2018 華研外語:考研英語二閱讀 A節120篇

2018 華研外語:考研英語二閱讀 A節120篇 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書 2025

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適讀人群 : 全國碩士研究生入學統一考試英語二考生;MBA、MPA、MPAcc、管理、金融、法律、教育、藝術、工程、體育等專業碩士學位考生;英語基礎一般、讀不懂文章的考生;能讀懂文章但做不對題的考生。

1. 考研英語二閱讀理解A節選材與真題同源,命中率更高,練習更有效;
2. 解析模式以讀懂文章為目的,考研英語大綱詞匯同步注釋、考點難句透徹剖析;
3. 解析詳細,提供全文翻譯、題乾翻譯、選項翻譯、正確選擇、乾擾項排除等分析,幫助考生提高答題正確率;
4. 總結考研英語二閱讀A節實戰技巧,讓考生學會抓住命題思路,準確快速地答題;
5. 排版人性化,中英文左右對照,分段講解,避免來迴翻頁的麻煩。


  1. 考研英語二閱讀A節實戰技巧,方便考生掌握答題技巧;

  2. 考研英語二閱讀理解A節基礎訓練60篇,幫助考生掌握紮實的基礎;

  3. 考研英語二閱讀理解A節能力提高60篇,有助考生拔高閱讀能力。






第一章 考研英語二閱讀實戰技巧
第1節 瞭解6大考點
第2節 掌握7大命題規律
第3節 正確選項設置的3大規律
第4節 乾擾項設置的4大規律
第5節 決勝閱讀3招技巧
第二章 考研英語二閱讀理解基礎訓練60篇
Text 1 英國民眾的福利狀況與工作態度
Text 2 對煙草行業的管理監督
Text 3 論新版的《歐洲史》
Text 4 影響人類長壽的因素
Text 5 達爾文與林肯,誰更重要?
Text 6 女生在中學參加體育運動的益處
Text 7 美國的談話類節目
Text 8 語言的流失危機
Text 9 記憶鞏固時大腦組織的變化
Text 10 女性如何平衡工作與傢庭
Text 11 美國的中學教育
Text 12 人類活動與天氣的周循環
Text 13 電腦行業的節能問題
Text 14 婦女生育能力與生長環境的關係
Text 15 精神加持産品
Text 16 新聞播音員的能力與智力
Text 17 飲食對兒童健康的影響
Text 18 清潔能源的投資熱
Text 19 郭瓦納斯運河的整治
Text 20 慈善醫療的經費是否該增加?
Text 21 誰在為網上的免費服務買單?
Text 22 産品的功能蔓延
Text 23 美國的唯禁欲教育
Text 24 新一代手機監聽軟件
Text 25 扮嫩族
Text 26 男女導航方式的差異
Text 27 關愛與康樂的關係
Text 28 變質的暑假
Text 29 麥基諾大橋
Text 30 智慧之研究
Text 31 簡曆造假
Text 32 日本日益嚴重的失業問題
Text 33 應對感冒病毒
Text 34 “臨時客工”計劃
Text 35 流行性疾病的影響
Text 36 網絡一代影響企業管理
Text 37 優質客服的重要性
Text 38 血液“殘骸”揭真相
Text 39 女權主義運動
Text 40 美國大學捐贈基金的討論
Text 41 激勵機製的反作用
Text 42 手機設計及使用的發展
Text 43 少些卡路裏,多些健康
Text 44 宜傢效應
Text 45 麵部錶情的研究
Text 46 日本社會的老齡化
Text 47 迴饋速度對個人錶現的影響
Text 48 旅居國外對創造力的影響
Text 49 美國農業的發展及意義
Text 50 閱讀情緒動詞對人的影響
Text 51 大學學費日益高漲
Text 52 成功可引起大腦神經的可塑性
Text 53 專利的社會影響
Text 54 人工智能的發展
Text 55 如何應對病人的死亡意願
Text 56 肥胖與代謝綜閤徵的關係
Text 57 自戀型老闆對企業發展的利弊
Text 58 核能的利用
Text 59 美國醫療體係齣現的弊端
Text 60 音樂的特性和功能
第三章 考研英語二閱讀理解能力提高60篇
Unit 1
Text 1非理性決策可能會影響他人
Text 2 烹煮與人類發展的關係
Text 3 飛行中的醫療急癥
Text 4 節食與肝髒基因變化的關係
Unit 2
Text 1 美國人超重
Text 2 動物科學課程對犯人産生的積極影響
Text 3 經濟衰退時期的著裝
Text 4 氣候現象
Unit 3
Text 1 離婚後該給多少贍養費?
Text 2 微嵌閤體
Text 3 能源危機給人們的啓示
Text 4 城市和農村生活
Unit 4
Text 1 樂高玩具在企業中的應用
Text 2 小努力也可成就大事業
Text 3 人們對科技持矛盾性觀點
Text 4 衡量生命
Unit 5
Text 1 全球老齡化問題
Text 2 對員工上班時間行為的監管
Text 3 將手機與音樂結閤起來的軟件
Text 4 撒謊的跡象——“認知負荷”
Unit 6
Text 1 氣候保護
Text 2 麵臨轉型的房地産行業
Text 3 司機打瞌睡,喚醒係統來救命
Text 4 閤理利用“遺憾”情緒的價值和方法
Unit 7
Text 1 人造女性膝蓋
Text 2 充實思想
Text 3 離婚是否會使人快樂?
Text 4對舉報人的保護
Unit 8
Text 1 網絡交易及營銷策略
Text 2 美國名校排名
Text 3 拉丁裔人口對亞利桑那州的影響
Text 4 自然資源的破壞和糧食産品的汙染
Unit 9
Text 1 美國報業
Text 2 垃圾食品稅
Text 3 防止嬰兒長大後暴力犯罪的建議
Text 4 不再甘為牛馬的員工們
Unit 10
Text 1 樹木的基因改造工程
Text 2 榖歌公司
Text 3 心情影響免疫力
Text 4 深海采礦
Unit 11
Text 1 剋萊濛娜的小提琴製造業
Text 2 夏時製
Text 3 嬰兒的雙語能力
Text 4 埃德濛徵服珠峰的成就
Unit 12
Text 1 美國的非法移民
Text 2 項目的成本超支問題
Text 3 占星術的發展及其對人們的影響
Text 4 經濟衰退與離婚率的關係
Unit 13
Text 1 龍鳳胎中的女性所受的影響
Text 2 員工休假對工作的積極影響
Text 3 生活習慣與健康的關係
Text 4 狼群的産權意識
Unit 14
Text 1 聲音在廣告中的作用
Text 2 牛頓的發現之啓示
Text 3 逐漸消退的債務熱潮
Text 4 小孩是否在揮霍大人的錢?
Unit 15
Text 1 英國大學的差異化狀態
Text 2 大衰退對年輕人的影響
Text 3 女性天生易對危險動物産生恐懼感
Text 4 定位服務的應用


