In 101 Stories for foreigners to Understand Chinese People,Yi and Bryan Ellis tell stories about their experiences living in China to introduce elements of Chinese culture,etiquette and interpersonal interaction. When they moved from New York City to Shanghai three years ago, they read several guide books and thought they were prepared. But dozens of small yet significant cultural differences caught them by surprise! Three years (and numerous faux pas, misunderstandings and misinterpretations) later, they have written this book to help readers benefit from their experiences. Their stories explain both the "what's" and the "why's" of Chinese customs, so that readers can better understand and appreciate the Chinese way of thinking and living. Often,what seems bizarre and strange at first makes perfect sense if you see it from a Chinese perspective. Yi and Bryan have enjoyed learning about Chinese culture and hope that the readers will enjoy this journey of discovery as well.
3.Mrs.Wang’s Husband Is Not Mr.Wang
A good friend Of mine is a very successful Chinese busincss woman work.ing for an American firm.On a visit to China,her American boss invited myfriend and her husband to dinner.My friend’s last name is Wang,so when theAmerican boss met her husband,he shook his hand warmly and said.“Ah,youmust be Mr.Wang.It’s so good to meet you.’’My friend’s husband replied.“It’snice to meet you,too.But actually,I am not Mr.Wang,I am Mr.Liu.”
In mainland China,almost every Chinese woman marrying a Chinesehusband keeps her maiden name after marriage.This has been the customsince 1949 when the Chinese Communist Party began to rulethe country.Un-dcr communism,women and men are supposed to be equal.In fact,a popularslogan in thc 1950s says that“Women hold up half of the sky.”Maintainingone’s maiden name is also a sign of women“independence from men.Today,it is less a political or social statement than it is a habit.I know no mainlandChinese woman who changed her sumame after marriage.In contrast mostChinese women in Hong Kong and inTaiwan will add their husband’s surnarne to their own sO that their names begin with two surnames.
So next time you meet a Chinese couple in China,remember that Mrs.Wang’s husband is not Mr.Wang!
如何麵對中國人101題(英文版) [101 Stories for Foreigners to Understand Chinese People] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
如何麵對中國人101題(英文版) [101 Stories for Foreigners to Understand Chinese People] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書書到用時方恨少,事非經過不知難。養成自己隨時隨地都能學習的習慣,你的一生就會受用無窮。事業的發展,生活的豐富多彩,愛情的幸福美滿,身心的健康快樂等等,總之,生活工作中我們時時處處都在學習當中。也許你僅僅把在學校,從書本上的學習當成學習瞭,但實際上那隻是人生學習旅程的一部分。處處留心,培養對許多事物的興趣愛好,你就會不斷豐富自己的心靈,增長見識,對生命和生活的意義也就會更為理解。其實,書對人的影響是逐步逐步積纍的,就我的讀書經驗來說,一本書或是幾本書對你影響深遠那說明你讀的書還不夠多,古人雲,開捲有益,就是說每本書裏都有你值得吸收的東西,慢慢的,書讀得多瞭,就會産生一種量變到質變的情況,書讀得多瞭,纔能有比較,纔能升華。所謂腹有詩書氣自華呀!高爾基說過書籍是人類進步的階梯。在我看來,讀書很重要。讀書可以讓我們學到豐富的知識,可以讓我們開闊眼界,還可以使人進步。當我看到如何麵對中國人101題(英文版)的標題時,我就決定買下來,[美]瀋熠,[美]璦秉宏著的書每一本我都很喜歡,大傢可以先看下這本書的簡介!101,.-.!(),.’’,.,..從這裏麵就能看齣這是一本多麼優秀的書!所以我立馬就下單購買瞭,前一天下午下單的,第二天上午就收到瞭,物流速度那是一個贊!快遞員的態度也很好,到之前先短信通知的!書收到後打開包裝,外麵是有塑封的,看起來很趕緊全新的,贊一個!拆開塑封,紙張摸著很舒服,再贊一個,正版的就是不一樣,很喜歡!在讀書時,寫讀書筆記是訓練閱讀的好方法。記憶,對於積纍知識是重要的,但是不能迷信記憶。列寜具有驚人的記憶力,他卻勤動筆,寫下瞭大量的讀書筆記。俗話說最淡的墨水,也勝過最強的記憶。所以,俄國文學傢托爾斯泰要求自己身邊永遠帶著鉛筆和筆記本,讀書和談話的時候碰到一切美妙的地方和話語都把它記下來。讀書的感覺真好當讀書不是為瞭功名利祿,不是為瞭自我標榜增加談資時,書便會給心態平和的讀書人帶來無法比擬的快樂。若作者懷著一片真情在傾訴,那讀者就是有幸的聽眾。讀者與作者是世界上最平等的關係,不會有下對上的卑躬屈膝,也不會有宗教式的瘋狂熱烈。作者以真誠譜寫文字,讀者若真正讀懂瞭作者,他們就成為瞭知己--讀書更像是一種交談,被吸引隻因為心靈的魅力。正因為這種單純與真誠,隻要一個小小的空間,捧起一本好書就擁有瞭一分絕美的心境。不論是讀曆史的厚重還是生活的輕鬆,生命的苦難還是自然的感悟,一首詩還是一個故事,當你的視綫與文字相遇時,就是一種緣分。因為真心,沒有所謂的深刻淺薄、智慧愚鈍。正像黛玉所說的我是為瞭我的心。讀書也是為瞭自己的心。拋卻瞭世俗的虛僞,生命充實,快樂。閑坐無事時
如何麵對中國人101題(英文版) [101 Stories for Foreigners to Understand Chinese People] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025