产品展示 | 悦悦图书 ● yueyuebook |悦淘好书·读乐众乐 |
基本信息 | 悦悦图书 ● yueyuebook |悦淘好书·读乐众乐 |
商品名称: | 北京世图 Theory of Point Estimation点估计理论 第2版 |
作 者: | [美] 瓦多莱曼(Lehmann E.L.) |
定 价: | 70.00 |
重 量: | |
ISBN 号: | 9787510004841 |
出 版 社: | 世界图书出版 |
开 本: | 24 |
页 数: | 589 |
字 数: | |
装 帧: | 平装 |
出版时间/版次: | 2009-05-01 |
印刷时间/印次: | 2009-05-01 |
编辑推荐 | 悦悦图书 ● yueyuebook |悦淘好书·读乐众乐 |
内容介绍 | 悦悦图书 ● yueyuebook |悦淘好书·读乐众乐 |
Since the publication in 1983 of Theory of Point Estimation, much new workhas made it desirable to bring out a second edition. The inclusion of the newmaterial has increased the length of the book from 500 to 600 pages; of theapproximately 1000 references about 25% have appeared since 1983. The greatest change has been the addition to the sparse treatment of Bayesianinference in the first edition. This includes the addition of new sections onEquivariant, Hierarchical, and Empirical Bayes, and on their comparisons. Othermajor additions deal with new developments concerning the information in-equality and simultaneous and shrinkage estimation. The Notes at the end ofeach chapter now provide not only bibliographic and historical material but alsointroductions to recent development in point estimation and other related topicswhich, for space reasons, it was not possible to include in the main text. Theproblem sections also have been greatly expanded. |
作者介绍 | 悦悦图书 ● yueyuebook |悦淘好书·读乐众乐 |
目录 | 悦悦图书 ● yueyuebook |悦淘好书·读乐众乐 |