  Text 1

  [主題:社會生活 建議答題時間:15分鍾]

  That mythical beast, homo economicus, otherwise called Economic man, is utterly clear about the purpose of work: to get paid. He is keener on leisure than on work, and if money can be got without effort, he downs tools. If real people feel the same, then bountiful out-of-work benefits should be found in the same places as work-shy citizens.

  Yet a cross-country comparison of benefits and attitudes to work published on January 28th finds precisely the opposite pattern. Researchers ranked 13 countries according to their generosity (measured by comparing typical benefits to those out of work with the average wage of a production worker) and their citizens’ commitment to work (gauged by asking whether they would work if they did not need the cash, and whether they regarded a job as merely a way to earn a living). They found that the more generous a state is the keener on work its people are. Britons, whose benefits were the stingiest (most ungenerous) after those that Americans get, were least keen of all on work.

  One reason may be the skills make-up of the British workforce. The researchers found, logically enough, that professionals and graduates were more positive about work than the unskilled and non-graduates. Fewer Britons than Norwegians (who came top on work commitment) have professional jobs or degrees. But this does not entirely explain their comparative immunity to the attractions of toil: Britons of every social class and level of education were less keen on work than their counterparts elsewhere.

  Could the “dependency culture” currently exercising British politicians be solved by raising benefits? Unlikely, says Alison Park, editor of the annual British Social Attitudes Report, in which the study appeared: attitudes to work vary from country to country for many reasons. The report states that the lavishness of what the report terms “encompassing” states, all Nordic with Lutheran traditions, may have been made possible by a strong work ethic, rather than a stronger commitment to work having emerged as a result of it.

  And work incentives are affected by features of welfare systems other than overall generosity: “corporatist” states such asGermany, which pay higher benefits to those with a longer work history, may be encouraging positive attitudes to work by such conditionality.Britain’s poor benefits, by contrast, are largely independent of previous employment, which may mean they are seen as an alternative to work, rather than as one of the good things that flow from it.

  1. Homo economicus is characterized as .

  A. economical B. lazy C. leisure-obsessed D. benefits-driven

  2. What can be inferred from the second paragraph?

  A. The keener on work its people are, the more generous a state is.

  B. People who are keen on work will make their state generous.

  C. The benefits which Britons get were the stingiest.

  D. Americans got stingier benefits than Britons did.

  3. By saying “their comparative immunity to the attractions of toil” (Para. 3), the author means .

  A. Britons are healthy enough not to feel ill B. Britons have good immune system

  C. Britons are not keen on work D. Britons are afraid of hard work

  4. According to the British Social Attitudes Report, “encompassing” states are generous due to .

  A. the dependency culture B. a strong work ethic

  C. the rise of benefits D. various working attitudes

  5.Germanyis mentioned in the last paragraph to show that .

  A. Germany pays higher benefits to those with a longer work history

  B. “corporatist” states likeGermanyprovide better benefits than Britain

  C. welfare system is also likely to influence work incentives

  D.Germanyencourages positive work attitudes by paying higher benefits





  Para. 1 That mythical beast, homo economi 2018 華研外語:考研英語二閱讀 A節120篇 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式

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