The Missing Mummy[丢失的木乃伊] 英文原版 [平装] [6-9岁] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2024
The Missing Mummy[丢失的木乃伊] 英文原版 [平装] [6-9岁] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书A_to_Z_Mysteries是非常不错的一套原版英语小人书。孩子在读三年级,对这套书兴趣很大,一般一本书花两个晚上就读完了。每次看到一半就开始猜结局,而且往往能猜中。原版书都有点贵的,所以特地趁着活动才入手了几本。剩下没凑齐的就看以后的活动了。这套书的每一本都不算厚,跟别的原版书一样,也是再生纸印刷的,很轻,纸张颜色比较灰,但阅读起来不伤眼,字体也比较大。总之,活动时候买还是很值得的。5分~
评分不错 真不错!就是单词有点儿难。
评分很不错的章节书,值得收藏和阅读。朋友推荐我加入14360260群有团购价。 RON ROY has been writing books for children since 1974. He is the author of dozens of books, including the popular A to Z Mysteries, Capital Mysteries, and Calendar Mysteries. When not working on a new book in his Connecticut home, Ron likes to teach tricks to his dog Pal, play poker with friends, travel, and read thrilling mystery books. The books are quite readable for young readers. Our first grader reads and understands what is taking place. There's not a lot of difficult language or concepts, and the author quite often takes the time to describe or define a term that might not be all that familiar to a youngster. Our daughter as learned a bit of patience in this regard. She's eager to ask if there's a work she doesn't understand, but she now trusts the author to explain things in the very next sentence. JOHN STEVEN GURNEY has illustrated many books for children, including the entire A to Z Mysteries series and Scholastic's popular Bailey School Kids series. The mysteries are usual
The Missing Mummy[丢失的木乃伊] 英文原版 [平装] [6-9岁] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2024