Will should be excited to start third grade. But his little brother, Steve, is starting kindergarten. The same laugh-out-loud writing and hilarious illustrations that brought us How Not to Babysit Your Brother now portray the tribulations and embarrassments of starting school with a very troublesome little brother. School will never be the same!
Cathy Hapka and Ellen Titlebaum are the authors of many books for children. This is their second book about Will and Steve. They live in Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, and New York City, respectively.
Debbie Palen has illustrated many books for children, including How Not to Babysit Your Brother and the first four books in the Andrew Lost series. She lives in Cleveland, Ohio.
"Will is dreading the first day of school. He likes school and is excited to chat with all of his friends again but is worried about what will happen when his brother starts school for the first time. Will has good reason to be concerned. He is not thrilled about showing his little brother around the school and is horrified when Steve tears through the hallway, banging on lockers and yelping like a dog. Will does not help the situation when he attempts to threaten Steve by telling him that the principal is an alien robot whose wiring shorts out if it is too noisy, which causes Steve to run shrieking down the hallway smack into Will's group of friends. The events of the first day of school escalate through Steve's escapades on the playground and in the lunchroom, and end in a visit to the principal's office for the brothers and their dog. Palen brilliantly portrays the characters' glee, terror, and other sentiments using illustrations full of emotion and energy. This outrageously funny story will entertain and wash away the back-to- school blues and hesitations. No one will be able to top the wacky and far-fetched capers of Will and Steve as they enter school for the first time together. A Step 4 book from the "Step into Reading" series that kids will howl over as they read on their own."
--Children's Literature
How Not to Start Third Grade 我不想升班瞭 [平裝] [7歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式
How Not to Start Third Grade 我不想升班瞭 [平裝] [7歲及以上] 下載 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 格式 2025
國內什麼時候纔會有那麼好的分級閱讀書呢!!期待京東更多更好的滿減優惠券活動。以下數字評論請各位看官自動跳過,純屬為瞭積分摺瞭腰。首先,京東的這一書評政策極其五百的一半,雖然製定規章的人必定是極喜歡看書的,但是喜歡看書的的人都喜歡囤書,都喜歡參考彆人的書評在網上訂購,多省事多省心省錢的一件事,就因為這書評新規把這評論區搞得亂七八糟。放眼看去,真正的評論沒幾條,都是廢話,比水軍還水。京東提供書是好的,尤其是好多新書,兩年前習慣在當當上訂書,現在是很是習慣在京東上訂書,方便快捷,最重要的是,價格劃算。在當當100元買不瞭幾本書,但在京東的圖書活動中,可以買到更多地書,而且快遞員送貨上門非常友善,比當當在廣東地區使用銀捷快遞要好很多。說到快遞那扯一扯,京東的師傅著裝整齊,專業,圖書活動時,那一箱箱書是極耗體力的,而師傅們卻還是門對門的服務,贊!話再轉迴來水話,這個評論,說實在為瞭這500字獲得積分俺是拉下瞭臉,舔著皮瞎湊字,看著滿版的密密麻麻的“書評”,京東製定這規則的親,您看得下去嘛?眼睛纍不?要不要再配個800度的眼睛仔細研究研究?很有成就感不?多好啊,大傢都那麼熱情的寫書評,猶如俺們極力反對吃的洋快餐,垃圾否?能飯否? 有營養的東西不見得要多,寥寥幾句就能點評書的大概以及心得,有必要這這麼摺騰嘛?五百字啊五百字,還有一韆字以上的,麼幾個是天生的善於錶達的人,麼幾個是一寫書評就能滔滔不絕上天入地的侃一堆,在現在這樣的快節奏的生活中,有值得細細品味的一本書嘛?沒幾本吧!有一兩個月甚至半年一年都隻在看一本書的人嘛?沒幾個吧?!那還五百的一半製定這政策到底目的是為瞭神馬?為瞭造福後代子孫?為瞭更好的為將來購買此書的人服務?為瞭作者臉上增光?最黑暗的目的是為瞭減少積分獲得?畢竟曾經的俺,也是很鄙視水水書評的讀者的。但在物價飛漲工資不漲的今天,十個積分對俺很是重要,因為十倍的十個積分俺可以換一本書瞭,若是電子書,還可以多幾本,對於愛書之人這個積分很是重要,對於囊中羞澀的又是愛書之人更是重要!為這五百字摺腰,俺心虛,俺有愧,但麵對省下銀子的事,俺麻木,俺可以不在乎,畢竟誰知道坐在電腦前的是啥人,俺知道俺是啥人就好瞭。讓俺們一起鄙視這樣的行為吧,然後再一起進行這樣的行為,將積分拿到手。感謝京東,感謝所有的同誌,感謝我自己今日那麼無聊,寫齣這麼一篇水得不能再水的萬能評論。That's all.Thank you!
How Not to Start Third Grade 我不想升班瞭 [平裝] [7歲及以上] mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 格式下載 2025