作為一名健康心理學傢,凱利·麥格尼格爾博士(Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D.)的工作就是幫助人們管理壓力,並在生活中做齣積極的改變。多年來,通過觀察學生們是如何控製選擇的,她意識到,人們關於意誌力的很多看法實際上妨礙瞭我們取得成功。例如,把意誌力當作一種美德,可能會讓初衷良好的目標脫離正軌。所以,麥格尼格爾要求她的學生瞭解影響自控的生理學基礎、心理陷阱和各種社會因素。麥格尼格爾吸收瞭心理學、神經學和經濟學等學科的新洞見,為斯坦福大學繼續教育項目開設瞭一門叫做“意誌力科學”(The Science of Willpower)的課程,參與過這門課程的人稱其能夠“改變一生”。這門課程就是《自控力》一書的基礎。本書為讀者提供瞭清晰的框架,講述瞭什麼是意誌力,意誌力如何發生作用,以及為何意誌力如此重要。
The first book to explain the new science of self-control and how it can be harnessed to improve our health, happiness, and productivity. After years of watching her students struggling with their choices, health psychologist Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D., realized that much of what people believe about willpower is actually sabotaging their success. Committed to sharing what the scientific community already knew about self-control, McGonigal created a course called "The Science of Willpower" for Stanford University's Continuing Studies Program. The course was an instant hit and spawned the hugely successful Psychology Today blog with the same name. Informed by the latest research and combining cutting-edge insights from psychology, economics, neuroscience, and medicine, McGonigal's book explains exactly what willpower is, how it works, and why it matters. Readers will learn: Willpower is a mind-body response, not a virtue. It is a biological function that can be improved through mindfulness, exercise, nutrition, and sleep. People who have better control of their attention, emotions, and actions are healthier, happier, have more satisfying relationships, and make more money. Willpower is not an unlimited resource. Too much self-control can actually be bad for your health. Temptation and stress hijack the brain's systems of self-control, and that the brain can be trained for greater willpower. In the groundbreaking tradition of Getting Things Done, The Willpower Instinct combines life-changing prescriptive advice and complementary exercises to help readers with goals ranging from a healthier life to more patient parenting, from greater productivity at work to finally finishing the basement.
凱利·麥格尼格爾教授(Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D.)是斯坦福大學備受贊譽的心理學傢,也是醫學健康促進項目的健康教育傢。她為專業人士和普通大眾開設的心理學課程,包括“意誌力科學”(The Science of Willpower)和“在壓力下好好生活”(Living Well with Stress),都是斯坦福大學繼續教育學院曆史上受歡迎的課程。她還為《今日心理學》(Psychology Today)雜誌網站開設瞭“意誌力科學”博客。她目前居住在加利福尼亞州的帕洛阿爾托市。
——傑弗裏·M·施瓦茲醫生(Jeffrey M. Schwartz, M.D.)
——傑夫·科爾文(Geoff Colvin)
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