This extended essay by one of the world's leading historians seeks, in its first part, to excavate, and to vindicate, the neo-Roman theory of free citizens and free states as it developed in early-modern Britain. This analysis leads on to a powerful defence of the nature, purposes and goals of intellectual history and the history of ideas. As Quentin Skinner says, 'the intellectual historian can help us to appreciate how far the values embodied in our present way of life, and our present ways of thinking about those values, reflect a series of choices made at different times between different possible worlds'. This essay thus provides one of the most substantial statements yet made about the importance, relevance and potential excitement of this form of historical enquiry. Liberty before Liberalism is based on Quentin Skinner's Inaugural Lecture as Regius Professor of Modern History in the University of Cambridge, delivered in November 1997. Professor Skinner has been awarded the Balzan Prize Life Time Achievement Award for Political Thought, History and Theory. Full details of this award can be found at http://www.balzan.it/News_eng.aspx?ID=2474
Liberty before Liberalism 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
Liberty before Liberalism 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书##最近写的论文是从批评斯金纳的一个研究开始的,不过跟polit哲学史没关系,对这个话题感兴趣,就找来看了。读斯金纳的确不会失望,想给十颗星。研究弥尔顿的文学批评家也都应该读读。这本书也是英文学术写作的典范。
评分 评分 评分 评分 评分##Skinner真是好读得有点过分了,一个学者能把学术讲得这么清楚明白本身就是一大功力。虽然Skinner批判我喜爱的Berlin老头子,但确实批判的在理啊。最后一章讲历史学的意义,to prevent bewitchment, to liberate us from the grip of any hegemonal account of values, 醍醐灌顶。
评分 评分 评分##和Berlin一起读就是剑桥vs牛津 不包括意思正确但文法不通的地方, 也不包括已经在这篇文章里指出过的错误: http://www.douban.com/subject/discussion/1018247/ 第5页: 误: “霍布斯认为, 正是法律的力量才让你的自然自由不受伤害” 正: “霍布斯认为, 即使是法律的强制力量也没有伤害你的自然自由” 误:...
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