John Allspaw is currently Operations Engineering Manager at Flickr, the popular photo site. He has had extensive experience working with growing web sites since 1999. These include online news magazines (Salon.com, InfoWorld.com, Macworld.com) and social networking sites that experienced extreme growth (Friendster and Flickr). During his time at Friendster, traffic increased 5X. He was responsible for their transition from a couple dozen servers in a failing data center to over 400 machines across two data centers, and the complete redesign of the backing infrastructure. When he joined Flickr, they had 10 servers in a tiny data center in Vancouver; they are now located in multiple data centers across the US. Prior to his web experience, Allspaw worked in modeling and simulation as a mechanical engineer doing car crash simulations for the NHTSA.
Jesse Robbins is passionate about infrastructure, emergency management, and technology that helps people be safe, happy, and free. He serves as co-chair of the Velocity Performance & Operations Conference and is part of the O'Reilly Radar. Jesse currently advises companies in Seattle and San Francisco. He previously worked at Amazon.com where his title was "Master of Disaster" and where he was responsible for Website Availability. Jesse is a volunteer Firefighter/EMT & Emergency Manager, and led a task force deployed in Operation Hurricane Katrina.
A web application involves many specialists, but it takes people in web ops to ensure that everything works together throughout an application's lifetime. It's the expertise you need when your start-up gets an unexpected spike in web traffic, or when a new feature causes your mature application to fail. In this collection of essays and interviews, web veterans such as Theo Schlossnagle, Baron Schwartz, and Alistair Croll offer insights into this evolving field. You'll learn stories from the trenches--from builders of some of the biggest sites on the Web--on what's necessary to help a site thrive.
Learn the skills needed in web operations, and why they're gained through experience rather than schooling
Understand why it's important to gather metrics from both your application and infrastructure
Consider common approaches to database architectures and the pitfalls that come with increasing scale
Learn how to handle the human side of outages and degradations
Find out how one company avoided disaster after a huge traffic deluge
Discover what went wrong after a problem occurs, and how to prevent it from happening again
Contributors include:
John Allspaw
Heather Champ
Michael Christian
Richard Cook
Alistair Croll
Patrick Debois
Eric Florenzano
Paul Hammond
Justin Huff
Adam Jacob
Jacob Loomis
Matt Massie
Brian Moon
Anoop Nagwani
Sean Power
Eric Ries
Theo Schlossnagle
Baron SchwartzAndrew Shafer
Web Operations 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
Web Operations 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书##这本书是戍总临走前放到我这里的,说实话,和临走没什么关系,只是一前一后的顺序。 这本书是2012年买的,但是估计除了买书的人外,木有人知道。 在这边做事,总是给人一种心有余而力不足的感觉,而且缺少真正的技术氛围——至于我为什么待在这里,是有其他的原因。 为什么...
评分 评分##相当不错的书,结合自己的经验给出了很深刻的理解以及solutions,强烈推荐一下
评分##实践类的知识,讲经验的看个大概就行了,还是要练 互联网运维相关的书能上升到“道”这个层面的书很少,这个算一本。对数据采集测量,持续部署,监控,容灾,故障分析等各主题都有涉及。尤其当前互联网服务越来越庞大,开发和运维的职责已经无法明确切割。业务应用与监控,数据采集,部署,配置管理等系统都需要精密结合,最后...
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