1932年,张爱玲在圣玛利亚女中的校刊上发表了她的短篇小说处女作《不幸的她》。1933年,在该校刊发表她的第一篇散文《迟暮》。1934年,张爱玲完成《摩登红楼梦》,父亲张志沂为之撰回目。1943年和1944年的两年中,连续发表多篇轰动性的中短篇小说,包括《沉香屑第一炉香》、《倾城之恋》、《心经》、《金锁记》等,在沦陷时期的上海一举成名。1944年8月,胡兰成与张爱玲在上海秘密结婚。这之后,她又经历了与胡兰成的分手,以及其父去世等事情。于1955年,张爱玲赴美国定居并结识了她的第二任丈夫赖雅……1967年10月8日,赖雅去世,张爱玲开始将清朝的长篇小说《海上花列传》 翻译成英文。
Eileen Chang is now recognized as one of the greatest modern Chinese writers, though she was completely erased from official histories in chinese mainland.-- Her semi-autobiographical novels depict in gripping detail her childhood years in Tianjin and Shanghai, as well as her student days in Hong Kong during World War II, and shed light on the construction of selfhood in her other novels. --This previously unpublished semi-autobiographical novel continues the story begun in The Fall of the Pagoda, following the girl's experiences as a student at the University of Victoria in Hong Kong, including the city's 1941 fall after Pearl Harbor. Hiding in shelter to escape air raids, she vividly conveys her sense of alienation both as a sojourner in a distant land and as a displaced refugee of war.
The Book of Change 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
The Book of Change 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书##此《易经》非彼《易经》,祖师奶奶英文稿原名“The Change of Life”,意转变中的生活。张爱玲起的书名总是简洁有力又恰到好处,好比这“自传三部曲”,第一部《雷峰塔》借雷峰塔倒寓意贵族没落;第二部《易经》则是由父亲到母亲,从上海到香港再回上海的转变开始;第三部《小...
评分##i'm lovin' it ! This should be a great novel....
评分 评分 评分 评分##英文原著搁下好多年才重头看完。好过《雷峰塔》,是因为比比和女主角的互动。
评分The Book of Change mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025