英語二 找老蔣 考研英語二閱讀書 暢銷11年的經典教材
全新升級改版 新增:4篇Part B超精講10篇 老蔣視頻精講20篇 新文深度精講
本書嚴格按照教育部頒發的《全國碩士研究生招生考試英語(二)考試大綱》對閱讀理解能力的要求而編寫。全書精選瞭84篇閱讀文章,其中Part A部分包括:精講篇20篇,精練篇40篇,基礎篇20篇;Part B部分全新4篇超精講。每篇文章後的“語篇分析”、“詞匯短語”、“難句精解”和“全文精譯”等闆塊重點解決微觀層麵的英語詞匯、難句理解和文章翻譯相關的問題,夯實英語閱讀理解的基本功;重點闆塊模闆化,“試題解析”通過科學實用的模闆化解題方法重點解決解題過程中的問題,每道題目均給齣“答案”、“題型”、“解題思路”、“錯項分析”和“思路點睛”等條目,解題思路清晰。這種獨特的結構設計可以滿足不同英語基礎的考生的復習備考需要。
蔣軍虎 昵稱老蔣,國傢考研英語閱捲組資深閱捲人,考研英語(二)輔導與圖書創作人及開拓者,被業內人士與考生譽為“英語(二)教父”。
Unit 1
〖1〗Text 1
The world is undergoing tremendous changes.The rise of globalization,both an economic and cultural trend that has swept throughout the world,has forged new ground as we enter the 21st century.But are the effects of globalization always positive? Some say no.
Michael Tenet,head of the International Institute for Foreign Relations in Atlanta,is worried about current resentment throughout the world toward the rise of globalization.“Ever since the 1980s and the economic collapse of the Asian Tigers in the late 1990s,there has been a re�瞖valuation of the role of globalization as a force for good,” he said.“Income in many countries has declined and the gap between‘the most rich’and‘the most poor’has been aggravated.Without further intervention by governments,we could see a tragedy expressed in an increased level of poverty throughout the Latin America and Asia.”
Yet George Frank,an influential economist who works on Wall Street,sees no such danger.“Economic liberalization,increased transparency and market�瞓ased reforms have positive effect in the long run,even if market mechanisms can produce short�瞭erm destabilization problems,”he said.“What is most important is that barriers to trade continue to fall so that active competition for consumer goods reduces prices and in turn raises the average level of income.”
Others feel that globalization�餾 cultural impact may be more important than its economic implications.Janice Yawee,a native of Africa,feels strongly that globalization is undermining her local culture and language.“Most of the world�餾 dialects will become extinct under globalization.We are paving the world with McDonald�餾 and English slang.It tears me up inside,” she said.
Governments of different countries have had mixed responses to the wave of globalization.The United States is generally seen as an active proponent of greater free trade, and it certainly has enormous cultural influence by virtue of its near monopoly on worldwide entertainment.But other countries, most notably in Europe and developing nations, have sought to reduce the impact that globalization has on their domestic affairs.
“When I was a boy we had very little to speak of,” says one Singaporean resident.“Now our country has developed into a booming hub for international finance.” Others, however, are not so optimistic.“Globalization is an evil force that must be halted,” a union official at a car plant in Detriot recently commented.“It�餾 sucking away jobs and killing the spirit of our country.”
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【人大版老蔣基礎三件套】全8本老蔣考研英語二2019閱讀理解精讀80篇+老蔣講詞匯+長難句老蔣筆記 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2024