The fifth book in an award-winning, easy-to-read series about a boy and his pet fly, each book in the series has a fun foil cover! Mom and Dad won't let Fly Guy go along on the family road trip. They're afraid he'll get lost. But when Dad accidentally shuts him in the trunk, Fly Guy goes along for the ride! First, Fly Guy gets lost at the picnic site--but he shows up in the garbage can. Then he gets lost at the art museum, but he shows up as part of a modern painting. At the beach, he turns up in a shell, and at he amusement park, on Buzz's hot dog (yuck!). Zany illustrations and easy-to-read text make this a fun reading adventure for the beginner. The first book in the Fly Guy series is a Theodor Geisel honor book.
Tedd Arnold Tedd Arnold lives in Elmira, New York.
Children's Literature Five books later and we still can not get enough of Fly Guy! It is time for a road trip and Buzz will not think of leaving Fly Guy at home. Mom and Dad have other plans, however, and Buzz's little pal is left at home, or so they think. When the family stops for a picnic and Fly Guy flies out of the trunk, Buzz can not contain his excitement. His parents warn him to make sure not to lose his pint-sized pal. Each stop on their trip is a scare, when Fly Guy appears to go missing. Mom and Dad ask, "Is Fly Guy lost?" But Buzz can spot Fly Guy in a seashell at the beach, on a famous painting at the art museum and digging through the stinky trashcan at the fun park. When it is the family's turn to get lost on the way home, Fly Guy heads up into the sky, scopes out their house, and guides them home safe and sound. This is one road trip that just would not have been the same without Fly Guy. Simple words and repetitions in the plot make this a perfect choice for kids just starting to move beyond the "See Spot run" kind of sentence structure. Above the categorization or levels of bland beginner readers, Fly Guy actually inspires kids to grab more books off the shelf. For other bug-infested beginner readers, check out Breakout at the Bug Lab by Ruth Horowitz and Inspector Hopper by Doug Cushman. Reviewer: Kristy Lyn Sutorius School Library Journal K-Gr 2- In this easy reader, Buzz asks permission to take Fly Guy on their family vacation, and Mom says, "He's too little.... He might get lost." But the illustration shows Dad closing the trunk with the pet inside, so Fly Guy accompanies them to the beach, art museum, and amusement park. Short chapters state the day's itinerary: "They drove to the beach." Activity is depicted in wonderful wordless illustrations, such as Fly Guy riding a wave in a clam shell, kissing a Mona Lisa look-alike at the museum, and helping to lead the way home. Arnold masterfully infuses funny, expressive cartoon illustrations with actions that further the plot, minimizing the burden of decoding for emerging readers and maximizing their ability to engage in a fun and satisfying story.-Laura Scott, Farmington Community Library, MI Fewer Reviews Kirkus Reviews When Buzz and his parents take a road trip, pet-of-sorts Fly Guy stows away in the trunk. Rather than getting lost, as Dad fears, the insect displays effortless adaptive skills. He surfs at the beach, smooches a Mona Lisa look-alike at the art museum and rides the roller coaster at the fun park, finding snacks aplenty in trashcans en route. When Dad loses the way home, Fly Guy rises to the rescue, using "his super fly eyes to spy their house." Arnold delivers another engaging romp that combines a spare but never stilted text and child-appealing pictures (wherein even the figures in museum paintings are bug-eyed). From the very shiny cover's dizzying perspective to the heroic conclusion, this fifth outing's a shoo-in for kids who prefer their beginning readers funny and action-packed. (Early reader. 4-7)
Fly High, Fly Guy! 飞高点,苍蝇伙计 [精装] [3-8岁] 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式
Fly High, Fly Guy! 飞高点,苍蝇伙计 [精装] [3-8岁] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
Fly High, Fly Guy!Fly High, Fly Guy!
Learn all about insects with Fly Guy and Buzz! Fly Guy and Buzz are ready for their next field trip! And in Fly Guy Presents: Insects they go outside to learn all about other insects like Fly Guy! With straightforward text, humorous asides, and kid-friendly full-bleed photographs throughout, young readers will learn lots of fun facts about all sorts of bugs. Award-winning author/illustrator Tedd Arnold really brings nonfiction to life!
这种落差足以使他怀疑:历史,它究竟怀有什么不可告人的目的?难道它在耍我们?信念与怀疑夹杂,流诸笔端,就使得《中国男》这本书少了“却顾所来径,苍苍横翠微”的从容大气,而显得逼仄怪异。 余世存写此书之旨,显然不在于其腰封广告语所迫问的:“中国男人,你是哪种中国男?”而在于为今之中国男树立一种标杆、提供一种尺度。然而时移势易,书中的“近现代四十一位‘非常人’”,其遭遇与行止,如今仅存文本意义;他们之于今天的中国男人,或不可法,或不需法,或不足法;而余氏枉抛心力,恐怕只会落得个“我本将心讬明月,奈何明月照沟渠”了账。 究其因,倒不是今天的中国男人“朽木不可雕也”,更可能是余氏立意太高,心有余而力不足,其“矫正历史的深刻意图”(朱大可序文中语)因为开错药方,而成了无的放矢。正如朱序所说,余氏在此书中“植入”的各种“价值判断”,“有时是彼此矛盾、精神分裂的”--其实朱大可还算客气了,岂止是“有时”啊? 朱序提到,近年来的“民族记忆修复运动”大体有“纠史”和“释义”两个支系。不论是否有这个所谓“运动”,“纠史”和“释义”应该都是史家的份内事。但诚如朱序所指出的,余氏此书“《中国男》并未进行史实考据,也不关注史料来源和出处,却强烈地关注着那些史料背后的价值,试图发现它们的意义所在”,这就颇为趣怪了。史料的出处尚且未经考据,则其“背后”将存焉? 试举一例,余书“军人第十一 吴佩孚”一节,讲到: “当挤在宣武门内象房桥国会厅里争吵不休的参议员和众议员们拟拆除紫禁城三大殿 太和殿、保和殿、中和殿,在其废墟上另建议会大厦时,吴佩孚通电总统、总理、内务总长、财政总长:“ 何忍以数百年之故宫供数人中饱之资乎?务希毅力惟一保存此大地百国之瑰宝。无任欣幸。盼祷之至!”当各报刊登载了吴氏通电后,颂扬吴帅之声鹊起,抨击国会之议潮涌,故宫三大殿幸免一劫。” 似乎国会议员们是如此地委琐不堪,而吴玉帅又是如此地力排众议、力挽狂澜。其实呢?相关史料并不难找,余世存却视而不见: 1912年初,国会参、众两院从南京迁北京,在宣武门象坊桥前资政院旧址办公。因场地狭小,渐不敷使用。1923年,政府秘密计划将参、众两院迁往紫禁城太和、中和、保和三大殿,将三大殿改造成日常办公及召开会议的场所,并委托瑞典建筑师司达克(Albin J. Stark)进行故宫三殿改造设计。 时吴佩孚驻节洛阳,听闻此事,于5月20日致电大总统黎元洪、内阁总理张绍曾、内务总长高凌爵和财务总长张弧,表示反对。电文如下: 转载。。。。。
Fly High, Fly Guy! 飞高点,苍蝇伙计 [精装] [3-8岁] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025