Lyra and her daemon return as she and 12-year-old Will Parry are in a desperate flight for Will's life. They are drawn closer to Will's father and to the Subtle Knife, a deadly, magical, ancient tool that cuts windows between worlds. Through it all, the pair are drawn deeper and deeper into a fierce battle they may not survive.
With The Golden Compass Philip Pullman garnered every accolade under the sun. Critics lobbed around such superlatives as "elegant," "awe-inspiring," "grand," and "glittering," and used "magnificent" with gay abandon. Each reader had a favorite chapter--or, more likely, several--from the opening tour de force to Lyra's close call at Bolvangar to the great armored-bear battle. And Pullman was no less profligate when it came to intellectual firepower or singular characters. The d?mons alone grant him a place in world literature. Could the second installment of his trilogy keep up this pitch, or had his heroine and her too, too sullied parents consumed him? And what of the belief system that pervaded his alternate universe, not to mention the mystery of Dust? More revelations and an equal number of wonders and new players were definitely in order.
The Subtle Knife offers everything we could have wished for, and more. For a start, there's a young hero--from our world--who is a match for Lyra Silvertongue and whose destiny is every bit as shattering. Like Lyra, Will Parry has spent his childhood playing games. Unlike hers, though, his have been deadly serious. This 12-year-old long ago learned the art of invisibility: if he could erase himself, no one would discover his mother's increasing instability and separate them.
As the novel opens, Will's enemies will do anything for information about his missing father, a soldier and Arctic explorer who has been very much airbrushed from the official picture. Now Will must get his mother into safe seclusion and make his way toward Oxford, which may hold the key to John Parry's disappearance. But en route and on the lam from both the police and his family's tormentors, he comes upon a cat with more than a mouse on her mind: "She reached out a paw to pat something in the air in front of her, something quite invisible to Will." What seems to him a patch of everyday Oxford conceals far more: "The cat stepped forward and vanished." Will, too, scrambles through and into another oddly deserted landscape--one in which children rule and adults (and felines) are very much at risk. Here in this deathly silent city by the sea, he will soon have a dustup with a fierce, flinty little girl: "Her expression was a mixture of the very young--when she first tasted the cola--and a kind of deep, sad wariness." Soon Will and Lyra (and, of course, her d?mon, Pantalaimon) uneasily embark on a great adventure and head into greater tragedy.
As Pullman moves between his young warriors and the witch Serafina Pekkala, the magnetic, ever-manipulative Mrs. Coulter, and Lee Scoresby and his hare dmon, Hester, there are clear signs of approaching war and earthly chaos. There are new faces as well. The author introduces Oxford dark-matter researcher Mary Malone; the Latvian witch queen Ruta Skadi, who "had trafficked with spirits, and it showed"; Stanislaus Grumman, a shaman in search of a weapon crucial to the cause of Lord Asriel, Lyra's father; and a serpentine old man whom Lyra and Pan can't quite place. Also on hand are the Specters, beings that make cliff-ghasts look like rank amateurs.
Throughout, Pullman is in absolute control of his several worlds, his plot and pace equal to his inspiration. Any number of astonishing scenes--small- and large-scale--will have readers on edge, and many are cause for tears. "You think things have to be possible," Will demands. "Things have to be true!" It is Philip Pullman's gift to turn what quotidian minds would term the impossible into a reality that is both heartbreaking and beautiful.
--Kerry Fried
Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy now appears in sophisticated trade paperback editions, each title embossed within a runic emblem of antiqued gold. The backdrop of The Golden Compass: His Dark Materials, Book I sports a midnight blue map of the cosmos with the zodiacal ram at its center. The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass carry similarly intriguing cover art, and all three titles offer details not seen in the originals: in Compass and Knife, for example, Pullman's stamp-size b&w; art introduces each chapter; Spyglass chapters open with literary quotes from Blake, the Bible, Dickinson and more.
--Publishers Weekly
The Subtle Knife (His Dark Materials, Book 2)[黑质三部曲2:魔法神刀] 英文原版 [平装] [10岁及以上] 下载 mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 格式 2025
The Subtle Knife (His Dark Materials, Book 2)[黑质三部曲2:魔法神刀] 英文原版 [平装] [10岁及以上] 下载 mobi epub pdf 电子书相信你一定也能从书中懂得人生的真谛! 读书的感觉真好!朋友,多读书吧!
评分有什么事能像阅读一样做起来简单却成效显著呢? 读书给孩子听就像和孩子说话,同样基于以下的理由:树立孩子的信心,带来欢笑,拉近彼此的距离;告诉孩子信息或向孩子解释问题,引发孩子的好奇心,激励孩子。在朗读中,我们还可以: ·在孩子的脑海中,将阅读与愉悦联系在一起。 ·创造背景知识。 ·建立词汇基础。 ·树立一个阅读的典范。 让我们看看终身阅读者是如何培养出来的。许多教育界人士忽略了两项有关阅读的基本“人生事实”。少了这两个定律的相互作用,教育改革的成效将微乎其微。 阅读定律一:人类是喜欢享乐的。 阅读定律二:阅读是积累渐进的技能。 现在我们来研究定律一:人类是喜欢享乐的。对于能给自己带来快乐的事,人们会自愿地反复去做。我们去自己喜欢的餐厅,点自己喜欢的食物,听自己喜欢的音乐电台,探望自己喜欢的亲戚。反之,对于自己讨厌的食物、音乐及亲戚,我们则避之唯恐不及。这不仅是一条定律,更是一个心理上的事实。当我们的感官将电子与化学信息发送到大脑中的“有趣区”或“无趣区”时,人就会作出正面或负面的反应。 美国自然历史博物馆一位杰出的动物心理学家,将所有行为分成两种简单的反应:接近与回避。我们接近带来快乐的事,回避带来痛苦或不愉快的事。 愉快就像胶水一样,能粘住我们的注意力,但只朝喜欢的方向吸引。当欣赏一部电影时,我们就会沉浸其中;不再喜欢时,这种投入的情绪即告中断。这种情况几乎适用于所有我们愿意去做的事。每当我们给孩子朗读时,就会发送一个“愉悦”信息到孩子的脑中,甚至将之称为“广告”亦不为过,因为朗读让孩子把书本、印刷品与愉悦画上等号。然而,很多时候,“不愉快”却和“阅读”
The Subtle Knife (His Dark Materials, Book 2)[黑质三部曲2:魔法神刀] 英文原版 [平装] [10岁及以上] mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 格式下载 2025