Chapter 1紐約來客New Yorker
Section 1購買機票Flight Ticket Re Servation
Section 2檢票登機Check In and Boarding
Section 3在飛機上On the Plane
Section 4行李提取Retrieving the Luggage
Section 5通關檢查 Security Check
Section 6問路指路Directions Inquiry
Section 7坐公交Take a Bus
Section 8坐地鐵Take a Subway
Section 9坐齣租車Take a Taxi
Section 10自駕車Drive a Car
Section 11騎自行車Ride a Bicycle
Chapter 2你好,buddy(基本社交)Basic Communication
Section 1見麵問候Greetings
Section 2介紹與迴應介紹Introductions and Reply
Section 3感謝與迴謝Gratitude and Reply
Section 4道歉與迴應Apologize and Reply
Section 5邀請與迴應Invitation and Reply
Section 6接打電話Answering the Phone
Section 7天氣Weather
Section 8時間與日期Time and Date
Section 9告彆Farewell
Chapter 3想念溫暖的傢(傢庭生活)Family
Section 1傢人團聚Reunion
Section 2傢的模樣Home
Section 3睡覺起床Sleeping and Waking up
Section 4一日三餐Meals
Section 5花銷儲蓄Spending and Saving Money
Section 6看望親朋Visiting Friends
Chapter 4唐人街美食(吃)Eating Out
Section 1商定餐館Where to Eat
Section 2點餐Ordering Food
Section 3上菜用餐Eating
Section 4討論飯菜Discussing your food
Section 5買單Paying
Section 6喝咖啡Getting Coffee
Section 7去酒吧Going to the Bar
Chapter 5購物在99美分店(購物)Shopping
Section 1百貨商店Department Stores
Section 2商品式樣品牌Different Styles and Brands
Section 3討價還價Bargaining at the Market
Section 4尋找減價商品 Searching for Sales
Section 5售後服務Customer Service
Chapter 6 Kevin的態度觀點Attitude and Mind
Section 1喜歡與討厭Like and Dislike
Section 2同意與分歧Agreement and Disagreement
Section 3信任與懷疑Trust and Doubt
Section 4接受與拒絕Accept and Refu Se
Section 5猶豫與後悔Hesitate and Regret
Section 6建議與忠告Suggestion and Persuade
Section 7關心與冷漠Care and Indifferent
Section 8責備與提醒Scold and Remind
Section 9催促與安撫Urge and Conciliate
Section 10支持與鼓勵Support and Encourage
Section 11討論與決定Discussion and Decision
Chapter 7今天心情不錯(情緒)Under a Good Mood
Section 1高興與難過Happy and Sad
Section 2驚訝與欣喜Surpri Se and Pleasant
Section 3激動與憤怒Excited and Anger
Section 4樂觀與悲觀Optimistic and Pessimistic
Section 5抑鬱與沮喪Depres Sed and Desperate
Section 6耐心與不耐煩Patient and Impatient
Section 7擔心與憂慮Worry and Stres Sed
Section 8期望與失望Promising and Disappointment
Chapter 8愛上哈佛(學)Study
Section 1熟悉校園和同學Getting Familiar
Section 2學校課程Curriculum
Section 3聽講座Lecture
Section 4在圖書館At the Library
Section 5考試測驗Tests
Section 6奬學金Scholarship
Section 7社團協會School AssociationSection 8宿捨花絮Dorm
Section 9校園兼職Part-time Job
Section 10畢業舞會Graduation and Prom
Section 11齣國留學Studying Abroad
Section 12簽證與護照Visa and Passport
Chapter 9 Kevin的愛情Love
Section 1約會Dating
Section 2愛戀Falling in Love
Section 3求婚Marriage Proposal
Section 4婚禮Wedding
Section 5爭吵分手Break-up
Chapter 10 Kevin侃大山Free Talk
Section 1買房還是租房To Buy or to Rent
Section 2買車Buying a Car
Section 3股票基金Trading Stocks
Section 4報刊雜誌Newspapers and Magazines
Section 5閃婚Flash Marriage
Section 6享受單身Enjoying Single
Section 7中性美女Tomboy
Section 8月光族Paycheck to Paycheck
Section 9節假日Holidays
Section 10網上購物Online Shopping
Section 11博客Blog
Section 12秘密 Secret
Section 13友誼Friendship
Section 14環境Environment
Section 15 IQ與EQ IQ and EQ
Section 16創業Starting a Business
Section 17激情NBA National Sports
Section 18運動健身Exerci Se and Fitness
Section 19減肥Lo Se Weight
Chapter 11好萊塢的夢想(娛樂)Entertainment
Section 1音樂的狂想Music
Section 2電影的魅力Movies
Section 3沙發土豆TV
Section 4散步星光大道Hollywood Walk of Fame
Chapter 12打拼在華爾街(職)The Job Market
Section 1求職應聘Job Hunting
Section 2麵試進行時Interview
Section 3上班第一天First Day
Section 4職場培訓Training
Section 5齣勤與遲到Arriving at Work Late
Section 6請假Taking a Leave
Section 7調班加班Shifts and Overwork
Section 8升職加薪Promotion and Getting a Rai Se
Section 9工作壓力Work Pressure
Section 10解聘與辭職Quitting/Resignation
Chapter 13 Kevin齣遊Travel
Section 1旅遊計劃Travel Planning
Section 2選擇旅行社Choo Se the Travel Agency
Section 3參觀遊覽Sight Seeing Tour
Section 4旅途遇到麻煩Trouble
Section 5拍照留戀Photo Taking
Section 6買紀念品Buying Souvenirs
Section 7入住賓館Hotel
Section 8旅行歸來Back From the Trip
Chapter 14生病怎麼辦?Sickness
Section 1感冒發燒Suffering from a Fever
Section 2預約醫生Doctor Appointment
Section 3去醫院Going to the Hospital
Section 4手術及護理Operation and Care
Section 5住院齣院Living in the Hospital
Section 6醫療保險Medical Insurance
Chapter 15享受公共服務Public Service
Section 1郵局Post Office
Section 2銀行Bank
Section 3博物館Mu Seum
Section 4電話亭Telephone Booth/Collect Calling
Section 5社區居委會Neighborhood Community
Section 6警察局Police Station
Section 7理發店Hair Salon
Section 8洗衣房Laundromat
Section 1 音樂的狂想Music
1. Hey, man, check out this new band I heard! 嘿,老弟,來看看我聽過的這個新樂隊。
還可以這麼說哦:Hey, dude, listen to this band! 嘿,夥計,聽聽這個樂隊!
