剋裏斯汀·漢娜(Kristin Hannah),國內熱銷圖書《螢火蟲小巷》的作者。1960年9月齣生於美國南加州,在海邊堆沙堡和玩衝浪長大。曾在廣告公司工作,也當過律師,而在她決定要去讀律師時,她母親說:“但你將來注定要當作傢的。”事實證明母親的話永遠是正確的。
著名暢銷書作傢丹妮爾·斯蒂爾稱《夜鶯》是她最近讀過的最棒的書。“女版馬爾剋斯” 伊莎貝爾·阿連德直呼《夜鶯》趨於完美。
France, 1939 - In the quiet village of Carriveau, Vianne Mauriac says goodbye to her husband, Antoine, as he heads for the Front. She doesn't believe that the Nazis will invade France … but invade they do, in droves of marching soldiers, in caravans of trucks and tanks, in planes that fill the skies and drop bombs upon the innocent. When a German captain requisitions Vianne's home, she and her daughter must live with the enemy or lose everything. Without food or money or hope, as danger escalates all around them, she is forced to make one impossible choice after another to keep her family alive.
Vianne's sister, Isabelle, is a rebellious eighteen-year-old girl, searching for purpose with all the reckless passion of youth. While thousands of Parisians march into the unknown terrors of war, she meets Gäetan, a partisan who believes the French can fight the Nazis from within France, and she falls in love as only the young can … completely. But when he betrays her, Isabelle joins the Resistance and never looks back, risking her life time and again to save others.
The Nightingale 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
The Nightingale 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書##頭一迴,一口氣讀完521頁的小說,情節緊湊、人物深刻; 頭一迴,在書的加持下放聲大哭,是觸動心弦的那些瞬間。 在姐姐成年後重遇妹妹,想愛卻無力的那一刻;在父親為瞭解救女兒,犧牲生命的那一刻;在丈夫戰後迴歸,卻無顔麵對的那一刻;在時光逝去走上講颱,被世人和兒子所知...
評分##據史料記載:號稱“歐洲內戰”的一戰給歐洲帶來史無前例的災難時,也為歐洲的集體記憶種下瞭和平主義的種子。 20世紀30年代末期,當希特勒的戰爭步伐逼近尚未完全脫離1929經濟危機影響的法國時,法國當局不惜一切代價維護和平的願望遠遠超過瞭奮起反抗的決心。加上法國一戰名將...
評分##事實證明back to back讀同一個作傢的作品真的很考驗作傢文筆
評分 評分##無論是傳記也好,曆史書籍也好,幾乎看不到女人的故事。仿佛全世界商量好瞭,要一起漠視另一半曆史一樣。我不想評判戰爭中的誰對誰錯,至少在有普世價值的現代,人性是相通的,那麼,為什麼要忽略人類一半數量的女性呢?以上是自己的一些感觸。剋莉絲汀.漢娜真是個瞭不起的作傢...
評分##An important lesson I learnt from this pheonomenal novel: People often tag names on you, but only you can find who you are. ///Besides, even though I'm not a fan of historical fiction, since it always ends up with drama and cheesy tears, this one catches my heart as an exception.
評分The Nightingale mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025