“This jewel of a story is put together like a vintage timepiece, its many threads coming together so perfectly. Doerr’s writing and imagery are stunning. It’s been a while since a novel had me under its spell in this fashion. The story still lives on in my head.” (Abraham Verghese, author of Cutting for Stone)
“A tender exploration of this world's paradoxes; the beauty of the laws of nature and the terrible ends to which war subverts them; the frailty and the resilience of the human heart; the immutability of a moment and the healing power of time. The language is as expertly crafted as the master locksmith's models in the story, and the settings as intricately evoked. A compelling and uplifting novel.” (M.L. Stedman, author of The Light Between Oceans)
“All the Light We Cannot See is a dazzling, epic work of fiction. Anthony Doerr writes beautifully about the mythic and the intimate, about snails on beaches and armies on the move, about fate and love and history and those breathless, unbearable moments when they all come crashing together.” (Jess Walter, author of Beautiful Ruins)
Doerr sees the world as a scientist, but feels it as a poet. He knows about everything—radios, diamonds, mollusks, birds, flowers, locks, guns—but he also writes a line so beautiful, creates an image or scene so haunting, it makes you think forever differently about the big things—love, fear, cruelty, kindness, the countless facets of the human heart. Wildly suspenseful, structurally daring, rich in detail and soul, Doerr’s new novel is that novel, the one you savor, and ponder, and happily lose sleep over, then go around urging all your friends to read—now.” (J.R. Moehringer, author of Sutton and The Tender Bar)
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法国少女玛丽洛尔生活在巴黎,幼年失明后,父亲保护她、训练她,鼓励她勇敢生活下去。1940年,德国 入侵,她被迫离家,不久又与父亲骨肉分离,以瘦削的肩膀抵抗纳粹暴政。
MARIE-LAURE LIVES WITH HER FATHER IN PARIS near the Museum of Natural History where he works as the master of its thousands of locks. When she is six, Marie-Laure goes blind and her father builds a perfect miniature of their neighborhood so she can memorize it by touch and navigate her way home. When the Nazis occupy Paris, father and daughter flee to the walled citadel of Saint-Malo. With them they carry what might be the museum’s most valuable and dangerous jewel.
In a mining town in Germany, the orphan Werner grows up with his younger sister, enchanted by a crude radio they find. His talent for building and fixing these crucial new instruments wins him a place at a brutal academy for Hitler Youth, then a special assignment to track the resistance. That leads him to Saint-Malo, where his story and Marie-Laure’s converge.
Ten years in the writing, All the Light We Cannot See is a magnificent, deeply moving novel from a writer “whose sentences never fail to thrill” (Los Angeles Times).
" Don't you want to be alive before you die ? "
Etienne回答,You are the best thing that has ever come into my life.
" Don't you want to be alive before you die ? "
Werner Pfennig,故事的男主角,德国人。和妹妹Jutta一样,天生是雪白的头发,天蓝色的眼睛。他总有问不完的问题,兄妹俩对这个世界充满好奇。他们是矿区孤儿,父母早逝,住在孤儿院里,由一位好心的夫人照顾。有一天他捡到了一个无线电广播,修好了它,听到了里面传来一个法国人的声音——法国人在向他们科普这个世界的一切:煤矿是怎么形成的?光是什么?新世界的大门向他和妹妹敞开了。
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所有我们看不见的光 英文原版 All the Light We Cannot See 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
所有我们看不见的光 英文原版 All the Light We Cannot See 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书所有我们看不见的光 英文原版 All the Light We Cannot See mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025