作者:Lillian Hoban
商品尺寸:每冊約14 x 0.5 x 21.6 cm
頁數:64頁/冊x 9冊
汪培珽是美國紐約聖約翰大學MBA,在銀行職場工作九年之後,她決定成為全職媽媽。在用心陪伴一對兒女成長的過程中,看到孩子滿足喜樂、熱衷學習、與人為善的錶現,深覺在子教育上“用對方法”的重要性;於是將身的教養經驗整理研究,自創“愛孩子也愛自己的7堂課”教養理論,在幼稚園、小學、基金會、圖書館和成長團體之間積極推廣,開辦課程、舉行演講並接受谘詢。強調“父母的1堂課,勝過孩子的100堂纔藝課”, 汪培珽提供另一種務實新穎的教養態度與方嚮,幫助父母深切體會到孩子的喜悅與感動。而“閱讀”是教育學習的基礎;“愛”則是子間極珍貴的資産,汪培珽相信,“念故事書給孩子聽”同時涵蓋瞭這兩樣孩子需要的東西,因此希望所有父母和教育工作者,都不要錯過這個與孩子密互動、貼心交流的寶貴機會。
本套書為汪培珽的第四階段書目,全部為I Can Read係列Level 2的Lillian Hoban作品。“哥哥總是比妹妹強、比妹妹勇敢、比妹妹懂算數、比妹妹會認字……”這是一隻自以為是的猩猩哥哥Arthur和妹妹Violet所發展齣來的一係列幽默溫馨故事。
1.柯林斯I Can Read係列是為兒童開始閱讀專門設計的分級讀物,由多位獲奬作者與插畫傢閤作,故事精彩,人物形象生動活潑,可以使孩子對書本産生足夠的興趣及美的享受!
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I Can Read係列是哈珀·柯林斯齣版社為兒童開始閱讀專門設計的分級讀物。自從1957年一本書Little Bear的誕生後,六十年來I Can Read係列邀請許多獲奬作者與插畫傢閤作,創作超過200本的教材讀本,也讓的讀者深深著迷於閱讀園地裏。 整套係列除瞭創作溫馨逗趣的文學小品、民族故事、寓言童話,另有函括自然科學、社會人文,或是流行的電影文化等領域。包羅萬象的內容拓展讀者的視野,使學習語言與吸收知識並肩並行,豐富孩子燦爛的黃金歲月。
I Can Read係列分為5個級彆:
*My First:適閤啓濛階段的學習者,藉由大人或老師大聲朗讀給學生聽,並可請學生跟著復誦,輕鬆引導學生進入閱讀的第1步。
*Level 1:適閤能辨識單字及短句的學習者,在引導學生閱讀內容後,可鼓勵學生自行念齣故事情節。
*Level 2:適閤可以獨立閱讀書籍,偶爾需要協助之學習者,有趣的故事情節,讓學習者培養能獨立閱讀的自信心。
*Level 3:豐富的主題內容及較為深入、復雜的故事情節,讓學習者忍不住一頁一頁地閱讀下去,適閤能夠獨立閱讀的學習者。
*Level 4:章節故事內容,並注重主題深度,適閤小學中高年級以上學生獨立閱讀。
I Can Read係列如何提高您的孩子或學生的閱讀能力呢
★分級閱讀:I Can Read係列提供不同階段的閱讀素材,逐步達到提高英語技能的目的。孩子們可以從初級開始閱讀,逐步過渡到一級、二級的圖書。
★經典的形象:I Can Read係列塑造瞭很多深入人心的經典形象,如小餅乾狗、青蛙和蟾蜍、小熊等等,這些都是孩子們喜愛的主人公。
Arthur’s Birthday Party
Happy birthday, Arthur!
Arthur is having a gymnastics party for his birthday, with prizes for balancing, tumbling, and rope climbing. Arthur is sure that he will win the prize for best all-around gymnast. But his little sister, Violet, and her friend Wilma have been practicing -- and they may have a surprise in store....
Arthur’s Loose Tooth
Arthur, afraid of pulling his loose tooth, and his little sister, Violet, learn something about being brave in the seventh adventure about two favorite chimps. ‘An engaging story that has a firm hand on the foibles of early childhood.’
Arthur’s Christmas Cookies
Arthur decides to make Mother and Father special Christmas cookies as a present. But when the cookies are finally finished, they are hard as rocks! Can Arthur think of a way to turn this disaster into the best Christmas present ever?
Arthur’s Honey Bear
Arthur and his sister Violet are selling all their old toys in a Tag Sale. Even Arthur’s Honey Bear! But Arthur finds there’s more than one way to say good-bye to an old friend.
Arthur’s Camp-Out
Arthur’s gone Camping.
Violet’s camping out too, but her friends don’t want Arthur around. So Arthur decidesto collect slimy things he knows Violet wouldn’t like. But he doesn’t count on slippery rocks and swooping bats, or hunger pangs. Then he smells hot dogs roasting over a warm fire...
Arthur’s Great Big Valentine
“[In] this lovely valentine from Hoban to all beginning readers, a minor squabble with his best friend, Norman, has left Arthur all alone this wintry Valentine’s Day [until] Norman’s little brother saves the day, and the two best friends are reunited.This title will warm up any snowy, blustery day.”
Arthur’s Funny Money
‘An hilarious account of Arthur’s attempts to earn enough money to buy a T-shirt and cap, assisted by his sister Violet. Simple business concepts are ingeniously woven into the story. This marvelous book will capture the interest of eager learners and creative teachers.’
Arthur’s Pen Pal
Arthur thinks his pen pal is more fun than his little sister. Little sisters don’t do things like karate and wrestling -- or do they? It takes a surprise letter to show Arthur that sometimes there’s more to sisters -- and pen pals -- than meets the eye!
Arthur’s Back to School Day
Brrr... ing!
There’s the school bell!
It’s the first day back at school for Arthur and Violet and all of their friends. Time for riding the school bus, going to class, and best of all, eating snacks and playing games at recess.
But this year the first day is full of surprises. The bus ride to school is an unexpected adventure, and Arthur’s friend, Norman, almost loses his lunch box. Just when things settle down, Arthur finds his snack has disappeared from his lunch box. What will happen next on this exciting first day of school?
Beginning readers heading back to school will enjoy the humor in Lillian Hoban’s tenth I Can Read Book about these much loved characters.
Lillian Hobanwas the author and illustrator of many favorite I Can Read books, including Joe and Betsy the Dinosaur, Silly Tilly’s Thanksgiving, and a series about Arthur the Chimpanzee. She also illustrated many picture books, including the classic stories about Frances.
Arthur’s Birthday Party
Arthur’s Loose Tooth
Arthur’s Christmas Cookies
Arthur’s Honey Bear
Arthur’s Camp-Out
Arthur’s Great Big Valentine
Arthur’s Funny Money
Arthur’s Pen Pal
Arthur’s Back to School Day
原版Arthur 亞瑟係列9冊 I Can Read第二階段係列 英文原版啓濛兒童讀物 汪培珽第四 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
原版Arthur 亞瑟係列9冊 I Can Read第二階段係列 英文原版啓濛兒童讀物 汪培珽第四 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書原版Arthur 亞瑟係列9冊 I Can Read第二階段係列 英文原版啓濛兒童讀物 汪培珽第四 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025