书名:TheStories of English英语的故事
作者:David Crystal戴维·克里斯特尔
商品尺寸:12.7 x 1.9 x 19.7 cm
戴维·克里斯特尔(David Crystal)的TheStories of English《英语的故事》有着独特的语言史观,非一般英语史可比。着眼于小历史而以整个世界为舞台,着眼于英语的来龙去脉而以丰富的史料为支撑,不仅语言价值有目共睹,特殊的史料价值与文化价值也都跃然纸上。另一方面,他文风平实,言出有据,无论用史还是分析,也都有如老爷的故事,显得十分亲切自然。
“一次赏悦目阅读体验……克里斯特尔堪称之约翰逊。” ——《泰晤士报》高等教育专版
“This new history of the English language in all its manifestations is among the best ever written, and is both entertaining and informative.”
When and why did “thou” disappear from Standard English? Would a Victorian Cockney have said “observation” or “hobservation”? Was Jane Austen making a mistake when she wrote “Jenny and James are walked to Charmonth this afternoon”? This superbly well-informed—and also wonderfully entertaining—history of the English language answers all these questions, showing how the many strands of English (Standard English, dialect and slang among them) developed to create the richly-varied language of today.
TheStories of English《英语的故事》是英国语言学家戴维·克里斯特尔(David Crystal)的力作,全面论述了英语的发展和演变,规范语言和方言的关系,英语和其他语言的关系和相互影响,同时兼述世界各英语国家的英语特点。作者的研究方法不同于其他学者,本书论述全面,思维缜密,细致,充满睿智,具有很强的学术性和可读性。
List of Illustrations
List of Maps
The standard story
The real story
Chapter 1: The origins of Old English章:古英语的起源
Interlude 1: The Celtic language puzzle插叙1:凯尔特语之谜
Chapter 2: The Old English dialects第二章:古英语方言
Interlude 2: The rise and fall of West Saxon插叙2:西撒克逊的兴衰
Chapter 3: Early lexical diversity第三章:早期的词汇多样性
Interlude 3: Understanding Danes插叙3:理解丹麦语
Chapter 4: Stylistic variation in Old English第四章:古英语的风格变体
Interlude 4: Grammatical transition插叙4:语法变化
Chapter 5: The transition to Middle English第五章:走向中古英语
Interlude 5: Two Peterborough Chronicles插叙5:两部《彼得伯勒编年史》
Chapter 6: A trilingual nation第六章:一国三语
Interlude 6: Lay Subsidy dialects插叙6:特别俗务税
Chapter 7: Lexical invasions第七章:词汇入侵
Interlude 7: The first dialect story插叙7:第1个方言故事
Chapter 8: Evolving variation第八章:多样的进化
Interlude 8: Well well插叙8:好了,好了
Chapter 9: A dialect age第九章:方言时代
Interlude 9: Where did the -s ending come from?插叙9:词尾-s来自何处?
Chapter 10: The emerging standard第十章:标准初现
Interlude 10: Complaining about change插叙10:对变化的抱怨
Chapter 11: Printing and its consequences第十一章:印刷术及其影响
Interlude 11: The first English dictionary插叙11:第1部英语词典
Chapter 12: Early Modern English preoccupations第十二章:对早期现代英语的成见
Interlude 12: Choosing thou or you插叙12:用thou还是you
Chapter 13: Linguistic daring第十三章:语言创新
Interlude 13: Avoiding transcriptional anaemia插叙13:避免转写贫血症
Chapter 14: Dialect fallout第十四章:方言后遗症
Interlude 14: A beggarly portrayal插叙14:底层人的语言
Chapter 15: Stabilizing disorder第十五章:语言趋于稳定
Interlude 15: Delusions of simplicity插叙15:简单英语的错觉
Chapter 16: Standard rules第十六章:标准规则
Interlude 16: Glottal stops插叙16:喉塞音
Chapter 17: New horizons第十七章:新视野
Interlude 17: Tracking a change: the case of y’all插叙17:y’all变迁追踪
Chapter 18: Linguistic life goes on第十八章:举步向前
Interlude 18: The grammatical heart of nonstandard English插叙18:非标准英语的语法中心
Chapter 19: And dialect life goes on第十九章:发展中的方言
Interlude 19: Dialect in Middle Earth插叙19:中土世界方言
Chapter 20: Times a-changin’第二十章:时空变幻
Appendix: The location of the town and counties of England referred to in this book附录:本书涉及的英国城镇和郡的位置
Person Index人名索引
Subject Index主题索引
David Crystalis Honorary Professor of Linguistics at the University of Wales, Bangor. He has published over 90 books and was awarded the OBE for services to the English language in 1995. He is the editor of the Penguin Encyclopedia and the New Penguin Factfinder.
原版英语的故事 英文原版 The Stories of English 全英文版进口语言学书籍正版现 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
原版英语的故事 英文原版 The Stories of English 全英文版进口语言学书籍正版现 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书原版英语的故事 英文原版 The Stories of English 全英文版进口语言学书籍正版现 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025