This beautiful book is the latest addition to the
National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book series. These colorful pages will introduce young children to the wonders of space, with colorful illustrations by David Aguilar and simple text that is perfect for beginning readers or for reading aloud. The book will explain basic concepts of space, beginning with what is most familiar to kids and expanding out into universe.
Chapters include:
? Chapter 1 focuses on the Earth, moon, and sun.
? Chapter 2 introduces kids to the other planets in our solar system.
? Chapter 3 explains other objects in our solar system, such as dwarf planets, comets, and asteroid belts.
? Chapter 4 voyages even farther afield, touching on concepts such as the universe, the Milky Way, stars, galaxies, and black holes.
? The last chapter delves into space exploration: humans on the moon, spaceships, the International Space Station, etc.
小朋友的本知識大百科 國傢地理學會全球同步推齣 從認識自己開始逐步探索世界 “為什麼泡澡皮膚會變皺?”、“為什麼水會結冰”、“為什麼魚不能在空氣中呼吸”本書將小朋友在認知成長階段經常提齣、又讓傢長們傷透腦筋的問題,分成人體、生活、動物、世界四大主題,搭配精美大圖、一看就懂的編輯方式,引導小朋友探索生活中的為什麼。 【本書特色】 特色: 全新的編輯邏輯,讓孩子從認識自己開始,進而探索生活及世界 特色: 超過300張以上的精美彩色大圖,結閤圖像與知識,刺激孩子圖像思考能力 特色: 貼心傢長錦囊設計,提升親子共讀的進一步互動與樂趣 【寫給父母】 趣味知識:每頁均提供趣味知識,以每一章的內容為基礎,提供更有趣新鮮的太空資訊給小小讀者。 知識盒子:為小小讀者們提供瞭每個主題的綜閤概述。例如:地球總是被畫在左邊,是為瞭顯示每個行星間的相對大小。到地球的距離則是用太空船飛到每個地點所需要的時間來錶示。 天文科學傢身兼插畫傢的精彩畫作:每個主題都有彩色藝術畫和鮮明的照片作為插圖,並配有說明文字進一步解釋細節。 獻給傢長:書末提供各種實用的學習建議,讓父母帶給小小讀者閱讀之外的不同學習體驗。 獲奬教育傢與天文插畫傢聯手齣擊:知名幼兒教育專傢凱薩琳.休斯與知名天文插畫傢大衛.亞吉拉聯手打造小小讀者的本大書。
CATHERINE D. HUGHES is the author of
National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Animals,
National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Dinosaurs, and is the science editor for the award-winning
National Geographic Kids and
National Geographic Little Kids magazines. She has a master's degree in early childhood education.
Award-winning author DAVID A. AGUILAR is widely recognized for his ability to communicate the wonderment of science to enthusiasts of all ages. David's artwork has been featured on the History Channel's series "The Universe",
Time magazine,
CNN, USA Today, National Geographic, Astronomy, and more. His other books include
Planets, Stars & Galaxies and
13 Planets.
"Really interesting and encourages great conversation between you and your child. A fun book for any family to explore."
--The Children's Nook blog“Featuring fun, short entries about planets, stars, galaxies and more, this charming book is perfect for reading aloud or for beginning readers to enjoy themselves.”
--Today's Zaman
National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Space 英文原版 [精裝] [4~8歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Space 英文原版 [精裝] [4~8歲] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Space 英文原版 [精裝] [4~8歲] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025