Carried Away is a dazzling selection of stories–seventeen favorites chosen by the author from across her distinguished career.
Alice Munro has been repeatedly hailed as one of our greatest living writers, a reputation that has been growing for years. The stories brought together here span a quarter century, drawn from some of her earliest books, The Beggar Maid and The Moons of Jupiter, through her recent best-selling collection, Runaway.
Here are such favorites as “Royal Beatings” in which a young girl, her father, and stepmother release the tension of their circumstances in a ritual of punishment and reconciliation; “Friend of My Youth” in which a woman comes to understand that her difficult mother is not so very different from herself; and “The Love of a Good Woman,” in which, when an old crime resurfaces, a woman has to choose whether to believe in the man she intends to marry.
Munro’s incomparable empathy for her characters, the depth of her understanding of human nature, and the grace and surprise of her narrative add up to a richly layered and capacious fiction. Like the World War I soldier in the title story, whose letters from the front to a small-town librarian he doesn’t know change her life forever, Munro’s unassuming characters insinuate themselves in our hearts and take permanent hold.
(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed)
Carried Away: A Selection of Stories (Everyman's Library)出走 [精装] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
Carried Away: A Selection of Stories (Everyman's Library)出走 [精装] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书以短篇小说见长的门罗,也有中文版作品问世,不过只有一部《逃离》在内地出版——2009年由新经典策划、北京十月文艺出版社出版的短篇小说集,一共印了5万册。
评分Love reading, love Jing Dong!
评分当代短篇小说大师门罗写的多是小城故事。现在她自己就住在这样一个小城——加拿大安大略省的克林顿。小城坐落在北美中部平原,距离加拿大最大的城市多伦多,约有三小时车程。中部平原的基本景致,就是无边无际的草场和田野,房屋稀稀拉拉,少见人烟,间或有马群或牛群悠闲散步。大平原上的农庄生活,就是门罗大部分故事、特别是早期故事的背景。门罗的故事,都是人际私密。短篇通常不会去写决定民族命运的战争等大事,但门罗写的私密有其特点。小城生活似乎很单纯,很温馨,但是,一个人人知道人人的地方,一点事情可以传到人人都知道的地方,其实也是一个必须严守某些秘密的地方。门罗故事里往往有一些秘密或难以明言的感情,受到偶然事故的挑动,突然曝露出来。于是,那些在日复一日的平淡生活轨道里转得似乎丧失了自我的小人物,居然在考验面前迸发奇异光彩,同时也照出人性深处的一片漆黑。就讲她的名篇《善良女子的爱》(The Love of a Good Woman),这是一个故事,也是门罗一本故事集的标题。一位被同事和病人称作“天使”的女护士,专门照顾垂危病人。某天,她照料中的女病人于去世前告诉她一个秘密:镇上眼科医生之死的悬案,罪犯正是病人的丈夫。处理完病人死亡事宜,女护士决定按自己的方式消解这一秘密:她将邀请那位丈夫——其实就是她中学里的初恋——到发现医生尸体的河里划船。在昔年的罪案现场,女护士将告诉他,自己不会游泳;然后逼问眼科医生的事。如果初恋情人认罪并同意去警局自首,女护士愿在狱外等他一辈子。如果他杀人灭口,把女护士打下水,女护士相信,懊悔将永远折磨他的灵魂,这将是上帝判下的更重惩罚。读完门罗的文字,故事却未结束,阅读的探险其实刚刚开始。读者想知道那个男人究竟是否犯过罪,于是要从头再看医生尸首是如何发现的,跟病人讲的话比较,核对细节,挖掘细节后面潜藏的意义,才能得出自己的结论。
评分 评分Alice Munro不愧为短篇小说大师。
评分 评分“我不记得和爱丽丝·门罗见面时的地点和场景了,时间太遥远了,我这辈子参加的文化活动实在太多了。”2013年10月13日,王蒙告诉南方周末记者。
Carried Away: A Selection of Stories (Everyman's Library)出走 [精装] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025