
國外電子與通信教材係列:光電子學與光子學·原理與實踐(第2版)(英文版) 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書 2025

[英] S.O.Kasap 著


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齣版社: 電子工業齣版社
叢書名: 國外電子與通信教材係列








  S.O.Kasap,是加拿大薩斯喀徹溫大學(University of Saskatchewan)電氣工程係教授以及加拿大電子材料與器件首席科學傢(Canada Research Chair)。他於1976年、1978年和1983年在倫敦大學帝國理工學院(Imperial College of Science。Technology and Medicine,University of London)分彆獲得學士、碩士和博士學位。他的研究興趣涵蓋瞭光電子材料與器件的許多方麵,如光子晶體光縴布拉格光柵、光通信、醫療成像、半導體器件的電氣噪聲特性等。S.O.Kasap已在權威國際期刊發錶多篇論文。他還是英國電氣工程師學會(IEE)、英國物理學會和英國材料學會的會士。目前,他是Journal of Materials Science的副主編。


Chapter 1 Wave Nature of Light
1.1 Light Waves in a Homogeneous Medium
1.2 Refractive Index and Dispersion
1.3 Group Velocity and Group Index
1.4 Magnetic Field, Irradiance, and Poynting Vector
1.5 Snell's Law and Total Internal Reflection (TIR)
1.6 Fresnel's Equations
1.7 Antireflection Coatings and Dielectric Mirrors
1.8 Absorption of Light and Complex Refractive Index
1.9 Temporal and Spatial Coherence
1.10 Superposition and Interference of Waves
1.11 Multiple Interference and Optical Resonators
1.12 Diffraction Principles
1.13 Interferometers
1.14 Thin Film Optics: Multiple Reflections in Thin Films
1.15 Multiple Reflections in Plates and Incoherent Waves
1.16 Scattering of Light
1.17 Photonic Crystals

Chapter 2 Dielectric Waveguides and Optical Fibers
2.1 Symmetric Planar Dielectric Slab Waveguide
2.2 Modal and Waveguide Dispersion in Planar
2.3 Step-Index Optical Fiber
2.4 Numerical Aperture
2.5 Dispersion In Single-Mode Fibers
2.6 Dispersion Modified Fibers and Compensation
2.7 Bit Rate, Dispersion, and Electrical and Optical Bandwidth
2.8 The Graded Index (GRIN) Optical Fiber
2.9 Attenuation in Optical Fibers
2.10 Fiber Manufacture
2.11 Wavelength Division Multiplexing: WDM
2.12 Nonlinear Effects in Optical Fibers and DWDM
2.13 Bragg Fibers
2.14 Photonic Crystal Fibers-Holey Fibers
2.15 Fiber Bragg Gratings and Sensors

Chapter 3 Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes
3.1 Review of Semiconductor Concepts and Energy Bands
3.2 Semiconductor Statistics
3.3 Extrinsic Semiconductors
3.4 Direct and Indirect Bandgap Semiconductors:
3.5 pn Junction Principles
3.6 pn Junction Reverse Current
3.7 pn Junction Dynamic Resistance and Capacitances
3.8 Recombination Lifetime
3.9 pn Junction Band Diagram
3.10 Heterojunctions
3.11 Light-Emitting Diodes: Principles
3.12 Quantum Well High Intensity LEDs
3.13 LED Materials and Structures
3.14 LED Efficiencies and Luminous Flux
3.15 Basic LED Characteristics
3.16 LEDs for Optical Fiber Communications
3.17 Phosphors and White LEDs
3.18 LED Electronics

Chapter 4 Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers
4.1 Stimulated Emission, Photon Amplification, and Lasers
4.2 Stimulated Emission Rate and Emission Cross-Section
4.3 Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers
4.4 Gas Lasers: The He-Ne Laser
4.5 The Output Spectrum of a Gas Laser
4.6 Laser Oscillations: Threshold Gain Coefficient
4.7 Broadening of the Optical Gain Curve and Linewidth
4.8 Pulsed Lasers: Q-Switching and Mode Locking
4.9 Principle of the Laser Diode
4.10 Heterostructure Laser Diodes
4.11 Quantum Well Devices
4.12 Elementary Laser Diode Characteristics
4.13 Steady State Semiconductor Rate Equations:
4.14 Single Frequency Semiconductor Lasers
4.15 Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers
4.16 Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers
4.17 Superluminescent and Resonant Cavity Leds:
4.18 Direct Modulation of Laser Diodes
4.19 Holography

