Don't Let Life Pass You By
Feel like you're always rushing but never catching up? Are you doing more, but enjoying it less? The frantic pace and pressure of modern life can take a serious toll on your happiness and your health, but there is a way to step off the treadmill without giving up your career or activities. The answer lies not in sacrificing your work productivity or your lifestyle but rather in changing your attitude. By using the simple exercises in this book to slow down your thoughts and focus on the present moment, you can actually achieve greater productivity and creativity—all while maintaining a calmer, healthier state of mind.
Richard Carlson (1961-2006) is a bestselling author whose books include Don't Sweat the Small Stuff . . . and It's All Small Stuff; Don't Worry, Make Money; You Can Feel Good Again; and You Can Be Happy No Matter What. His books have been published in 35 languages in over 130 countries.
This is the book for you if you've ever had the urge to tell off your boss, quit your job, hurl your Palm Pilot into the trash, and move to a farm. Written by bestselling stress consultant and psychotherapist Dr. Richard Carlson Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, it advocates the cultivation of a personal mindfulness and "thought navigation" to foster a sense of mental calmness and increased creativity and productivity. With sage tips reminiscent of those in Jon Kabat-Zinn's Wherever You Go, There You Are, Carlson recommends a "Psychology of Mind" approach that involves being fully present in each situation and not letting the attitudes of others ruin your day. This way, your thoughts become more organized--wiser, if you will--and you get more work done without even trying. This time management trick is what he says will improve your life--not a cell phone or an electronic scheduler or a personal assistant. Carlson's advice can be taken to heart, as he's used these techniques to improve his own life. While he was working on his Ph.D., he rose at 4 a.m. and "gulped down ten or fifteen cups of coffee" each day just to get all his work done, and would bristle if family emergencies took him away from his studying. Not only does Carlson promise to help boost one's productivity, but he says that relationships and intimacy will improve as well. He maintains that disagreements--at home or at work--are less likely to blow up into full-fledged arguments if you're being calm and levelheaded. "A mind operating at the speed of life can see things as they really are," he writes. "Slowing down gives you needed perspective during times of transition and stress. When you operate at the speed of life and your child desires privacy, you'll probably remember that almost all teenagers go through phases of wanting space from their parents....Rather than take it personally, you'll be able to see the bigger picture. If your mind is moving too quickly, events as well as your own thoughts about events become much larger than they really are." For anyone fed up with life's chaos, Slowing Down to the Speed of Life should prove to be an immensely helpful mental health manual. --Erica Jorgensen --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.
Slowing Down to the Speed of Life慢速生活 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
Slowing Down to the Speed of Life慢速生活 英文原版 [平裝] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
那份狂態,掌中鳳翅鐺在空中轉瞭個圈,掉下地後,他一伏腰抬起雙鐺,雙雙往背後一插,麵紅過耳。 此時長去鳥司徒星,身已由空中飄下,當時二話不說,先攙起瞭一旁的展翅金鵬鬍鐵翼。這鬍鐵翼麵色鐵青,上身衣服已被鮮血染紅,他此時雖負傷不輕,但忍著咬牙一挺身,前走瞭兩步,掙開瞭司徒星的手,伏身撿起瞭自己掉在地上的刀,對長白梟冷笑一聲道: “施當傢的……你好厲害!我鬍鐵翼技不如你,還是死瞭好!”長白梟和司徒星尚不明他話中的意思,但見他突然一翻腕,這口刀直朝自己麵上劈下。 長去鳥司徒星見狀大驚,叫一聲:
Slowing Down to the Speed of Life慢速生活 英文原版 [平裝] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025