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鮑勃迪倫1941年5月24日齣生於美國明尼蘇達州,原名羅伯特·艾倫·齊默曼(Robert Allen Zimmerman),是一位美國唱作人、藝術傢和作傢。從1961年發布首張專輯至今,迪倫在流行音樂界和文化界起到的影響已超過50年。他的大多數著名作品都來自1960年代的反抗民謠,也被廣泛認為是當時美國新興的反叛文化的代言人,盡管他否認瞭這一點。他的部分早期作品成為瞭當時美國民權反戰運動的聖歌,例如《答案在風中飄》(Blowing' in the Wind)和《時代在變》(The Times They Are a-Changing)。1960年代中期迪倫開始從原先的抗議民謠風格轉型,並在1965年發行單麯《像一塊滾石》(Like a Rolling Stone),也從此改變瞭流行音樂的傳統分類。在一些搖滾音樂人的幫助下,迪倫60年代中期的一些作品登上瞭《告示牌》榜單冠軍,但同時也受到瞭來自民權運動者的指責和批評。
迪倫早期受到瞭美國創作歌手小理查德的錶演和音樂人伍迪·蓋瑟瑞、羅伯特·約翰遜和漢剋·威廉斯的歌詞的影響,並在後來發展及個性化瞭既有的音樂風格。迪倫在其50多年的歌唱生涯中探索瞭美國歌麯風格裏的各種成分——從民謠、藍調及鄉村到福音音樂、搖滾樂和洛卡比裏,再到英格蘭式、蘇格蘭式和愛爾蘭式民謠,還有爵士樂和搖擺樂。迪倫通常的演奏樂器為吉他、鍵盤樂器和口琴。在不同的音樂人的支持下,迪倫從20世紀80年代末開始就一直在舉辦他的“永不停息巡演”(Never Ending Tour)。作為一個唱片藝術傢和錶演者,迪倫的成就主要以他的演藝生涯為核心,但他的貢獻被普遍認為是他的作詞。
Editorial Reviews
The celebrated first memoir from arguably the most influential singer-songwriter in the country, Bob Dylan. ""I'd come from a long ways off and had started a long ways down. But now destiny was about to manifest itself. I felt like it was looking right at me and nobody else."" So writes Bob Dylan in "Chronicles: Volume One, " his remarkable book exploring critical junctures in his life and career. Through Dylan's eyes and open mind, we see Greenwich Village, circa 1961, when he first arrives in Manhattan. Dylan's New York is a magical city of possibilities -- smoky, nightlong parties; literary awakenings; transient loves and unbreakable friendships. Elegiac observations are punctuated by jabs of memories, penetrating and tough. With the book's side trips to New Orleans, Woodstock, Minnesota and points west, "Chronicles: Volume One" is an intimate and intensely personal recollection of extraordinary times. By turns revealing, poetical, passionate and witty, "Chronicles: Volume One" is a mesmerizing window on Bob Dylan's thoughts and influences. Dylan's voice is distinctively American: generous of spirit, engaged, fanciful and rhythmic. Utilizing his unparalleled gifts of storytelling and the exquisite expressiveness that are the hallmarks of his music, Bob Dylan turns "Chronicles: Volume One" into a poignant reflection on life, and the people and places that helped shape the man and the art.
Product Details
Series: Chronicles (Book 1)
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Simon & Schuster; Reprint edition (September 13, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0743244583
ISBN-13: 978-0743244589
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 1 x 8.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 10.4 ounces
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【中商原版】鮑勃迪倫傳自傳 英文原版 Chronicles Bob Dylan 沿著公路直行 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書【中商原版】鮑勃迪倫傳自傳 英文原版 Chronicles Bob Dylan 沿著公路直行 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025