图书基本信息 | |||
图书名称 | 设计数据密集型应用(影印版) | 作者 | Martin Kleppmann |
定价 | 99.00元 | 出版社 | 东南大学出版社 |
ISBN | 9787564173852 | 出版日期 | 2017-10-01 |
字数 | 页码 | ||
版次 | 1 | 装帧 | 平装-胶订 |
开本 | 16开 | 商品重量 | 0.4Kg |
内容简介 | |
书中包含以下内容: 深入分析你已经在使用的系统,并学习如何更高效地使用和运维这些系统 通过识别不同工具的优缺点,作出更明智的决策 了解一致性、可伸缩性、容错性和复杂度之间的权衡 理解分布式系统研究,这些研究是现代数据库构建的基石 走到一些主流在线服务的幕后,学习它们的架构 |
目录 | |
Part I. Foundations of Data Systems 1. Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Applications 3 Thinking About Data Systems 4 Reliability 6 Hardware Faults 7 Software Errors 8 Human Errors 9 How Important Is Reliability 10 Scalability 10 Describing Load 11 Describing Performance 13 Approaches for Coping with Load 17 Maintainability 18 Operability: Making Life Easy for Operations 19 Simplicity: Managing Complexity 20 Evolvability: Making Change Easy 21 Summary 22 2. Data Models and Query Languages 27 Relational Model Versus Document Model 28 The Birth of NoSQL 29 The Object-Relational Mismatch 29 Many-to-One and Many-to-Many Relationships 33 Are Document Databases Repeating History 36 Relational Versus Document Databases Today 38 Query Languages for Data 42 Declarative Queries on the Web 44 MapReduce Querying 46 Graph-Like Data Models 49 Property Graphs 50 The Cypher Query Language 52 Graph Queries in SQL 53 Triple-Stores and SPARQL 55 The Foundation: Datalog 60 Summary 63 3. Storage and Retrieval 69 Data Structures That Power Your Database 70 Hash Indexes 72 SSTables and LSM-Trees 76 B-Trees 79 Comparing B-Trees and LSM-Trees 83 Other Indexing Structures 85 Transaction Processing or Analytics 90 Data Warehousing 91 Stars and Snowflakes: Schemas for Analytics 93 Column-Oriented Storage 95 Column Compression 97 Sort Order in Column Storage 99 Writing to Column-Oriented Storage 101 Aggregation: Data Cubes and Materialized Views 101 Summary 103 4. Encoding and Evolution 111 Formats for Encoding Data 112 Language-Specific Formats 113 JSON, XML, and Binary Variants 114 Thrift and Protocol Buffers 117 Avro 122 The Merits of Schemas 127 Modes of Dataflow 128 Dataflow Through Databases 129 Dataflow Through Services: REST and RPC 131 Message-Passing Dataflow 136 Summary 139 Part II. Distributed Data 5. Replication 151 Leaders and Followers 152 Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Replication 153 Setting Up New Followers 155 Handling Node Outages 156 Implementation of Replication Logs 158 Problems with Replication Lag 161 Reading Your Own Writes 162 Monotonic Reads 164 Consistent Prefix Reads 165 Solutions for Replication Lag 167 Multi-Leader Replication 168 Use Cases for Multi-Leader Replication 168 Handling Write Conflicts 171 Multi-Leader Replication Topologies 175 Leaderless Replication 177 Writing to the Database When a Node Is Down 177 Limitations of Quorum Consistency 181 Sloppy Quorums and Hinted Handoff 183 Detecting Concurrent Writes 184 Summary 192 6. Partitioning 199 Partitioning and Replication 200 Partitioning of Key-Value Data 201 Partitioning by Key Range 202 Partitioning by Hash of Key 203 Skewed Workloads and Relieving Hot Spots 205 Partitioning and Secondary Indexes 206 Partitioning Secondary Indexes by Document 206 Partitioning Secondary Indexes by Term 208 Rebalancing Partitions 209 Strategies for Rebalancing 210 Operations: Automatic or Manual Rebalancing 213 Request Routing 214 Parallel Query Execution 216 Summary 216 7. Transactions 221 设计数据密集型应用(影印版) [Designing Data-Intensive Appl 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式 设计数据密集型应用(影印版) [Designing Data-Intensive Appl mobi 下载 pdf 下载 pub 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2025设计数据密集型应用(影印版) [Designing Data-Intensive Appl 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025 设计数据密集型应用(影印版) [Designing Data-Intensive Appl 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书用户评价
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