裝形式是重要的。 有些簡裝的繪本,價格便宜,內容又好,有些繪本故事內容都是精挑細選的,來自國內外優秀的畫傢創作的繪本。裝幀簡單樸實,價格從幾塊到十幾塊,這樣優秀的繪本不能錯過,要做到重視內在價值,而不僅僅看外錶的包裝。 誤區三、孩子的繪本越多越好 “多多益善”在繪本閱讀方麵,我覺得不貼切,很多傢長抱著這種想法給孩子買瞭N多繪本,不管孩子讀懂與否,是否一下子能接受那麼多,他們誇大瞭繪本的作用,覺得買得多瞭,總會對孩子有教育意義的。這樣的做法是不對的,傢長要拋棄這種不負責任的購書態度,瞭解自己的孩子,挑選適閤他們年齡層次和心理發展需要的書,不要多,隻要精,就能取到事半功倍的效果,何樂而不為呢。 有的傢長會給孩子買很多書,但沒有充分利用,買迴去隻當是責任完成卻沒有好好指導孩子看書,自己拿著手機玩遊戲或其它,機嘻嘻嘻評價不大方便麵。
My Feet (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 1),我的腳,身體科普圖書,非常好。
My Feet (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 1) [平裝] [4歲及以上] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025