Chapter 5 Photodetectors and Image Sensors
5.1 Principle of the pn Junction Photodiode
5.2 Shockley-Ramo Theorem and External Photocurrent
5.3 Absorption Coefficient and Photodetector Materials
5.4 Quantum Efficiency and Responsivity
5.5 The pin Photodiode
5.6 Avalanche Photodiode
5.7 Heterojunction Photodiodes
5.8 Schottky Junction Photodetector
5.9 Phototransistors
5.10 Photoconductive Detectors and Photoconductive
5.11 Basic Photodiode Circuits
5.12 Noise in Photodetectors
5.13 Image Sensors
5.14 Photovoltaic Devices: Solar Cells

Chapter 6 Polarization and Modulation of Light
6.1 Polarization
6.2 Light Propagation in an Anisotropic Medium:
6.3 Birefringent Optical Devices
6.4 Optical Activity and Circular Birefringence
6.5 Liquid Crystal Displays
6.6 Electro-Optic Effects
6.7 Integrated Optical Modulators
6.8 Acousto-Optic Modulator
6.9 Faraday Rotation and Optical Isolators
6.10 Nonlinear Optics and Second Harmonic Generation
6.11 Jones Vectors


  The first edition of this book was written more than 12 years ago. At the time it was meant as an easy-to-read book for third-year engineering or applied physics undergraduate students;it emphasized qualitative explanations and relied heavily on intuitive derivations. As things turned out, the first edition ended up being used in fourth-year elective classes, and even in graduate courses on optoelectronics. Many of the instructors teaching at that level rightly needed better derivations, more rigor, better explanations, and, of course, many more topics and problems. We have all at one time or another suffered from how wrong some intuitive short-cut derivations can be. The second edition was therefore prepared by essentially rewriting the text almost from scratch with much better rigor and explanations, but without necessarily dwelling on mathematical details. Many new exciting practical examples have been introduced, and numerous new problems have been added. The book also had to be totally modernized given that much had happened in the intervening 12 years that deserved being covered in an undergraduate course.
  Features, Changes, and Revisions in the Second Edition
  The second edition represents a total revision of the first edition, with numerous additional features and enhancements.
  All chapters have been totally revised and extended.
  Numerous modern topics in photonics have been added to all the chapters.
  There are Additional Topics that can be covered in more advanced courses, or in courses that run over two semesters.
  There are many more new examples and solved prblems within chapters, and many more practical end-of-chapter problems that start from basic concepts and build up onto advanced applications.
  Nearly all the illustrations and artwork in the first edition have been revised and redrawn to better reflect the concepts.
  Numerous new illustrations have been added to convey the concepts as clearly as possible.
  Photographs have been added, where appropriate, to enhance the readability of the book and to illustrate typical modern photonic/optoelectronic devices.
  The previous edition’s Chapter 7 on photovoltaics has been incorporated into this edition’s Chapter 5 as an Additional Topic, thus allowing more photonics-related topics to be covered.
  Advanced or complicated mathematical derivations are avoided and, instead, the emphasis is placed on concepts and engineering applications.
  Useful and essential equations in photonics are given with explanations and are used in examples and problems to give the student a sense of what typical values are.
  Cross referencing in the second edition has been avoided as much as possible, without too much repetition, to allow various sections and chapters to be skipped as desired by the reader.
  There is greater emphasis on practical or engineering examples; care has been taken to consider various photonics/optoelectronics courses at the undergraduate level across major universities.
  The second edition is supported by an extensive PowerPoint presentation for instructors who have adopted the book for their course. The PowerPoint slides have all the illustrations in color, and include additional color photos. The basic concepts and equations are also highlighted in additional slides. There are also numerous slides with examples and solved problems. Instructors should visit www.pearsoninternationaleditions.com/kasap to access the PowerPoints.
  The second edition is also supported by a 國外電子與通信教材係列:光電子學與光子學·原理與實踐(第2版)(英文版) 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式

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國外電子與通信教材係列:光電子學與光子學·原理與實踐(第2版)(英文版) 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025

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