美国直邮 How to Train Your Dragon 梦工厂龙:捍卫者Berk Real Flying |
DreamWorks Dragons: Defenders of Berk Real Flying Toothless |
所有商品中文信息为计算机自动翻译,如有存疑信息,请核对下方英文原稿内容 |
警告 - 窒息危险 - 3岁以下儿童 该玩具不适合3岁以下的年龄。它包含一个或多个以下项目:大理石 |
Warning - Choking Hazard - Children Under 3 This toy is not suitable for ages under 3 years. It contains one or more of the following items: marbles |
如果您喜欢动画电影,您将需要添加Dreamworks Dragons:捍卫者Berk Real Flying Toothless玩具到您的收藏。此项目可让您完全访问世界上较受欢迎的龙之一。开启他的飞行,看着他的高度和高达50英尺的难以置信的距离。调整他的尾巴释放飞行的杂技龙特技作为梦工厂龙无牙的身影飞过空气,而像真正的东西一样扑他的翅膀。这个玩具提供了兴奋,成为龙训练师,因为你解开无牙,惊叹于他的飞行力量。 Berk的捍卫者无牙玩具适合4岁及以上的孩子。 |
If you loved the animated film you will want to add the Dreamworks Dragons: Defenders Of Berk Real Flying Toothless toy to your collection. This item gives you full access to one of the world's most popular dragon characters to date. Power up his flight and watch as he soars to unbelievable heights and distances of up to 50 feet. Adjust his tail to unleash flying acrobatic dragon stunts as the Dreamworks Dragons Toothless figure soars through the air while flapping his wings like the real thing. This toy offers the excitement of being the ultimate dragon trainer as you unchain Toothless and marvel at his flying power. The Defenders of Berk Toothless toy is appropriate for kids aged 4 years and up. |
梦工厂龙:捍卫者Berk Real Flying Toothless: 加强他的飞行,看着他的飞跃令人难以置信的高度 梦工厂龙无牙玩具的距离可达50' 调整他的尾巴释放飞行杂技龙特技 通过飞翔的翅膀像一条真正的龙飞翔 提供作为龙训练师的兴奋,因为你解开无牙,惊叹于他的翅膀力量 Berk的捍卫者无牙玩具适合4岁及以上的孩子 |
DreamWorks Dragons: Defenders of Berk Real Flying Toothless: Power up his flight and watch as he soars to unbelievable heights Dreamworks Dragons Toothless toy soars distances of up to 50' Adjust his tail to unleash flying acrobatic dragon stunts Soars through the airflapping his wings like a real dragon Offers the excitement of being the ultimate dragon trainer as you unchain Toothless and marvel at his wing power The Defenders of Berk Toothless toy is appropriate for kids 4 years and up |
规格表: 性格:如何训练你的龙 品牌:如何训练你的龙 性别:BoysGirls 年龄范围:3至4岁 5至7岁 |
Specifications Character:How To Train Your Dragon Brand:How to Train Your Dragon Gender:BoysGirls Age Range:3 to 4 Years5 to 7 Years |
美国直邮 How to Train Your Dragon《驯龙高手》系列无牙模型玩偶 梦工厂龙:捍卫者Berk Real Flying 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
美国直邮 How to Train Your Dragon《驯龙高手》系列无牙模型玩偶 梦工厂龙:捍卫者Berk Real Flying 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书美国直邮 How to Train Your Dragon《驯龙高手》系列无牙模型玩偶 梦工厂龙:捍卫者Berk Real Flying mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025