Dan Saffer is a Director of Interaction Design at Smart Design. He is the author of Designing for Interaction: Creating Innovative Applications and Devices (New Riders), Designing Gestural Interfaces (O'Reilly), and Designing Devices. Since 1995, he has designed appliances, devices, software, websites, and services that are used by millions of people every day.
It's the little things that turn a good digital product into a great one. With this practical book, you'll learn how to design effective microinteractions: the small details that exist inside and around features. How can users change a setting? How do they turn on mute, or know they have a new email message? Through vivid, real-world examples from today's devices and applications, author Dan Saffer walks you through a microinteraction's essential parts, then shows you how to use them in a mobile app, a web widget, and an appliance. You'll quickly discover how microinteractions can change a product from one that's tolerated into one that's treasured. Explore a microinteraction's structure: triggers, rules, feedback, modes, and loops Learn the types of triggers that initiate a microinteraction Create simple rules that define how your microinteraction can be used Help users understand the rules with feedback, using graphics, sounds, and vibrations Use modes to let users set preferences or modify a microinteraction Extend a microinteraction's life with loops, such as "Get data every 30 seconds"
Microinteractions 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
Microinteractions 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书##更注重对细节的关注,这是读后此书最重要的感受。这里面举了很多实例,也教了很多方法,有很强的实用性,看完之后,还想再看第二遍。即使每个人都把关注细节挂在嘴边,但真正做到的人不多,真正沉下心去抠细节的人更少,我想这本书的作用就是让我们沉下心来,好好去思考,细节...
评分 评分##对于微交互有细致的划分与原则指导,同时也给出了相当可观的案例。但是最后的串联部分过于执着地运用微交互,有点疲软了。 为什么很多人都讲安卓的体验不如苹果? 作为操作系统而言,安装和启动应用、管理文件、连接软件和硬件、管理打开的应用程序和窗口等等这些方面,安卓可以说是处处强过苹果,可为什么就是不好用。答案就在微交互。 也就是书中所说的,细节彰显人文关怀,思维方式,以及关注重点...
评分 评分 评分 评分##triggers , rules , feedback , modes, testing .
评分##翻译实在是看不下去了,很多地方就像是扔到翻译器中直译出来的,导致上下文缺乏连贯性,句子的语义含混不清。 仅举一例,以下摘自2.1.2触发器的构成,读起来实在费劲。 “手动触发器的第七条规则是:仅在触发器本身无法提供相应信息的情况下才使用标签 。想一想,如果不添加,...
Microinteractions mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025