Stan and Jan Berenstain were already successful cartoonists for magazines and adult humor books when they began writing children's books. The first story starring the bear family, The Big Honey Hunt, appeared in 1962. Since then, more than 250 Berenstain Bears books have been published, and more than 260 million copies have been sold. What began as an idea sparked by their young sons' interest in children's books has become over the years arguably the best-selling children's book series ever.
Since their inception, the Berenstain Bears stories have expanded to include picture books, beginning readers, and chapter books—even a hit TV show on PBS. Writing and illustrating the books has become a Berenstain family affair. Mike joined with his parents as a creative team in the late 1980s. The Bear family has expanded over the years as well. Sister Bear arrived in 1974, and baby Honey joined the family in 2000.
Since Stan's death at age eighty-two in 2005, Jan and Mike have continued to write and illustrate wonderful new adventures for Mama, Papa, Brother, Sister, and Honey Bear. They live in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, which looks a lot like Bear Country.
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The Berenstain Bears and the Baby Chipmunk (I Can Read, Level 1)貝貝熊和花栗鼠寶寶 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf 電子書非常好的一本書,慢慢收集,爭取把貝貝熊係列原版都收集齊瞭。
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評分原版活動,囤書。《蹲下來和孩子說話》是“好父母”說話技巧訓練營手冊。從幾個月到幾歲,讓父母學會和不同年齡的孩子“有效對話”,從一個詞到一段話,父母說的話讓孩子“鑽不瞭空子”“找不瞭彆扭”。此 外,“蹲下來”的好父母心態貫穿全書始終。蹲下來,對孩子來說是一種極大的關心與理解;是父母關心孩子內心世界的一種方式。它提醒父母適時地要做換位思 考,多站在孩子的角度看問題,先瞭解孩子在想什麼,再解決問題。親子溝通,就從父母蹲下來的這一刻開始。放下傢長權威的架子,和你的孩子做朋友,用愛與尊 重作為引導,讓你的孩子擁有一個健康快樂的童年。當你理解瞭蹲下來的真正含義,你將不僅僅是形式上的蹲下來,而是能真正尊重孩子,去瞭解孩子,尊重他們的 需要,因為我們的孩子是一個獨立的個體,而不是某個人的附屬品,他們有自己的思想,要想與孩子的溝通有效,那要做到換位思考,這樣纔能瞭解孩子,達到有效 的溝通。
The Berenstain Bears and the Baby Chipmunk (I Can Read, Level 1)貝貝熊和花栗鼠寶寶 [平裝] [4-8歲] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025