After killing the corrupt Warchief Blackhand, Orgrim Doomhammer was quick to seize control over the Orcish Horde. Now he is determined to conquer the rest of Azeroth so that his people will once again have a home of their own in the...
Anduin Lothar, former Champion of Stormwind, has left his shattered homeland behind and led his people across the Great Sea to the shores of Lordaeron. There, with the aid of the noble King Terenas, he forges a mighty Alliance with the other human nations. But even that may not be enough to stop the Horde's merciless onslaught.
Elves, dwarves, and trolls enter the fray as the two emerging factions vie for dominance. Will the valiant Alliance prevail, or will the Horde's tide of darkness consume the last vestiges of freedom on Azeroth?
Tide of Darkness 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
Tide of Darkness 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书##虽然我是部落,但是当看到毁灭之锤杀死洛萨的时候还是觉得很悲痛,不过联盟的反败为胜有点太戏剧化了,图拉杨完全是主角光环上身啊。不过部落不败的话,萨尔同学就没法崛起了。
评分 评分 评分##同样是出了叛徒,联盟以大局为先待稳住战事再秋后算账;部落则是不顾即将到手的胜利先追杀狗蛋。同样是设立新职业,圣骑即便虔诚不高也是战斗中靠自己领悟;而死骑则是强迫被活活抡死再强拉起来卖命。同样是吸纳新血,联盟走一路救一路把队伍越壮越大;部落则是大搞变异食人魔再加威逼红龙,前脚巨魔刚进森林后脚兽人就放火烧树,自伙人都被人海战术消磨殆尽。各种鲜明对比,二战联盟得以告捷不仅靠的众志成城,也多亏了部落那边屡屡犯浑。
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