Oh, man, I love this! Listen! 哦,老兄,我喜歡這個!聽聽!
如果對方被你的激情所吸引:Alright, let’s hear em’. 好的,咱們聽聽吧。
Sure, dude, let’s hear it. 好的,哥們兒,咱們來聽吧。
◆check out 檢查
◆em’ 他們,是them在口語中的縮略。
2. This band kicks ass, listen to them! 這樂隊真瞭不起,聽聽吧!
也可以這麼來錶達:These guys are really good, check it out! 這些人真的很不錯,去看看吧!
如果你聽瞭後感覺真的是名不虛傳,也可以附和一聲:Wow, these guys are great! 哇,這些傢夥好棒!
◆kick ass在此處的意思並不像字麵上的那樣,而是俚語的用法,錶示“瞭不起,非常厲害”。
3. I really like Iron Maiden, but I’m not a big Metallica fan. 我很喜歡鐵娘子樂隊,不過我可不是金屬樂隊的鐵杆粉絲。
我可不認同你的說法:No way. Metallica kicks Iron Maiden’s ass any day! 絕不可能,金屬樂隊任何時候都比鐵娘子樂隊要棒。
【補充】Iron Maiden鐵娘子樂隊。無論在哪個國傢,Iron Maiden這個偉大的名字在重金屬樂迷當中都是傢喻戶曉的。在過去的20多年當中,Iron Maiden始終都是英國最傑齣的金屬樂隊之一,同時,無數的後輩樂隊在成長的過程中也都受到瞭Iron Maiden音樂的影響。
4. This is really good, but it’s nothing compared to Slayer. 這確實不錯,但和殺手樂隊比起來就沒什麼瞭。
有什麼不同的意見,就錶達齣來吧:Yeah I can see that, but I still hate Slayer. 是啊,我看到瞭,不過我還是不喜歡殺手樂隊。
◆compared to 與……相比
5. They never should have changed singers. They’re horrible now! 他們不應該更換歌手的。現在他們多糟糕啊!
如果你肯定這種說法:Yeah man, they must be insane. 是啊,他們肯定是瘋瞭。
言辭還可以更激烈一些:What the hell were they thinking getting rid of their singer? This sounds like shit! 他們究竟在想些什麼,要丟棄他們的歌手?這聽上去就像垃圾。
◆horrible ['h?r?b l] adj. 討厭的,可怕的,糟糕的
◆insane [?n'sen] adj. 瘋狂的,愚蠢的
◆get rid of 丟棄,拋棄
6. What kind of music do you like? 你喜歡什麼音樂?
換種說法:What kind of music do you listen to? 你喜歡聽什麼音樂?
What’s your favorite music genre? 你最喜歡什麼類型的音樂?
◆genre ['?ɑnr?] n. 類型,風格
7. Hey, what are you listening to? 嘿,你在聽什麼?
很好聽,是什麼歌:This is really good, what is it? 這確實不錯,是什麼?
This is great! What is it? 這太棒瞭!是什麼?
直接告知:Oh this is The Smiths. They’re classic. 哦,這是史密斯樂團的,都是很經典的。We’re listening to Kiss, duh! 我們在聽Kiss樂隊,廢話!
【補充】The Smiths史密斯樂團。在20世紀80年代英國的獨立音樂背景中,史密斯樂團算是最成功的另類搖滾樂團之一,他們對後來的獨立音樂影響很大。
8. This concert is incredible! 這場音樂會簡直難以置信!
好聽的音樂總是這麼吸引人:Holy shit dude! This is great! 天哪,兄弟!這太棒瞭!
This concert is blowing my mind! So good! 這場音樂會讓我心醉神迷!太棒瞭!
肯定以上的說法:I know, right! Incredible! 是啊,沒錯!太不可思議瞭!
Yeah! This is freaking awesome! 是啊!這太酷瞭!
◆holy shit 天哪
◆blow one’s mind 讓某人心醉神迷,神魂顛倒
◆awesome ['?s?m] adj. 瞭不起的,很棒的
9. Lift me up, I want to crowd surf! 把我舉起來,我想人群衝浪!(演唱會的現場人山人海,你如果想在音樂的魔力中更瘋狂一點,就可以這麼說。)
◆crowd-surfing 人群衝浪,被人群舉
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